Act 5: Step

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Diluc pushed the mashed herbs against Aether's thigh.
"It's healing up nicely. I'll ask Barbara when you can walk."

Aether sighed.
"I'll be lucky if i can limp."

"And here i was getting used to carrying you everywhere.
Diluc finished wrapping the fresh bandages and stood up.
"There we go. I mainly have paperwork today. You could read in my office if you like."


Guilt still tugged at diluc every time he heard Aether's monotone voice. Sometimes it felt like there wasn't a drop of passion left in him. He had to remind himself that his guest had read his way through half his library in only a couple weeks time. He was keeping busy, surviving. Reading was an attempt to keep himself invested in the world around him. As long as he did that, he would find his way to life again.

"Right, ready?"


Diluc put his first arm under Aether's legs, his second behind his back. He pulled him close and lifted him off the bed. Aether held his book against his chest, not wanting it to fall.

Chairs had started to move in dawn winery. A spare table that was rarely used soon found itself alone, its furniture friends placed in each room Diluc had invited Aether to. Sometimes they talked, sometimes the knight just listened. His company reassured the tavern owner. It showed him his friend was getting better, even if only a bit.

The lonely chair felt out of place in Diluc's office. It clearly came from a different set meant for a livingroom. It had a soft cushion and a comfortable back, making sure you could sit on it for hours without pain.

Diluc placed Aether on the chair and walked up to his desk. On it lay a pile of documents. Wine orders, wine deliveries, empty wine bottle retrievals. He didn't even like wine...

These tasks used to be even more boring. He was grateful for the company of his friend. Just knowing Aether was there, that he was okay, was enough.

He slid the first paper off the pile and groaned at the amount of signing and reading he was about to do.


Barbara's cheerful personality felt out of place in the winery. She felt this herself, awkwardly shuffling her feet from left to right as waited. Aether wasn't in his room. she was supposed to check on his leg today! How could she do that if she didn't know where he was? The building was big and intimidating to her. Nothing like the wide open brightness of the church. She didn't want to open doors and hope for the best. Waiting for someone to show up would have to do.

It took about fifteen minutes before Adelinde happened to pass the main hall.
"Barbara! I didn't know you arrived."

"I couldn't find anyone, do you know where Aether is?"

"Yes of course, i'll take you."

It was a short walk away from the winery. Diluc was going over deliveries as horsecarts came and went. Double checking their cargo, keeping track of who left and who returned. Behind him sat Aether on an out of place chair, clearly carried there just for him.

Barbara ran towards them.
"Aether! What are you doing outside? you weren't supposed to walk yet!"

"I carried him here."

Diluc's comment surprised the nun. She had always assumed him to dislike physical contact. With his outfit covering his body and him always keeping his distance... Maybe he wasn't as much of a loner as she thought.

She kneeled in front of Aether, slowly unwrapping his leg.
"This is looking pretty good! It'll scar but you shouldn't have too much damage. Can you try standing?"

She stood up and reached out her hand. Aether put one hand on her shoulder and used the other to push himself up from the chair. It was shakey but he stood.

"Do you think you can take a few steps?"
She still sounded worried.

Aether took a step... then another...

Neither of them noticed Diluc observing with bated breath. Watching his friend recover physically gave him hope that his mind could recover too. He had to find things to make him enjoy life again.

That was what he missed most. Aether's curiousity. After the success of getting him to go outside it became more obvious. Aether with sit with Diluc as he did his work. Signing papers, recording profits and sales. Through all of it Aether had been quiet. He hadn't asked what Diluc was doing and he hadn't asked why he was doing it. The world didn't interest him anymore.

That was to be his next goal. Restore Aether's inquisitive nature.

He returned to his work as his friend practiced walking with Barbara. It was nice to know he didn't have to watch over him every waking moment.

Aether found his leg to be weaker than he remembered. He walked a bit crooked and it cost him more energy that normal to use his damaged leg. Still, he could take the steps Barbara guided him through. If he keeps this up he might be able to fight again. He missed wielding his sword.

She was glad to see how well he'd recovered.
"You should practice for thirty minutes four times a day. Send for me if you're in pain or strugge to walk."

The nun turned to Diluc.
"You'll need to scedule someone to help him with these exercises."

He nodded, thinking of how to free up his busy days to include these moments.

Barbara helped Aether back to his chair and sat him down.
"Now, I still need to check on your eye."

Aether's monotone replies again. He answered questions but rarely fueled the conversation himself. He spoke only when it was required, never more.

The bandages made way to reveal a vertical scar. It moved from his cheek to his brow, split in half by his eye. The white was stained red, irritated from the dried blood that had once covered it. His iris was glazed over with grey tissue.

Barbara ran her fingers along the scar and gently pulled the eye open just a bit further to inspect it.
"This seems to have healed impressively well too. It'll stay blind but at least we won't have to remove it."

"That was a possibility?"
Diluc didn't like that idea.

"It was the expected outcome. It's a miracle neither of his wounds got infected, he's very lucky."

Aether didn't say anything. he rubbed his scar with his hand, trying to familiarize himself with this new state his body was in.

Barbara was glad her job here was done for today. These two made a gloomy bunch. One was quiet and seemed to live in regret, the other got grumpier every time he was reminded of his friend's situation. She knew it was because he worried but that didn't make his reactions any more pleasant.

"Right, i'll be taking my leave. Contact me if anything changes. I'll come see how you're doing in two weeks."

The girl walked away feeling uneasy. She was so used to healing through joy and smiles, she felt useless here. Why did she have to be nurse to the only two people in Mondstadt that never smiled?

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