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T H U N D E R B O O M E D off the walls of the mostly empty house. Breathing was the only sound apparent in the entire place. The early morning hours dwindled into afternoon, although the sky darkened with clouds resembled more of an evening feeling. Darren Crowley had not yet returned from his weekend call-in, and his daughter had a feeling he would be there until the late hours of the night. To pass her time, after he had warded off her unwanted visitor, Santana invited Paul to stay a while. In reality, it wasn't out of courtesy, but instead out of the deep seeded feelings she had for him. She couldn't bear him leaving. Not after the days she'd spend a part from him.

Just his aura in the house made her feel at peace. She had fallen for him but was scared to admit it. How could she give one person all power over her again. After all, it didn't work for her before. Jacob destroyed her trust, and Paul surely could build it up again, but the time it would take for that was almost agonizing to wait in. Little did she know he'd wait for as long as she wanted. She knew what she was to him, but he had reason to believe she didn't understand it to it's full intent. She was all he could ever want, or need. His love for her ran deeper than any love anybody had for another. All she had to do was say the words and that's what he would be. He wasn't going anywhere.

"I thought you had forgotten about me." Santana admitted, shattering the silence in the room. Paul's chest fell in a scoff as he pulled her small form closer to him in the bed they shared.

"As if that could ever happen. I didn't want to push my luck any further. I figured I strained the relationship enough that night on the roof. I didn't want to make things any worse." His words were soft and hurt her to hear. He couldn't ruin what they had in a million years. She'd never felt this way with anybody but him, and she was positive she never would.

His statement echoed in her ears as the rain splattered against the roof. She couldn't bear the thought of him being down on himself, especially if she may have made him feel that way. She sat up and his arms fell from around her. She turned to make eye contact and slowly lowered her face down to his, and gently pressed her mouth to his. His heart exploded with emotion, and he reached up to grab her face in his hands. Her body melted into him in bliss as his warm flesh met her own. Their lips moved in unison, only in a way that two things that were meant to be together could. It was like putting the last piece into the puzzle that took an eternity to finish.

He sat up with her in time, and moved his hands around her small frame. She pivoted in a way to give her more access to the boy in front of her. The desire that they both experienced in that moment could never compare to anything else. Paul felt like he'd been waiting his whole life for this moment, and now that it was finally here he wasn't letting it slip away. In reality, the kiss lasted only a minute, but it could never be long enough for the two of them. They would always be left wanting more. They could never get enough of each other. When the two finally broke apart, neither moved away. They let their lips linger over each other's, afraid if they parted they could never get it back.

Santana pressed her mouth to his once more in a soft, slow manner. When she pulled away this time, it was far enough she could look him in the eyes. "If you ruined things then so did I." Her voice barely above a whisper. "Wild horses couldn't drag me away from you."


"Shut up, it was a Rolling Stones reference."

"I know, but wolves sounds better." He grinned, still breathless. He looked glorious under the minimal lighting shining in from the window. It illuminated his face in the slightest manner, but she could still see his eyes glisten and his smile radiate through the room. She swallowed hard, her heart pounding against her chest.

"I want you." She paused as his grip on her tightened slightly. "I want nothing else but you. You're my world, and I want to be with you." His heart swelled with affection. "Just give it a little more time." Just as he was brought up, he was knocked down. He nodded in understanding and she lifted her hand to his face. Her thumb glided over the warm skin and she sighed. "Until that day, my feelings will stay the same. You couldn't do anything to change them. I want this. Just not at this moment. Let me have you as a friend first. Let me get over Jacob."

"Okay." Was all he said. She hoped and prayed she didn't hurt him with her words. That wasn't her intent. She just wanted him to understand that no matter how much he meant to her, right now wasn't the time. His rigid stance relaxed as she looked into his eyes. He could never be upset around her. She made everything seemed like it would be okay, even when it wasn't. "Just kiss me once more, then I swear I can wait."

A smile erupted on her face as she leaned into him once more. He held her body close to his and savoured it. He didn't want to let her go. As she pulled away she sighed. "Just promise not to disappear on me again. Those were the worst days of my life."

"It killed me. I swear I'm not gonna do that again. You're gonna have a hard time getting rid of me." He assured her.

"That's just the way I like it." She kissed his cheek. Heat rose to his face and he looked away with a smile. He opened his mouth to say something but cut himself off. He looked towards the window and nearly pushed her off of him. "Paul, what's up? What's going on." He sprang off the bed and walked over to the fogged glass. His body went still as he watched intently. Santana stood and walked up behind him. She placed her hand on his shirtless back, but he didn't budge.

"Pack a bag, right now." She stared at him in confusion and he swung around to look at her. "Don't make me do it for you, Santana. Please just do it." He said and walked out of her bedroom. She heard his footsteps rush down the stairs and she settled with unease. She grabbed a track back and started stuffing it with clothes. She grabbed makeup, toiletries and her phone charger. Nothing else she needed crossed her mind. She zipped it and threw a sweater on. She slung her bag over her shoulder and rushed down the stairs to find Paul waiting by the door.

"Can you tell me what's going on now?" Her words were frantic. He grabbed her hand and pulled her out the door and rushed her to his fathers truck. He thanked god that he had let him borrow it today. He opened the door for her and ushered her in. He shut it and ran to the other side, getting in himself. He locked the doors and stuck the key in the ignition, starting it immediately. He stated driving as soon as he got the chance. "Paul, please."

"There's a bloodsucker here. And it's not one of the Cullen's."

"What do you mean? Like nearby? In the town?"

"No, it was outside your house." His arms were rigid with anger, and he was nearly shaking. "I'm taking you back to the reservation. I'll take you to Emily's place and then the boys and I are gonna go out. You'll be a lot safer there."

"What about you? I don't want you to get hurt." She lifted the armrest slid over to the middle seat, and placed her hand on his arm. He laughed at her statement.

"Tana, we were made to kill these things. They aren't going to hurt me." He said cockily.

"Don't say that, because god knows what could happen Paul." She reached and placed her hand over his second hand on the steering wheel. He loosened his grip and dropped his arm to hold her hand in his.

"We've been doing this for a long time, babe." Her breath caught in her throat at his words. "I'm gonna make it back, don't worry your pretty little head about it. In the meantime, just keep yourself safe. We'll leave two home with you, to protect the grounds just in case she decides to come on our ground. We can't leave you and the other girls unprotected."

"But why was she in my yard? What does she want with me?" Pauls hand moved down and flicked on his signal light as he took the cutoff towards La Push.

"Revenge, I could only imagine. It was the same redheaded leech that was after Bella. Maybe didn't like us protecting her, and wants to hurt us. She wants to throw us off, maybe. To change our path so she can get to Bella. I don't know, Tan. I really don't." She just held onto his hand tighter. She didn't feel okay with the situation at all, but she trusted Paul. She felt safe with him and the boys. They wouldn't let anything happen to her.

"What about my dad?" She said in a sudden strike of anxiety.

"We won't let anything happen to him either, I promise Santana. I won't let anything hurt you or your family. It's going to be fine."

"How long has she been after Bella? I mean if you guys haven't caught her yet who's saying you ever will?"

"A year maybe. She just started coming around. She's fast, really fast. I'll give her that. But she's not smart. She keeps coming back. Somethings fuelling her and once we can outsmart her she's done. She won't have a chance. Have a little faith." He tried joking with her, but his anger was still sleeping through his pores. How dare that vile creature step foot on his imprint's property?

Paul pulled into Emily's driveway and parked, then they both jumped out. He lead her into the house, falling straight into a crowd of rambunctious wolves.

"Was it really her?"

"Why didn't you call us?"

"We have to go, now!"

"She's dangerous!"

"How do you guys already know?" Santana was awestruck as they all rambled on to each other.

"We'll explain it later, we have to go." Paul brought her into an embrace. "I love you, and I swear I'll be back soon." Em and Quill are going to stay and patrol the land here. You're safe." He kissed her forehead.

"I love you Paul, please be safe." He didn't reply, but he pulled her into another hug instead. When he let go, him, Sam, Jared, and Jacob all ran out the door and out the driveway.

She turned to Emily who was left standing in the kitchen, and she ushered her over. "Come here honey, they'll be fine. Don't worry."

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