Evie stood up shakily, taking in her surroundings. Tomas had three huge gashes raked across his back, Will was more or less unmarked but was leaning over Leo, sobbing. Suddenly, the earlier events hit Evie like a ton of bricks.
The arrow sailing through the air and hitting Leo's chest with a sickening thump, the demons, the anger, the sadness, the misery.
On the ground, Will muttered something inaudible and Leo coughed. Evie's heart jumped. He's alive, she thought joyously.
"No thanks to you," Tomas said from behind. Evie whirled round to face him. "Did you just read my mind?" she demanded. "No," he replied. "But it was obvious from your face."
"I didn't see you around when I killed those demons," Will said furiously, without looking upwards. "No," Tomas said. "I underestimated you, Will. I'm sorry about that."
"But," Tomas continued, "why'd you bring this girl? She's obviously just a waste of space." Evie felt a huge wave of dislike towards the Russian. "Just because your dad's the shadow doesn't mean you're everything," she snapped.
"Yeah," Will added. "Wait till you see Evie in action, dude." Tomas shrugged. "In my opinion Sea's the worst."
Just then, Leo spluttered and sat up again. "What's going on?" he croaked. Evie flung herself around his torso with a huge hug. "If you died," she whispered in his ear. "I don't actually know what I'd do."
"Woah," Leo said weakly. "Pressure on lungs is too high, Eves." Evie let go. "I'm sorry," she gasped. "It was Will. He saved you. I did barely anything. And neither," she cast an angry glance at Tomas, "did he."
"I can't kill those demons," Tomas glared back at Evie. "They just reform straight away. And also all three of you would be dead if I hadn't held them off long enough for Will to break out of the trance."
"We need to stop arguing," Will snapped. "Leo nearly died, for Pete's sake. Tomas, well done and all that but I didn't see you around when I was fighting them by myself. Evie, I know today wasn't your day but we need hurry up and get to Charlie before he dies too."
Evie nodded. "Yeah," she agreed. "We don't have long, but Leo doesn't look like he's in any state to travel at the moment." Just as she said that, Leo hauled himself to his feet. "I feel ok, actually." He flexed his fingers and small cracks opened up in the ground.
Will suddenly sat down on the ground. "You ok?" Evie asked worriedly. "Yeah," Will said, letting out a huge yawn. "I'm just knackered, with all that travelling and then fighting. I need some rest."
"That's fine," Tomas said, glaring at Evie. "You three sleep now. I'll keep watch and then tonight we can move on." Will shrugged, much to Evie's annoyance. "Sure. Eves, why don't you try and dig through those dreams of yours to find some more about Charlie?"
Tomas' head snapped round. "What did you say?" Will looked at him. "Evie can see things through her dreams, dude."
"Not just the call, then? Other things too?" Tomas demanded. "Yes," Evie said pointedly. "Yes, I can."
"Wow," Tomas said in shock. "I've never heard that before. Maybe you're not a waste of space after all."
"I'll take that as a compliment," Evie said sweetly. "You have fun keeping watch."
He lies still.
The flames flicker.
Blood drips.
Charlie is dying.
And in the shadows the shadow still stands, watching.
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