Italic = Voices
Narrator POV
The Minecraft family had a gift, wel it was more of a gift combined with a curse. The Minecraft family had Voices, Voices which they all heard, but sometimes these Voices might skip people or generations. Technoblade got his when he was 4 and Wilbur got his at 10, Phil helped the two to control their voices. But this never made Phil neglect Tommy, he was quite fond of all three of his sons. Technoblade heard Voices which craved for blood and violence, while Wilbur on the other hand heard the voices say to create music and to be calm. Tommy got his voices when he was 12 but instead of asking for help to control them he never told anyone. His voices weren't like the other's, his were way more vile, painful and depressing to say the least. His voices would control him most of the time since he didn't know how to control them. So since he had his voices he was way more gloomy and sad all the time. Now Tommy is 17 and goes to college, his brother Wilbur is 21 and goes to college while Techno is 24 and works at an office.
“Tommy breakfast.” called out Phil.
“Yeah.” said Tommy, he got up and slid into his slippers and went down.
“So how's college?” asked Phil.
“It's fine.” said Tommy while pouring himself some milk for the cereal.
“Good, good. Also I forgot to tell you Wilbur would be coming back today, he's going to stay here for quite a few months.” said Phil.
“That's great.” said Tommy while eating his cereal.
“I thought you'd be more excited since Wilbur is your favourite.” said Phil while looking at the gloomy boy.
“Right.” said Tommy while getting up to put his bowl in the sink.
“I'll be heading out for college now.” he said while going up the stairs to grab his bag.
“Sometimes I miss the person he was, so happy and cheerful. What happened to you Tommy?” murmured Phil to himself.
Tommy didn't hear Phil say anything, he did think that he murmured something but didn't care to ask. He went to his dark room and got his bag. He headed down and went out the door to the bus stand where he took the bus to his college. Soon enough the bus arrived and he boarded it. He took his usual seat at the back near the window. After a 15 minute drive they arrived at his college. The national college for editing and filming. (I didn't know any names of editing and filming colleges in England.) Tommy got out and headed to his homeroom. The day went just as usual, he submitted his assignments, they studied about filming and editing and then they went home. It was pouring when their school got over, and since Tommy didn't have an umbrella he ran towards the bus stand for shelter. The bus did arrive before schedule this day and Tommy went in. The bus was a bit empty considering most of the people don't take buses during rains. Tommy was dropped by on the bus stand near his house, he dashed back to his house in the rain and was soaking wet when he arrived back.
“Oh my god Tommy you are soaking wet! Go take a shower, I'll get you clothes.” said Phil.
“Right.” said Tommy while heading up the stairs to his room. He dropped his bag on the floor and went to the living room where Phil handed him a fresh pair of clothes. He headed to the bathroom and took a shower, during his shower he heard the door open and close, someone had just come in. Tommy immediately thought that this was Wilbur. He might not look excited on the outside but he was way more excited on the inside. He got out of the shower and got dressed. He headed downstairs and was met by Wilbur and Phil sitting on the sofa, talking.
“Hey Tommy!” said Will while getting up and hugging Tommy.
“Hello.” said Tommy while hugging him back.
He's faking it... They're all faking it... They don't care... They all hate you... Do it Tommy... You know you want to...
“You know you should be more excited! Be happy Tom!” said Will while separating from the hug.
“Right.” said Tommy.
“Hey, how about you show me your room, and then maybe we could go out for a walk or something, how does that sound?” said Wilbur while ruffling Tommy's hair.
“It's messy.” said Tommy.
“What's messy?” asked Wilbur.
“My room.” replied Tommy.
“Oh, that's fine. My room always used to be messy when I was living here, I mean my dorm room barely has space to walk, it's that messy. So I'm quite sure yours wouldn't be a problem.” said Wilbur, he chuckled a bit while saying that.
“Right.” said Tommy.
“Follow me.” he said while heading up the stairs. They reached a room with a black coloured door.
“We're here.” said Tommy.
“I don't remember it being black, it though it was red, your favourite colour.” said Wilbur, looking confused.
“I painted it black, it's my favourite colour.” said Tommy.
“Oh.” said Wilbur while raising an eyebrow.
Tommy opened the door, revealing a dark room.
“Is this your room?” asked Wilbur, he looked a bit scared.
“Yeah.” said Tommy.
“It looks fucking haunted.” said Wilbur.
“It isn't.” replied Tommy.
“Right, can you turn on the lights at least?” asked Wilbur.
“Sure.” said Tommy while switching on the lights.
“Wow, I really don't know how you find this room messy, it's not messy at all.” said Wilbur.
“Right.” said Tommy.
“You have a lot of books don't you?” said Wilbur while looking into Tommy's room.
“Yes.” said Tommy.
“Mansfield Park? You like Jane Austen?” asked Wilbur.
“Yeah, I like classics.” said Tommy.
“Do you have Shakespeare?” asked Wilbur.
“Some.” answered Tommy.
“Really? Which ones?” asked Wilbur.
“Romeo and Juliet, Macbeth and The merchant of Venice.” answered Tommy.
“Wow, you know I also really liked classics.” said Wilbur.
“Really?” asked Tommy.
“Yeah.” said Wilbur.
“Well I guess we'll go out tomorrow since it's a Saturday. And now I'm really tired.” said Will.
“So I'll be going now.” said Wilbur.
Do it...they don't love need to...or else you will be in pain...they don't really love you...they never will...not even have no one except for will follow us...cut...cut now...NOW...DO IT NOW...
The voices grew louder and louder, until it was uncontrollable. He went to the bathroom attached to his room and took out a white box and opened it, revealing razors which varied in sizes, some were huge and some were smaller. There were rolls of bandages just beside them, this box was set up by Tommy when he was 10, he was forced to by the voices. No one entered his room or his bathroom and so no one really knew about this box. He took one of the razors out and rolled his sleeves up, revealing the scars on his hand, he started to cut himself...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10...11...12...13...14...15...16...17...18...19...20...
He lost count after 20 but he continued until the voices were a bit lower. He looked down upon his hand which was bleeding uncontrollably. He placed the razor down and he placed the box back into a cabinet which was hidden behind the mirror. He really did take his time to get the box back in the cabinet. He started to wash his hands and rolled down his sleeves, he then washed his bathroom floor and sink which were engulfed in Tommy's blood. He went back to his room and turned of the light, he went on his phone and opened Instagram.
Hanging out with my bestie! Woohoo for Ranboo!
See? We were right...Tubbo replaced you...Ranboo is your replacement...see? No one likes you...
A tear slipped down Tommy's cheek but Tommy quickly wiped it. He put his phone down and rolled up in a ball with his black sheets pulled over his body, only leaving his head poking out of the blanket.
“Hey Tommy.” said Wilbur while turning on the light.
“OH MY GOD!” Wilbur screamed, he was scared by Tommy being rolled up in blankets, he looked like a huge bug which Wilbur thought he was.
“What happened Will?” asked Phil concerned on why Wilbur screamed.
“I fucking thought he was a huge bug.” said Wilbur.
Phil laughed at that. No he wheezed like Dream, he became a tea kettle.
“Right, dinner is ready to eat it.” said Will.
“Right.” said Tommy
1470 words
Part 2 coming soon
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