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Narrator POV

The boy, now weak and frail stood up, not even his loved ones could save him now. It truly was a day of sadness, filled with sorrow. The day they lost Tommyinnit, he was one of the only people who brought both chaos yet joy in the server, of course might be seen as an incompetent little child who does nothing but destroy, but he was in fact one of the most important people to have in order for the server to maintain it's balance.

"Tommy was a loved member of our server, he was one who would encourage and motivate you to move forward without looking back. He will truly have a place in our hearts." Tubbo concluded as the other members of the Dream Smp whined and cried put their sorrows.
Their beloved member Tommyinnit had just died by intentionally falling into lava. (Quick side note - this happened after Wilbur got revived, so yeah.) Tubbo cried into Ranboo's shoulder as he got of the podium.
"He was truly a great man." Wilbur sighed as he watched the others break down into tears.
"Where are you going?" Asked Techno while looking over to Wilbur who was leaving the crowd.
"Somewhere else, I don't want to be in-between whining people." Wilbur said as he made his way out of the church.

Wilbur went to the bench where Tommy's jukebox was. He remembered how him, Tubbo and Tommy always sat there looking over the view from the hill, he started tearing up letting sink in the fact that he won't see his brother ever again.

"Are you ok mister?" A voice called out from behind, a familiar one but much more quite and calmer.
"I'm sorry, I have just been thinking about something." Wilbur chuckled, still not looking back to see who the man was.
"Oh, well have some yellow." The man smiled as he appeared in front of Wilbur.

Wilbur sat there in shock, this was Tommy. Tommy but translucent, and covered in lava. His hair being much more of a blonde shade but with a hunt of gray mixed in. His hair dripped down with lava and his eyes were white, lava dripping down from his eyes, it looked as if he was crying lava. He had worn a red swaeter and dark gray point.

"Tommy.. is that you?" Wilbur gasped as the boy sat down beside him.
"No silly, I'm ghostinnit." Ghostinnit smiled as he handed Wilbur some yellow.
"Oh.." Wilbur frowned as he started talking with Ghostinnit.

He quickly learned that Ghostinnit just like Ghostbur could only remember the good things in his life, which weren't many but they would suffice.

"Do you want to meet the other parts of our family?" Asked Wilbur as he smiled.
"But I thought you were my only family, aren't you the only brother I have?" Ghostinnit asked while looking confused yet overjoyed to learn new things about himself.
"I- don't you remember Techno and Phil?" Asked Wilbur in complete shock.
"I mean bits of them, but I didn't think they were my family." Tommy smiled.
"Oh.. Well do you want to go and meet them?" Asked Wilbur.
"Sure! I like meeting people!" Tommy smiled as they made their way back to the church where everyone was still crying and grieving of Tommy's death.
"Guys." Wilbur called out and caught everyone's attention.

Everyone stood there in shock, some confused while some not believing it. They could just not comprehend that Tommy was now back, but as a ghost.

"T- Tommy?" Tubbo stuttered out as he reached the ghost.
"TUBBO!" Tommy exclaimed as he went to hug him, but to his dismay he went right through him.

Tubbo started crying again, realising that he could not hold his best friend's arm again, hug him, sit with him or just touch him (not in a weird way ya pervert).

"It's great having you back Tommy." Techno smiled, trying to reassure the sad male that he didn't make Tubbo cry.
"Oh, who are you mister?" Tommy asked while looking over to Techno.

Techno's eyes went wide, he realised his little brother couldn't remember him, he wanted to cry knowing he hadn't been a good brother to Tommy over the years and karma had finally caught up to him.

"That's Techno, remember I told you about our oldest brother right? That's him, Technoblade and over there is Philza, Philza Minecraft, he is our dad." Wilbur smiled as he pointed towards Philza and Techno.
"Ooh! That's nice, they look so cool!" Tommy clapped and jumped in joy.
"You look very nice dad and brother!" Tommy smiled.

Philza and Techno stood there, shocked. They hadn't seen Tommy this happy in years, and they hadn't heard Tommy call them 'brother' or 'dad' in ages.

"Thank you Tommy." Phil smiled softly.
"Sooooooo, now that you're back. What do you remember?" Asked Tubbo.
"Hmm, well I remember Wilbur, you, me and some other people making a country called L'manburg, then we had our independence and after that me and Wilbur made a party for an election, then I remember a ravine and then being in the cou try again. After that I remember a basement and two guys I can't remember clearly that I lived with for a while. Then I remember a green guy in a hoodie being trapped in an obsidian cage kinda thingy, after that I remember finding about your marriage to the Ranboo guy. Then I remember seeing lava and the feeling of warmth surrounding me. I also rememberthis really nice person like me who wore a yellow sweater!" Tommy smiled as he concluded.
"So mostly what Ghostbur remembered just bits of the future too." Dream said.
"Oh, hello mister Green homeless Teletubby!" Tommy smiled, his comment made everyone laugh except for Dream who looked towards Techno in annoyance.
"He got it from me!" Technk laughed as he placed arm around Dream's shoulder.
"Are you all done?" Dream made 😑 this face.
"Sure sure." Techno said while wiping his tears of joy from laughing so hard.
"My name is Dream Tommy." Dream looked towards Tommy.
"And mine is Ghostinnit, pleasure meeting you!" Tommy smiled.
"Same." Dream smiled back at him.
"So, what do we do now?" Ranboo asked.
"Maybe give him a tour, he seems to have forgotten most of the things." Wilbur suggested.
"I KNEW HE WAS HAPPY ABOUT RANBOO!" Tubbo suddenly screamed which caught everyone off guard.
"Ok ok Tubbo, we all knew he was cool about Ranboo." Techno smiled.
"Mhm, now let's go and give you a tour!" Tubbo exclaimed as he hugged Tommy, this time not going through him.
"What-?" Tubbo was shocked.
"Oh right, I wasn't fully here earlier that's why you went through me earlier, but now that I am fully here I can touch and hug people." Tommy smiled to me overjoyed Tubbo.

The members went through the Smp telling Tommy about all the good things they had done and laughed through..

1166 words
I tried writing a bit of fluff ok? I know it's mostly angst but I'm practicing, the fluffshot would come out later this month or the next one.

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