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Paul was mad. Not angry mad; insane. The day he went to Santana's house and instead of finding her happy, sleeping. He found her father dead on the floor. All the life sucked out of him by what he could only presume was a vampires doing. He went to Santana's bedroom, crazed, trying to find her. He was fearful she would be the in the same state as her father. He rampaged the house, breaking through doors. He couldn't find her anywhere. He was in so much pain, not knowing. He was dead struck with fear that she was dead. Or afraid that she had been taken, turned into something he was meant to destroy.

The pack heard his thoughts. They thought it was a sick joke. They thought maybe, he was overreacting. Still, not knowing for sure, they rushed to the house. Within minutes, the doorway was rushed with frantic boys. Sam, Jared, Embry, Quil, and Jacob. Jacob was in pain. His heart was tearing in two. He had just got his best friend back, just to lose her again. At the sight of Darren on the ground, Jacob had to leave the house. He was sick. Knelt down on the browning grass, he was losing everything he ate that morning. Jacob had no idea what this was like for Paul. He had no idea what it would be like to lose an imprint. But he did know what it was like to lose his sister. They may have been soulmates, but Jacob believed nobody loved Santana as much as he did.

Quil joined Jacob outside. He helped him off the ground, and brought him back to reality. "We have to call Charlie." Was all he said. Jacob went back inside, almost tearing the landline from the wall, and dialled the familiar number. When the click signified an answer on the other end, Jacob spoke.

"You have to come to Santana's house. Now." His voice was unsteady, tears spilled onto his cheeks. "It's bad." Was all he said.

Charlie knew that this wasn't a joke. He immediately got into his police cruiser and drove to meet the pack at the house.

Meanwhile, Paul was upstairs. He had given up on searching the house. Instead, he sat down on the bed. Her queen sized bed that was so much bigger than her. He took in the room. The record player on a desk, surrounded by old records. Some bands he had never heard of, but she promised to show him. The scattered clothes on the ground, and the sweet smell of her perfume lingered. The candles on the windowsill, covering a broken lock and the slightly ajar window itself. The shelves mounted to the wall, threatening to break under the weight of her collection of books. He was devoid of feelings. He wasn't sure how he felt. Every nerve in his body ached. He didn't know what to do.

So, if he didn't know what to do, he knew who would. He raced down the stairs, pushed past his brothers and ran out the door. Tears were gathering in his eyes. He made it to the tree line, took off his clothes and he phased. Paws pounding hard against the damp soil and branches lingering the ground. He ran until he saw the familiar house. The door, always open, revealed two pale, perfect beings. The smell disgusted him. He couldn't believe he had to ask their help. It went against every bone in his body, every fibre of his being. But he knew they were the only ones with enough knowledge to help him.

"He doesn't trust us enough to talk to us in his human form." Edward spoke softly to his father. He knew he could read his thoughts.

"Paul, why don't you come in and talk to us. Tell us what happened." Paul let out a hurt growl, but knew it was the best idea.

He phased back. He dressed himself. He walked to the entrance of the house. He broke down. He was crying so hard his legs gave way and he was on his knees on the ground. The two knew something serious had happened. Edward had a hard time reading his thoughts, they were all over the place. He gathered himself and stood up, facing them now. He wiped the tears from his face, embarrassed he showed emotion to them, of all people. They led him inside, sat him on the couch. Carlisle got him a drink. They left a variety in the fridge for Bella.

"The redhead. She killed Darren. She took Santana. I don't know if she's dead, or what. I don't know." His heart broke even more at his words. "I smelled her in the house."

"She wouldn't have killed her. It would make it too easy for you guys. She changed her. I know how she thinks. She must have taken her to Seattle, changed her. She's using her for her own personal gain." Edward spoke dully.

"From what we know about her, she would make an exceptional one of our kind. She doesn't think like a normal human does. She would have strong powers. Strong enough to help her win this fight against us." Carlisle added. Paul was sickened by the older vampires knowledge. He knew they were right.

"So we find her." Edward said simply. Paul was taken back. "We find her before Victoria can use her. We take her in and she can be like us."

"You'd do that for us?" Paul said, wearily.

"She's like our family, too. You guys are fighting this battle with us. You don't have to make the decision. You won't have to kill her." Carlisle said, hard. "We could never make you do that."

"We'll have to find her before the battle. If the Voultori knows she was fighting with a terror group like hers, they'll spare her no mercy." Edward said.

"So we start looking now." Carlisle said simply. Paul was disgusted at the thought of his love being like them, but in no way did he want her to die. He didn't care what she was like. She was his. He was overwhelmed with the kindness the family was giving him. His disgust for them was strong, and he didn't deserve how kind they were being after the way he acted with them.

"Go tell the others. Tonight, we'll start looking. We'll hunt, get stronger. She'll be no match against us if we find her." Edward informed the wolf. Paul nodded, agreeing with the statement.

Paul left the house, his body still in agony. With her gone, he felt empty. Void of purpose. He didn't belong to himself anymore. Yet he was okay with it. He raced back to Santana's home where his brothers were still, joined by Charlie Swan; the chief of police. There was a body bag atop a stretcher that pained him to look at. Jacob was on the ground. He must have sat back down after he left. He hadn't seemed to move. Paul took a seat beside him. He didn't have to say anything. Jacob heard what the Cullens had told him in Paul's head. He knew what had happened. Although now that they had reason to believe this was true, they didn't need it. It made sense. From the dreams, the visit at Paul's house. And Bella. And Jacob. This is how she would hurt them. She would take away one of their own. Use her for leverage. The Santana they knew was gone. Now, they had to find her.

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