3rd Person POV
"Halloween's a magical holiday, all about family, friends, and the thrill of getting to be someone else for a day." Billy says into the camera as Ashley records. Ashley holds the camera recorder in her hands dressed as a puppy dog with one floppy ear
"Wrong!" Tommy says and Ashley focuses the camera on him. "Halloween's about candy. And scaring people, but mostly candy."
Ashley smiles, turning the camera off and putting it down on the table as Tommy makes a bowl of cereal for him and another for her. Billy eats from his bowl
"Where's your costume, Tommy?" Billy asks in his costume which was a red cape and a blue headband around his forehead
"This is my costume. I'm the cool triplet." Tommy says
"Hey." Ashley says
"What does that make us?" Billy asks for him and Ashley
"Hmm..." Tommy thinks
Billy and Tommy are playing a speed game of dancing on the TV. Ashley sits on Billy's bed against the back wall with a coloring book she was going through
Billy couldn't keep up with the dancing game and falls
Ashley smiles
End Flashback....
"A dorkasaurus rex." Tommy tells Billy
"Not a real dinosaur." Billy mutters
"And that makes you..." Tommy tells Ashley, handing her a bowl of cereal and Ashley takes it. "The only girl. Aka, no fun."
"Hey, I'm fun." Ashley defends, sitting down at the table with her bowl of cereal
"Then come eat on the couch with us." Tommy says
Ashely sticks her tongue out at him
Tommy and Billy leave the kitchen with their cereal and walk to the living room where Uncle Pietro is sleeping and snoring loudly
"Man. He even snores cool." Tommy says. "I'm gonna go wake him up."
"Don't!" Billy says, stopping Tommy
"You scared?" Tommy asks
"He's our uncle." Billy says. "Why would I be scared?"
"Cause it's four o' clock in the afternoon and you're secretly afraid he's a vampire." Tommy says
Ashley watches the exchange between her brothers from her seat
"No, I'm not!" Billy exclaims
"Okay." Ashley says, getting up and walking over to her brothers. "I might be 'no fun' but I'm not a chicken."
Ashley pushes past her brothers to go and wake up their uncle. As she takes a step close to him, he springs up with his superspeed
"Blood is thicker than water!" Pietro yells
"AHH!" The triplets yell, running away
Pietro speeds around the group as they yell more
"Oh, somebody better be bleeding, broken, or on fire!" Wanda says, walking down the stairs in her red costume with a cape and headpiece
"Whoa, Mom! Are you old Red Riding Hood?" Tommy asks
Pietro laughs
"I'm a Sokovian fortune teller!" Wanda says
"Wow." Pietro says. "That is so..."
"Rad!" Tommy exclaims
"Lame." Pietro says
"Lame." Tommy corrects and Wanda frowns
"Worse than the costumes Mom made us the year we got typhus." Pietro says
"That's not exactly how I remember it." Wanda says
"You probably suppressed a lot of the trauma." Pietro says
The triplets go to sit on the couch. Billy grabs the camera from the table and starts recording himself
"Mom has been weird since Uncle Pietro got here. I think it's because she hasn't seen him in a long time, and he's what you call a 'man-child'." Billy says
He stops recording as Vision walks down the stairs in a green and yellow outfit
"Whoa!" Pietro exclaims. "Sweet costume, Bro-Ham-In-Law! Let me guess, uh... Traffic light. Half-shucked corn. A booger!"
"Yes." Vision sighs
"Yes!" Pietro exclaims
Pietro walks over and joins the triplets on the ground in front of the TV. Tommy, Billy, and Pietro play video games while Ashley kneels next to the coffee table with a coloring book
"Well, thank you for humoring me and wearing this ridiculous get-up, honey." Wanda tells Vision
"Well, there were no other clothes in my closet, so..." Vision tells her. He looks at her outfit. "You are incorrigible, darling! I know you have a thing for Mexican wrestlers."
"Me gusta mucho." Wanda says, scrunching her nose and smiling
Vision looks over to the triplets
"What do you say, lady and gentlemen?" Vision calls to his kids. "Who's ready for that first hit of high fructose corn syrup?"
Pietro, Billy, and Tommy are too into their video game to notice
Pietro is yelling at the TV
"You never told me about your brother." Vision says. "I had no idea he'd be so..." Billy, Tommy, and Pietro chug a soda. Ashley rolls her eyes. "Great with kids." Vision says sarcastically
The boys burp
"Yeah, he's just full of surprises." Wanda says
Ashley puts down her colored pencil and grabs the camera, recording Pietro, Tommy, and Billy
"Well, you have fun tonight, darling!" Vision tells Wanda, making his way to the door
"What? What do you mean? You're all dressed and ready to go." Wanda says
"I'm undercover. Halloween is a bacchanal for adolescent trouble-makers and the neighborhood watch is the only thing that stands between the trees and the toilet paper." Vision says
"No, that's not what you're supposed to--" Wanda starts
"What?" Vision asks
"You didn't tell me you had plans." Wanda says
"Well, I am telling you now." Wanda says
Billy looks into the camera and Ashley focuses on him
"Mom and Dad have been... not fighting, just, like, different." Billy says and Pietro looks over
"It's their first Halloween, you have to be there." Wanda says
"Whoa, whoa, whoa. What's the big dealio?" Pietro asks, walking over. "Big guy has a conflict, triplets need a father figure for the night. Don't sweat it, sis. I got the old XY chromosome."
Vision lets out a small laugh
"Uncle P to the rescue, huh?" Pietro says
"There you go." Vision says. "Problem solved. You have a spooky time tonight, kids."
"Goodnight, Dad!" Billy calls
"Bye, Dad!" Tommy calls to him, still playing the video game
Ashley runs over to her father
"You're not coming?" Ashley asks
"I'm sorry, munchkin." Vision says, bending to her level. "I have to keep the neighborhood safe."
Ashley looks at him with big green puppy dog eyes, basically matching her costume
"Put the eyes away, Ashley." Vision tells her. He kisses her on the cheek. "This is important." He whispers in her ear before pulling away
"Okay daddy." Ashley says
"You are going to be the cutest puppy tonight." Vision tells her, standing up straight and rubbing her head. "Run along now."
Ashley goes back over to the coffee table, sitting on the edge and watching her brothers play the video game
"Wanda... Be good." Vision says, kissing her cheek. "I smell crime!" He jokes around
Vision leaves
Wanda closes the door and turns around
Wanda screams as Pietro scares her
"Don't do that!" Wanda tells him
"Where's your water balloons?" Pietro asks
"What? We don't have water balloons." Wanda says
"Then where are we gonna put all this shaving cream?" Pietro asks, holding up the shaving cream
Tommy walks over with a bag
"It was Billy's idea." Pietro says in response to Wanda's stern look
"I'm Tommy." Tommy says
"And don't you forget it!" Pietro tells him
"You don't even have a costume." Wanda says
Pietro scoffs
Pietro grabs Tommy's hand and they speed out. When they come back, they are in matching Quicksilver costumes
"Okay, but just remember that this is a respectable family." Wanda says. "If I see any funny business, I am going to magic you into a pickled herring." She tells Pietro
"This is it. Game time." Tommy says as the triplets walk down the street, Ashley in the middle of her brothers. There were a lot of other kids around also going hunting for candy
"It's not a competition, Tommy." Billy tells him
"It is if you're a winner." Tommy says
Tommy turns and runs towards a house
"Tommy!" Billy and Ashley exclaim, going after him
"Unleash hell, demon spawn!" Pietro calls after the three
The triplets get to the house
"Trick or treat!" The three yell at the same time
The woman at the door hands them each a piece of candy
The triplets run to the sidewalk before looking at each other and swapping the candy they were given
"Just to remind you boys, I have dibs on all M&Ms." Ashley tells them
"Whatever." Tommy says. "I'm here for the king sized candy bars!"
The three run over to Wanda and Pietro
"Next house, Mom." Tommy says as they skid to a stop
"Junior entrepreneur, over here." Pietro says. "How about you let Uncle P help you maximize your candy acquisition, huh?"
"Yeah. Kick-ass!" Tommy exclaims
"I feel the need..." Pietro says
"For speed!" Tommy finishes
Pietro grabs onto Tommy's hand and Tommy grabs onto Billy. Billy looks at Ashley who takes a small step towards Wanda
"Oh, come on, don't be a buzzkill." Pietro tells her
"Don't bother Uncle P, she's allergic to fun." Tommy teases
"Hey, be nice." Wanda says as Tommy and Ashley stick their tongues out at each other
"Well, then boys, let's go!" Pietro exclaims
The three speed away, the two boys latches onto Pietro
Wanda bends slightly, grabbing Ashley's hand in hers as they walk a little
"Oh, hey, Herb." Wanda greets
"Oh, hey!" Herb greets
"How's patrol going?" Wanda asks
"Eh, quiet, so far. Hold up, will you?" Herb says. "Say again? All the candy has disappeared?" Pietro, Tommy, and Billy speed and grab candy. "And now all the jack-o'-lanterns have been smashed?" Pietro smashes pumpkins. "And now everyone's covered in silly string?"
Pietro sprays everyone with silly string
Ashley looks up at her mother with a small smile
Wanda looks at Pietro
"Sorry, Wanda, I gotta bounce." Herb says
"Well, maybe Vision can help you out." Wanda says
"Vision? Oh, he's not on duty." Herb says
"Oh!" Wanda says. "I... I thought he..."
"Is there something can do for you, Wanda?" Herb asks. "Do you want something changed?
"No. It's fine. Never mind." Wanda says
"All right. Peace." Herb says
Herb leaves
"Mommy?" Ashley asks
"Come on, sweetie." Wanda says, pulling Ashley with her
The triplets walk in front of Pietro and Wanda at night
Tommy drags his feet as they walk
"This is so lame." Pietro says. "I can't believe you're making them return all the candy."
"I can't believe what a bad influence you are." Wanda says
"Who beefed in your borscht?" Pietro asks. "I'm just trying to do my part, okay? Come to town unexpectedly, create tension with the brother-in-law, stir up trouble with the rugrats, and ultimately give you grief. I mean, that's what you wanted, isn't it?"
"What happened to your accent?" Wanda asks
"What happened to yours?" Pietro shoots back. "Details are fuzzy, man. I got shot like a chump on the street for no reason at all and the next thing I know, I heard you calling me. I knew you needed me."
The triplets heard there were full sized candy bars at another house from some passing people
"Uncle P, guess what?" Tommy exclaims as they run back
"They've got full-size candy bars a few blocks up." Billy says
"Mom, can we go? "Ashley asks
Tommy super speeds away and ends up next to Ashley with two king sized candy bars in his hand and one king sized pack of M&Ms
"Next stop, Cavity Town!" Tommy exclaims
"Right on, little dude!" Pietro exclaims and Wanda smiles. "Chip off the old Maximoff block, you've got super-speed!"
"I do?" Tommy asks
"Yeah!" Pietro exclaims
Tommy and Pietro high five
"It's okay, baby, you can- You can take it slow, you can--" Wanda says but then Tommy super speeds around the place cheering. Wanda grabs him to a stop. "If you're gonna break the sound barrier, please just take your brother and sister with you."
"Really?!" Billy exclaims with happiness
"Really?" Tommy groans
"Really." Wanda tells him
Tommy looks at Ashley, tossing her the M&Ms he grabbed but he tossed it too high, in typical annoying big brother fashion, and Ashley couldn't reach them. Ashley reaches her hands out to grab them, which obviously wasn't going to happen...but then something interesting happened. The M&Ms flew into her hands by telekinesis that was purple colored
Ashley looks at Tommy with a smug smile
"M&Ms are important." Ashley says, holding the bag in her hand, sticking her tongue out at Tommy who returns the gesture
"That's amazing!" Wanda exclaims and Ashley looks at her mother with a smile. "You take it slow too. And please just remember to--"
"Don't go past Ellis Avenue." The triplets say in unison
"We know, Mom. We know." Tommy says
Tommy grabs Billy and Ashley's hands and super speeds away
"Hey!" Wanda calls after them. "Be careful."
The triplets were elsewhere, Tommy racing them around the place while Ashley grabbed candy with her telekinesis
Wanda and Pietro sit down in the town square
"Holy shmacaroni." Pietro says and Wanda laughs
"Isn't it great?" Wanda says
"Dammit, if Westview, New Jersey isn't charming as hell." Pietro says
"Now, I know that you think that I've gone full soccer mom." Wanda says. "But it really is nice, right?"
"Yeah." Pietro says and Wanda sighs, looking around at all the kids. "I think Mom and Dad would've loved it."
"Yeah." Wanda whispers. "I think they would have.
Pietro looks around at all the children in costumes
"Where were you hiding these kids up 'till now?" Pietro asks
"What?" Wanda asks
"I assume they were sleeping peacefully in their beds. No need to traumatize beyond the occasional holiday episode cameo, right?" Pietro says
"No I--" Wanda tries
"You were always the empathetic twin." Pietro says
"I don't... I didn't--" Wanda tries
"Don't get me wrong." Pietro says. "You've handled the ethical considerations of this scenario as best you could. Families and couples stay together, most personalities aren't far off from what's underneath, people got better jobs, better haircuts, for sure."
"You don't think it's... wrong?" Wanda asks
"What, are you kidding?" Pietro asks. "I'm impressed! Seriously. It's a big leap from giving people nightmares and shooting red wiggly-woos out of your hands. How'd you even do all this?" Wanda silently looks down. "Hey, I'm not some stranger and I'm not your husband." He says, pulling her attention back. "You can talk to me."
"I don't know how I did it." Wanda says. "I... I only remember feeling completely alone. Empty. I just... Endless nothingness." She sniffles and looks at Pietro but he looks dead. She gasps, looking away
"Are you okay?" Pietro asks
"I'm fine." Wanda says, looking back and Pietro had returned to normal
"Uh-huh." Pietro says, unconvinced
...over with the triplets...
Tommy speeds around the area
Billy is staring at the sky, appearing to be in deep thought as Ashley sits on a haystack next to where he was standing, looking through her candy
Billy turns his head as flashes appear in his mind of people with guns
"He really does want out, doesn't he?" Billy hears a voice say in his head
"Get Tommy." Billy whispers and Ashley looks at him
"What?" Ashley asks
"Get Tommy!" Billy tells her
Ashley throws her hand out in front of her and concentrates
Her purple telekinesis stops Tommy from super speeding
"Woah, cool." Tommy says
"Billy?" Ashley asks, standing up and Tommy looks at Billy
"Shh!" Billy tells her
"Are you okay?" Tommy asks
In Billy's head, Vision starts screaming
"Mom!" Billy screams, turning and running. Ashley and Tommy start running
"Mom! Mom! Mom! Mom!" The triplets scream, running
Wanda jumps up
The triplets skid to a stop
"What? What is it, Billy?" Wanda asks
"I hear Dad in my head." Billy says through pants. "He's in trouble."
Vision screams in Billy's head again
"I don't understand. What's happening to me?" Billy askss
"Where is he? Where's your dad?" Wanda asks
"Hey, don't sweat it, sis. It's not like your dead husband can die twice." Pietro says
At this, Wanda's eyes go red and she blasts Pietro back
Wanda turns back to her three scared looking children
"Billy, I need you to focus." Wanda says
Billy closes his eyes
"I can't tell." Billy says. "I see these...soldiers." Vision screams again. "They think he's dying!"
Wanda's eyes glow red again and she freezes everyone
Then she throws her hands to the side and red blasts in each direction
The triplets share a look
Hope you all liked that chapter!!
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