Ideas at the sleep over part 2

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They finally sat down and started to watch the movie

Time skip (what I don't know what happens it's just them watching a movie or for an hour )

After the movie , Tony thought to himself as he has a crush on Colin he will make a Colin plushie tomorrow afternoon because no one will be there !
They ended up spending most of the night telling stories and doing dares , you know the normal stuff . They became real close besties untilllll Colin decided it would be fun to read some of Tony's diary ( witch thankfully didn't talk about anyone but how sketch had a crush on him and how she got crushed !) .... " TONY YOUR SPELLINg IS TERRIBLE!!!!!" Colin yelled in laughter " T-That was 2 Y-YEARS ago Colin , I COULDN'T SPELL RIGHT" the more Colin read the more he laughed ! He got to the end pretty fast ( tony didn't like to wright he just loved to read ) he was trying to pretend shocked when he read about sketch and also not to faint in laughter. He put the book down a got a glass of water ( that would not hurt him if he consumed it prop ally) to calm him down .

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