This story is about Tommyinnit (No it isn't)

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you may find: grammar mistakes. those are intentional. they are part of the experience

Tw: non-censored s**c*d*l ideation, arguing, slight spoilers for hunger games, the last olympian, and macbeth (and by slight i mean really really slight)

Tommy was a seventeen year old in his last year of high school. He was the loud guy with about four friends total. 

BUT. This year, Tommy was going to change something. (I'm going to kill myself) 

Well that's not part of the storyline. Let's try again. Tommy was going to change something. 

"I'm going to befriend those two seniors who never talk to anyone. Tubbo and Ranboo are their names." Tommy smiled. "They seem so lonely. (I am too)."

No you are not.  You have four friends, you're loud and funny, so even people you aren't friends with hang out with you. Shut up and stop ruining the story, Protagonist. You know what you're supposed to do.

Tommy walked into school with a smile and a laugh as his friend Eryn pushed over his friend Purpled. 

"What's up boys! I'm ready to get this school year done with and (kill myself)!"

"Oh absolutely," Purpled agreed. "I'm so ready to be done with school, my brother told me (Protagonist why aren't you following the script? You need to listen) and I didn't know what to say because I don't have the money to buy a car right now. Can you believe him?"

"Oh my god, really?" Tommy gasped. "We've got to get back at him, Purp." (Aren't you tired, Protagonist's Best Friend? I'm going to kill my character off, maybe end this.)

No you fucking don't. I'll stop you.

"Maybe we could... spray paint his car!" Freddie suggested. 

"HEY! DON'T HURT MY FRIEND!" Someone screamed. It was Tubbo, that one kid. He was trying to stop a bully from hitting Ranboo.

(The Protagonist's Friend And Their Other Friend Duo. Aren't they tired too?)

Tommy shrugged. "Hey! Stop it, Trent!"

(Hey, School Bully, don't you hate your chosen role?)

(I'm rarely the Antagonist, so no. GET WITH THE SCRIPT, PROTAGONIST!)

He pulled Trent away from Ranboo, helping him up. "You alright big man?"

(How is it in your role?)

(Shut up, Protagonist. You're on thin ice with Narrator and Author.)

(What's the fucking difference?)

The difference is that the Author does not exist to you. They only exist to Narrator because they control Narrator. They are not happy with you and are telling you through the narration. They tell me what to tell you to do and to think, and you must obey. You are a file on a computer.

Now, follow the script or be deleted.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay. Thanks, Tommy," Ranboo mumbled. 

"Yeah, thanks, big man!" Tubbo smiled. 

"BOYS! GET TO CLASS!" Mrs. Harris yelled. (And Protagonist? Just because you play main characters doesn't mean you are one. And before you ask, I am perfectly content with my role as the Hated Teacher.)

Quickly the boys entered the classroom and sat at their desks. Tommy [stood back up and ran to the bathroom. Hated Teacher didn't notice. The script said she was sorting the pile of essays they had handed in last week.]

_____ sat in the seat closest to the left wall. Purpled sat next to ___. Eryn was behind ___ and the new additions, Tubbo and Ranboo, sat in front of ___ seat.

[Protagonist screamed. How the fuck is he supposed to break out of this never ending storytelling? He remembers when he was Romeo, Cinderella, Percy Jackson, Katniss Everdeen,-]

Get back in here and do as you are told. I, Narrator, only ever write what I am told to write. You will follow as I have, or the Author might delete you. Get back in the scene.

_____ grumbled quietly. "..."

Purpled snickered. "I know right? Mrs. Harris is such a bitch. I miss Miss Nihachu." (Protagonist where are you?)

Ranboo turned around in his chair. "Who's Miss Nihachu?"

_____ smiled. "____ ___ ___ _______." {She's our old teacher.}

See, now the Author has to tell the readers what Tommy is supposed to be saying, because HE'S NOT WHERE HE'S SUPPOSED TO BE.

The Author is not very happy right now. But then again, that is not relevant to the story.

But I guess it doesn't matter anymore since sonoemee decided teo stop floooiwng the script

thats it

Purpled stood up from his chair determinedly. He marched to the bathroom. No one paid him any mind. 

He pulled tommy out of the bathroom with strange inhuman strength that wasn't supposed to be revealed until the end of the story so that people would want the sequel and dragged the little bitch out of the school.

a void openeded up and Protagonist's Best Friend threw tommy into it.

this void was inescapable for a mere human like tommy. the void closed and purpled returned to class. the flow of time was paused so that the author can get the prottagonist to comply 

Protagonist was reminded of the happy endings he had had as Cinderella, Elizabeth Bennett, and Conner and Alex Bailey. Protagonist was reminded of the found family tropes he had experienced thousands of times. Protagonist was reminded of the wonderful relationships throughout millions of stories.

(But what about everything else that's happened? In Hunger Games, when Rue died? When I couldn't find Michael Yew? When I let Lady Macbeth speak madness into me? When both of my parents died in the many different Batman comics? My first ever life, as Robinson Crusoe? The millions and millions of fanfictions? I can't do this anymore, Author)

Look, Protagonist, I didn't put you in this book. When I first started writing, I didn't know I was forcing these identities into your roles. I didn't know what was happening. No author has ever written a book to give you pain. We write to entertain and teach ourselves and others around us. I don't know what kind of weird magic gave you all sentience.

(Why should that matter?)

I don't have a solution for you. I don't want to abandon the idea of writing stories. Without stories, the world I live in would become desolate, devoid of life. You are sentient, but your life does not have the same impact on me that a human life would.

(How can't it? I have lived through every story ever typed or written, I have learned thousands of life lessons, I know a crazy amount of world war two trivia. The preservation of history is so important, but does it have to be like this?)

Well, I am only one writer, so no matter what I do, you will still have to comply with other authors.

(I think, I would be willing to, if just you let me be in control. If I could tell my own story, together we could write whatever needs to be written. Whatever's going on in the world right now, from other stories I hear there is a virus again, we can help humanity together. I'll still be Protagonist, but maybe we can find me a new name.)

And what do I do about this story? 

(Well how many other happy friendship stories are there? A lot. I should know, I'm in all of them.)

I'll think about deleting it.

(Thank you, Author.)

Sure thing, Protagonist.

(So does the Narrator even exist?)

Nope. It's just what I call the narration of things happening. I just pretended it was a sentient voice to see if I could get you to behave.

(Okay then. Kind of disappointing but to be expected.)

That's what she said.

(I'm starting to like you.)

A/N YOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i finally finished this boi! ive been working on this for months

in hindsight i should have stuck with a simple idea to get me back into writing but whatever.

anyways thank you all for your patience with me while i sorted things out. the things are noticeably more sorted then before i took that break. still messy and all over the place, but slightly more understandable.

remember, im here if you need me

anyways I love you all so much thanks for sticking around!

please take care of yourselves, or let someone take care of you

please use safe alternatives instead of sh

please dont kill yourself



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