Time ticked on and the four teenagers moved on through Europe in the hope that they could reach Charlie and the Shadow. Will noticed Leo slowly drawing into himself as the journey grew longer. Evie tried to spend time with him but he distanced himself from everyone.
Evie had told Tomas he had had an encounter with the Shadow. Tomas knew first hand how badly his dad could mess people up and hated that he was related to him.
The days dragged on. Will was injured fighting an fire demon and the journey ground to a halt for two days while he healed and slept. Leo went for long walks and often disappeared for hours at a time, always coming back covered in dirt and filth.
And suddenly, after an extra-large shadow jump, Evie gave a cry. "This is it," she insisted. "I'm sure of it. This is the cave."
For they had emerged from the shadows in front of a gaping hole in the mountain; the dark presence was almost oozing out of the entrance. "Yeah," Leo spoke for the first time in days. "Yeah, that's it."
Tomas seemed concerned for him. "Leo, are you sure you should face him again? You've already had a pretty rough time of it." Leo looked at Tomas with an expression so vicious it could have killed him right there. "Scared I'm not powerful enough, Tommy? Or do you want your beloved father all to yourself?"
Will suspected Tomas knew exactly why Leo was attacking him like this, but didn't bring it up. Evie placed a hand on Leo's arm. "Leo, Tomas is just concerned for you. You haven't been yourself lately." Leo jerked his arm, and Evie's hand dropped to her side. "Yeah, I haven't been myself because his father decided I was a weak target worth going for. If you try and stop me getting him back, I swear to God..." he trailed off. "Ninguno de ustedes entiende," he muttered.
Evie glanced at Will, who shrugged. He gripped his shoulder and rotated it, the scorch marks on his collarbone clearly visible. "Are we going in or not?" Will's bright tone had never been so forced. "Sure," Leo muttered. "I'll go first." He placed his hand on the stone. "It's not stable, not stable at all." With that, he stepped into the darkness.
"Nice to know we're safe," Tomas said cheerily, and followed Leo into the cave, Evie and Leo behind him. "I don't like this," Evie whispered. "None of us do," Will snapped, and amended his tone. "Sorry E. Just nervous."
After five minutes of blind walking, the tunnel began to widen. A glimmer of light had made its way to the end of the tunnel. However, it wasn't the warm, red light that the fire children made. It was harsh, artificial light, used to create shadows.
Although the light was there, the dark aura was so clear it was taking over Tomas' head. He had told them fighting whilst also battling the darkness was always difficult. Leo gritted his teeth; Evie looked uneasy and Will was fighting the urge to throw up.
As the four of them stepped out into the light, Tomas realised what the light was. It came from the bars of Charlie's prison, in the far corner of the cave. The boy himself lay silently on the ground, a tiny row of fire flickering in front of him. The shadows were so large they danced along the walls, making visibility difficult.
A black mist was gathering around Tomas' ankles. He shook his head and it dissolved, but it clouded around him again before he could do anything. "It's not going to work, Father," he growled. "I'm here to fight you. Not join you."
"I could make you do what I wanted," a voice hissed, soft as a snake, quiet, but poised to kill. "You are fools," the Shadow continued. "Now you must die."
He appeared at the end of the cavern, pitch black hair messy, dishevelled suit, eyes dark as a thundercloud. The black mist continued to appear, gathering around the Shadow and his son like bees to a honeypot. The rock formations at the top of the cave began to crack. Pebbles fell from the roof as Leo stepped up beside Tomas. "Leo," the Shadow smiled. His grin didn't reach his eyes. No doubt he was about to try and lure the Mexican into another trap, but Leo wasn't buying his antics.
"No," Leo snarled. "Don't you dare try and talk to me." He looked at Tomas. "Let's get rid of this." Tomas nodded. "I'm your father," the Shadow's eyes darkened. "I am not my father's son," Tomas growled. "I choose my own path."
A furious wind whipped up inside the cavern, dust filling the air and somehow expelling the shadows away from the wall. Will was the angriest he had ever been. "E," Leo muttered. "Get Charlie out."
A blast of gale-force wind pushed the Shadow back against the wall. "Time to end this," Will said softly. The Shadow's face contorted into rage.
"So be it," he said.
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