Chapter 10

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Gumball and co. traverse through the maze-like area smashing through thousands of buildings and debris from Amity Park and Elmore to reach the Toon Force! Penny blasts through all the rubble with her fireballs smiling and graciously darting forward!

Gumball riding Dragon Penny: Aw yeah!

Anais: Stop enjoying this! Stop enjoying this!

Momo holding Anais: I think I see the Toon Force way over there by those towers stacked against each other!

Richard: Great! But how're we all gonna get through that portal they said they have?

Bobert: I believe we may already have the answer. (Points to ruins)

In the ruins, a rocket ship resembling the Ghost Assault Vehicle sits against a dirty waterfall at the edge of the planet surface. Penny drops Gumball and Alt. Anais off with her left wing to check out the shuttle, seeing that it's suffered from damage from the planetary collision but patched up by the rest of the gang standing in and out of it.

Ashi: Ah, there you are!

Momo hugging Ashi: Hey Master.

Spongebob: YOU'VE MADE IT! (Shakes Gumball's hand) Nice to meet you little guy!

Gumball: Is this, uh...Is this the new guy I heard on our group chat?

Danny: Yep! His name is Spongebob Squarepants! We used to be buds back in the day with our old team. Isn't that right?

Spongebob: Right! And what's your name?

Gumball: Gumball. But you can just call me GB. (Leans over to Penny) Don't ask why, but this guy's giving me the 'I will never let you go' vibes.

Penny: Honey, please. At least show some respect. My name is Penny! Nice to meet you, Mr. Squarepants.

Spongebob: Oh I can't wait to work with you all to save the day again! We've just lost a lotta people, but I'm willing to bet we can get em all back together!

Squidward: There's the confidence we should be scared of coming from him.

Dani: Hey, lighten up guys! We've still got a chance! But we've gotta get in there before anything else bad happens!

Jack Fenton: She's right! I'm booting up the Fenton Ghost Projector right now!

Maddie plugging in the projector to the ship: We're all set, honey!

Jack Fenton pressing a bridge button: Engage!

The small old-fashioned projector in the cockpit of the shuttle activates and successfully projects a large enough ghost portal against the cliff side the ship was sitting on earlier!

Jazz raising her arms: Wohoo!

Patrick and Spongebob: YAY!

Scaramouche: Oh finally! Now we're gettin' somewhere!

Timmy: Let's just hope that Void thing didn't get all the way in there too!

Jazz manning the controls: Everybody get in! We're about to launch!

On the other side of the portal is the Ghost Zone once again, at first seeming relatively normal until the ship enters through. Inside, the space is now corrupted partially by bits and pieces of assets from the Void and black squares and rectangles that seem to be breaking apart the green area around it like frames of glass. The doors leading to other places in and out of the zone are missing or broken, and there aren't any ghosts flying around; an eerily unusual case for the Fentons.

Danny: Oh no... It's worse than I thought...! It DID seep into the Ghost Zone!

Momo: I remember Captain Zange went with her crew to someplace in here. I haven't heard from them either.

Anais: Didn't you say you had a dragon with you?

Momo: Yeah, he went with her on her pirate adventure. I just hope he and the rest are ok.

Carl: I dunno... This place still looks kinda spooky. (Sees random spirit fly past the ship window) WAH! (Falls down)

Timmy: Kinda reminds me of our old adventure together, right Spongebob?

Spongebob reminiscing: Aaah... Those were the days. Good times. Good times...

Sam chuckling: I'll never forget that time all the people of Amity Park were possessed.

Danny: Or when Vlad took residents in Casper High.

Timmy: You mean, where it once stood?

Spongebob, Timmy, and Danny share a laugh together in a brief moment of bonding.

Cindy: I'm glad you guys got to have fun. Jimmy never wanted to bring me on any adventures like that unless I got myself involved with it first.

Timmy: I'm just glad you could come with us for the ones with just Jimmy and me. And ever since the Toon Force was formed, we could do all sorts of things together!

Cindy: All I did was stay home and soak my mother's feet so she wouldn't flake again!

Spongebob, Carl, Momo, Sheen, Gumball, and Richard cringing: Eeeew...

Cindy: Don't worry. I had Jimmy make something to stop that from happening. By the way, don't you guys know where we're even going?

Jazz piloting with Jack Fenton: Yes. I saved the coordinates last time anyone tried to visit Fairy World. Skulker did it years ago when we hadn't crossed over.

Timmy: Wait, HE visited Fairy World?!

Jazz: Yeah, he used to make deals with the Antifairies! Their technology isn't that bad when you try them out. Like this one! (Turns on speaker)

A loud ear piercing frequency plays, causing everyone on board the ship to fall to the floors and cover their ears!

Gumball covering his ears: AGH! MY EARS!

Sheen screaming: IT BUUUURNS!

Flora next to Gumball: MAKE IT STOOP!

Jazz turning off the speaker nervously: O-oops..! Sorry...

Danny: It's ok, sis. We've already been through enough. But we don't wanna end up losing our hearing too!

Maddie: But you have to admit, it was funny!

Jack seeing the portal on the radar: Alright! We're nearing the portal to Dimmwit's Ville now! (Points to the portal near Jazz) That one, over to that platform in front of us!

The portal Jack points to turns out to be incredibly small compared to the size of the Fenton Rocket and the passenger capacity.

Jazz: That's the portal?! It's too small.

Sam: Great..! Now we've gotta get outta here and enter the portal one by one without the ship!

Maddie: Not necessarily. The projector should be able to increase its size. You just need to-

Spongebob looking outside the window: INCOMING!

Danny turning to Spongebob and the window: Wha..?!

Out of virtually nowhere, a stray ecto missile rockets into the Fenton Shuttle and knocks it off course! It rocks everyone in the passenger section to the left side and jerks the pilots forward, smacking Jazz's face into the steering stick!

Jazz still clenching the sticks: Aow!

Maddie struggling with the controls: We're out of control! (Turns to Jazz and feels her forehead)


Sheen, Carl, Squidward, Spongebob, and Patrick hug each other and scream! Danny and Dani pull themselves together and go intangible, phasing through the bottom of the shuttle to lift it toward the broken street platform where the Ghost Portal sits. The weight of the vessel causes them to accidentally drop the ship and fall out of range, causing the shuttle to make a huge crash landing against the hard surface! The cockpit is completely smashed into the ground while the passenger side is flipped upside down! The interior is equally damaged and starts catching on fire, but Flora has everyone underneath her round shield tucked against her stomach!

Flora: You guys alright?

Gumball feeling against Flora's breasts: Yeah... Cozy and shocked, but alright.

Spongebob: Where's Danny?!

Sam: He and Daniella went outside. We have to find them!

Jazz in the broken cockpit: Uuugh...

Sam: Huh..? (Shifts through debris to bridge) Jazz..?

The cockpit is completely totaled. The interior is warped to the point where it's inaccessible. The only person in it is Jazz, who's still sitting in her seat partially crushed against bits of the control panel and the road broken into against her stomach. The rest of Jazz above her stomach is battered and her black clothes have been torn while her forehead bleeds from the impact of the crash.

Sam scrambling to Jazz' back: JAZZ!

Jazz barely facing Sam in pain: Don't...! I'll be fine. Just go find Danny and get outta here..! NOW!

Sam reluctantly does as Jazz wants and crawls back outside the ship with everyone else before the fires inside spread even further. Once everyone is evacuated, the shuttle starts to combust and fully destroys itself from the inside out taking Jazz in the process! Sam stumbles in shock, but this doesn't last long as yet another missile explodes onto the ground! Just above the Toon Force is Skulker, hovering with his jetpack aiming a massive red ecto cannon at the group.

Sam hesitating: Skulker..?!

Walker hovering from underneath Skulker: Neither of you had gone to the Trash Bin or been absorbed. (Squints) That's against the rules...

Skulker aims his gun again with his right arm, when suddenly, Dani comes to the rescue shoving her fist into Skulker's right cheek sending him far from the others! Sam seizes the opportunity to shoot her small but powerful ecto wrist ray at Walker, but he shields himself with a pink wall that shatters on impact and blows him back a few inches! In retaliation, he lifts his left forearm commanding hundreds upon thousands of ghosts behind him to rise and charge forward. And unlike their normal selves, they all either have red or a menacing purple aura around them; some having glitched particles warping their very forms.

Timmy: Are you kidding me..?! Now the whole Ghost Zone's after us!

Chester balling his fists: There's so many of em! We've gotta get outta here, pronto!

Desiree in the distance: I don't think so...

A pink and purple mist surrounds Chester, AJ, Sheen, Carl, Scaramouche, and Flora. Flora prepares herself and gathers the boys beside her looking for the spirit.

Scaramouche: Oh, I know how it is! (Takes out flute and plays tune)

The clouds start shifting away from the heroes exposing the Ghost Portal in front of them and Ember, who seemed to have been waiting on them to finish. Desiree poofs into reality beside her and covers her ears.

Ember: How bout a love song?! (Shreds guitar)

Ember shreds her guitar and shoves everyone far from her face! Spongebob bounces across the platform and almost falls off the edge, thankfully rescued by Dani when she jets over to his aid to catch him by the shoulders!

Dani: I've got ya, Sponge!

Spongebob: We've gotta go back for Danny!

Dani: That's what I'm gonna do.

Momo: Count me in!

Alt. Anais: A-ah-ah! You're not going anywhere, Momo. Not without me or Bob!

Bobert: I will accompany you.

Momo: I don't want you to get hurt, Bobert! I've gotta get out there! You leave and take care of the other you...(Looks around) wherever he is, and Mom! I-I mean, young Mom! I mean... (Pulls out sword) Daogh, you get the idea!

Momo and her mother charge into the fight. Lydia gets in front of Anais, both palms fully charged in a red blaze. The tall rabbit is quick to react, taking her left foot and performing a kick with her shin into the ghost lady's neck! Hotep intervenes and shoots out a set of his bandages like tentacles over to Momo to keep her sword down, but she simply lets go of it leaps onto his face knocking him over! The Vultures try sweeping her off from the ground. Their efforts, however, are thwarted by Flora when she slings her shield like a frisbee into them!

Flora pointing toward Chester and AJ: Look out!

AJ and Chester are cornered by the great behemoth's long tail and about to be crushed by heavy loads of cargo from the Box Ghost! The behemoth is too busy holding the two in place, so Carl and Sheen find a few feathers from the vultures and use them to tickle the monster's belly! He squirms and giggles, letting go of the two men and giving AJ a chance to equip his latest gadget. A button strapped to his palms that shoots out red lasers! He blasts Box Ghost away and Scaramouche uses his flute's tune to gravitate the boxes before they fall. Bullet gets behind him to try and fight back with a punch, only for Chester to get in front of him and block the knuckles with only the braces in his teeth!

Bullet waving his hand around: Ouch..!

Chester: Now I know why I never got these removed! (Throws punch to Bullet's face)

Bullet falls back accidentally shooting his gun into the back of Scaramouche's left heel! It doesn't hurt him but it does cause a slight malfunction he quickly takes note of.

Scaramouche: Uh oh! (Morphs Heels into Wheels) Oh..! (Rolls away) WOOAAAH!

The Executioner Ghost gets close to Squidward ready to slash his head off with his axe!

Executioner: Prepare for judgment.

Squidward covering his forehead: AAAGH!

Suddenly in the mix, Scaramouche knocks Squidward out of the way of the chop as he rolls by! The Executioner gives a surprised look at the two seeing the assassin holding the octopus in his arms by sheer accident! The men look at each other for a moment in shock then back forward seeing a ramp at the very back of the platform!

Scaramouche and Squidward holding each other: AAAAAAGH!

Both Squidward and Scaramouche hop across the ramp into the air successfully! Just below them, however, Danny, still dazed from his fall, recovers and stands straight up surveying the area.

Danny: Ugh... (Taps comm button in ear) Timmy..? Timmy, you there?

Timmy on the other end: I'm here, bro! Where'd ya go? Mini you is looking for you!

Danny: I fell somewhere in the crevice at the back of the platform. It's really deep and I get the feeling someone is coming to kill me here.

Timmy: Try and stay close! We'll help ya out!

Danny: And what about mom and dad?

Timmy: I dunno-

Before Timmy could finish, Danny's comm piece glitches and stutters from interference! He gasps in pain and from the noise! He removes it and tries to repair it, only to find that it broke itself from shock. Behind Danny, Technus descends from above him with his usual cocky smile.

Technus: That tech the whippy dip gave ya sure ain't doin' wonders no more, huh?

Danny: Technus..?! Can't say I wasn't looking forward to seeing you here. What sorta virus IS this thing to get into the Ghost Zone?!

Technus: Take a wild guess!

Aragon in his dragon form swoops down and grabs onto Danny's shoulders carrying him across the trench!

Danny getting carried: Aragon..?!

Shadow Dragon Aragon: Your time has come, Phantom!

Aragon slams and grinds Danny across the side of the Trench from the bottom to the top! He let's go of him and continues to boost upward leaving Danny open for an attack from Dorothea and the Archer riding atop her back. He aims his crossbow and fires 4 arrows at the Ghost boy who simply turns intangible and let's them pass through him.

Danny: You guys are infected too?! (Gets frozen by Klemper) Ngh..! (Falls into trench)

Danny crashes at the bottom of the trench again and shatters the ice around him. As he gets up, Klemper, Dorothea, Technus, Vortex, Spectra, Walker, and Skulker surround him.

Danny raising his hands: Guys, guys! Look there's plenty of me to go around, but we're already on good terms here. Why don't we just talk this out and see exactly who's making you do this?

Skulker: You already know, boy. The virus is our new master!

Dorothea: It's what will bring us salvation!

Danny: Salvation..?

Technus: Yeah! It's what's gonna get us to the Elsewhereness AND out of reality!

Danny thinking back: Yeah... I've heard of this before. One ghost got there? Something like an afterlife?

Walker: True afterlife. The old nomad, Sojourn, was the only one to do it and never returned. Now we know why. Most of us here aren't exactly spirits, but we know there's something out there no one but the few were able to find.

Danny: Look, I dunno what it is you guys are talking about, but this isn't you. You should be yelling at us to get off your lawns or stopping to say "Hey." Not killing us!

Spectra: You naive fool. Do you honestly think we'd care if you were alive or dead?!

Danny: No. Not most of you anyway. But still, that virus is bad juju and you know it! I've gotta break you guys out of it before it corrupts you even further! Just look what it's doing to the Ghost Zone! Your home!

Danny points over to the left of the field showing that the TV Static from the Void is now seeping into the Ghost Zone tearing the very fabric of their reality like shredded paper and broken computer files!

Skulker: It can't be any worse than living here. And now that the program is exposed, we can finally leave this place! (Aims ecto launcher)

Spectra: I hope you're ready for this, mentally and physically... (Fires red ecto beam)

Danny ducks just underneath the laser and goes intangible through the ground and up behind Skulker. He spin kicks him away, but Walker notices him and charges into Danny's side with his ecto shield! The poor man gets rammed into the side of a wall and pinned down to the floor! Aragon returns and he and Dorothea breath purple and hot red fire onto him! When they stop, Danny just barely has his green shield above him which Vortex quickly shatters with a whip of his arm! He points to his foe's face as large blue lightning strikes down from a pink cloud just above him! Electrocuted, Danny struggles to lift himself from the ground and is left awestruck at his foes turning against him once more. After a brief pause, Danny takes a deep breath and shouts his Ghostly Wail! Mostly everyone gets blown into

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