Leo gritted his teeth as he scanned the dark wood for any threats. Evie, Will and Tomas were all fast asleep on the ground but he wasn't even tired. He supposed the travel had taken it out of all of them.
'Good idea.'
It was too early to tell, but Evie had clearly made up with Tomas, and seemed to be leaning towards him. "I'm overreacting," he muttered to himself quietly. Leo tried to justify why he shouldn't be jealous or angry but couldn't seem to come up with a reason.
Eventually he tried to banish it from his mind.
And failed.
A rustling sounded in the trees. Leo clenched his fists. He didn't want to get up. He wanted to keep thinking up painful things that would happen to Tomas if he did anything to Evie. He didn't want to banish those thoughts from his mind. Wait. Yes, yes he did.
Leo sighed. It was all so confusing.
The rustling sounded again. And again. It was almost if it was luring Leo to come and look, like something terrible would happen if he left... no. Nothing would happen if he just went to have a look.
Gingerly, Leo got up from his position on the ground and walked quietly on the balls of his feet towards where he heard the rustle.
Then he froze, as it sounded again. That was it. It was definitely worth looking at now.
Creeping towards the rustling, he spread his hands as cracks began to appear around him.
Suddenly, a voice startled him. "You're cautious, aren't you?" Leo whirled round, and nearly had a heart attack when he saw Tomas' father standing behind him.
Earthen tendrils leaped up from the ground to seize the Shadow, but they passed straight through him, as if he was a ghost. Shadow raised his hands. "I just want to talk to you, Leo."
"If I know you, you won't just want to talk," Leo snarled. He drew his sword from the scabbard, and glared at the Shadow, who just smiled. "You don't know me. I'm a reasonable man."
"Add 'psychotic' in there," Leo muttered, and choked as a cloud of black enveloped him. "Play nice," the Shadow smiled again, but this time it didn't reach his eyes, as Leo struggled to breathe. "Imagine if your friends woke up... and you were still and silent on the ground."
The Shadow released the grip, and Leo took numerous deep breaths, before folding his arms. "You want to chat," Leo said, putting so much venom into the words they stabbed, "when you have Charlie locked up and dying?"
The Shadow nodded. "You lost your mother recently, didn't you?" At the mention of his mother Leo stumbled backwards, memories flashing through his head. "You miss her?" The Shadow smiled, clearly enjoying the effects his words were having. Leo breathed hard, trying to expel his painful thoughts.
"I could bring her back, Leo. I could bring her back, and she could live again." Leo heard nothing else from that point. He only thought of his mother, her smile, her voice.
Mijo. I love you.
"Think of it, Leo. You, your mother, without Evie and my brat of a son...what else could you want?" Leo's head snapped up at the mention of Evie. "How do you know about her?" The Shadow laughed. "I see everything. Did you really think I didn't know what was coming? I feel her, probing into my business every time she dreams. She's nosy. It's not her place to search for things she wants."
"You like her, don't you, Leo?" The Shadow was teasing now. "You really think she likes you? I know she doesn't. I look into her thoughts, and I know exactly who she wants."
Tomas. The words glided into Leo's head, giving him a strong urge to leap at the Shadow and throttle him.
"I'll bring your mother back, Leo. Leave those two traitors. You will be rewarded."
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