t h i r t y - s e v e n - l e o

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Leo couldn't believe it. The originals - all four, no, three of them - had come to camp. But that wasn't what surprised him: what startled him was the woman in green armour leaning against the trees. Her hair was as black as his, her skin as tan as his - her eyes deep and meaningful like his. "Mama?" he whispered in shock, and nearly collapsed.

Will had to hold him up.

"Yes, Leo," she said, and her eyes gleamed. "You're right."

"Another semi-original!" someone declared.

Leo was silent as he hurled himself forward into her chest, his arms clasped round her torso in the biggest hug he'd ever given. "You died," he murmured against his mother, who chuckled. "I never did, mijo."

"This is all very well," Charlie said. He looked like the only one unsatisfied with the sudden appearances. "But where's my father?"

"He saw the Shadow as a threat too small to bother with," the Sea Lord said stiffly. "We will see what consequences his actions have." Charlie muttered in fury at this, and Leo noticed that for a moment his fists lit themselves with a bright red fire.

"If the Shadow will kill us all, then why is his offspring here?" came a cry, and a murmur off agreement raced through the camp. It seemed Alex had voiced the thoughts of the entire population.

"Look," Tomas interrupted suddenly. All heads turned towards his pale face, some contorted in hate, some neutral. "My father is coming. You don't want me here, and I'd rather be anywhere else. But I'm part of the prophecy - you need me. I want him dead as much as anyone else."

"I'll run you a close second," Charlie muttered.

"Enough!" Maria's voice rang clear and pure. "We must put our differences aside, understand? The end of the world is coming, and the defence starts here."

The moon sunk further towards the horizon. It was nearly morning, Leo realised: that meant that soon -

"I am here," a hiss graced the ears of every listener.

Dark descended, and the battle began.

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