⚠️Abuse, younger versions, Shoto having a good family, Ochako having a bad family, Katsuki being nicer, kind of a ship...etc. If any of this triggers you, please do not read. If you ignore this, read at your own risk.⚠️
Katsuki walks into the park the next morning, expecting to see Shoto and Ochako but instead, a quiet Ochako was sitting alone on a bench, drawing something in a pink notebook.
Katsuki grins and walks up to her, sitting down. "What are you drawing, Pink cheeks?" He asks, proud of the new nickname he made for the girl.
She blinks at him and looks down at the notebook. Katsuki looks at the dreaming and smiles in awe. "Wow! It's so amazing! It looks exactly like me!" He says, excited that she drew him.
Ochako smiles at the blonde. "I didn't think it was that good." She says shyly, looking away from him. Katsuki giggles. "It's really good!" He says. "Can I keep it?" He asks.
Ochako blinks at him, she wanted to keep it because it reminded her of her friend but she nods. "Sure, I'll make another one for myself." She says, smiling. She takes it and hands it to the smiling blonde.
"Hey guys!" Shoto says, walking up to them and sitting on the other side of Ochako on the bench. He looks at the drawing of Katsuki, slightly jealous. "Wow! That's good." He says, a bit of jealousy showed in his voice.
Katsuki smirks at him when Ochako didn't notice. The girl smiles at Shoto. "I made you too." She says.
But Shoto was so distracted by her smile.
"You finally smiled!" He exclaimed. Katsuki giggles. "Tch, I made her smile yesterday." He says, flexing as the duel hair rolls his eyes.
Ochako turns a few pages in her sketchbook. She shows a photo to Shoto. He looks, in awe.
"You're so good at drawing!" He exclaims looking at the photo. He wanted to keep it so bad but didn't want to look rude by asking. Ochako notices and gives it to him, smiling.
He started at it, smiling cheerfully. Ochako looks at the two boys who were obsessing over her drawings.
She smiles and for the first time in a long time, she felt like she belonged here.
With her best friends. Even though they had met a few weeks ago, they have been coming to the park everyday in the summer holidays and seeing each other.
Now they are really really close with each other but in all of those days, yesterday and today were the only days that Ochako smiled.
Ochako sighs and leans back against the bench, happy to be finally experiencing some peace. The boys were still looking at her drawings, seeing how she drew it.
Katsuki grabs Ochako's notebook. "Can I try to draw you?" He asks before using it. Ochako nods. "Me too?" Shoto asks as well.
Ochako also nods at him as they get some paper from her notebook and a few of her pencils. The brunette yawns quietly and soon falls asleep on Shoto's shoulder.
He lightly blushes and smirks at the jealous Katsuki who rolls his eyes. After a while, Katsuki and Shoto finish their drawings. Ochako wakes with a start as the boys start randomly talking.
She moves her head off of Shoto's shoulder and looks at the two drawings, smiling from ear to ear. She looks at Shoto's first. "It's so good." She says, smiling at the proud duel hair.
Then she looks at Katsuki's drawing, also smiling when she sees it.
"You guys are so good at drawing." She complements them, grinning. Katsuki grins back. She pauses for a second as she double checks the drawings. "You guys made me look more better than I am." She says.
"What do you mean? You always look good." Shoto complements her. She was talking about the scars and bruises but knew it was hard to draw that many so she didn't say anything. "Thank you." She says, happily.
"We should be called the artistic trio." Katsuki says, smugly. Ochako and Shoto blink at him. "Trio means 3 of something." Katsuki says, shaking his head. "You guys are dumb." He says, making Shoto and Ochako laugh.
The three kids sit in silence and boredom on the bench. "I wonder who the strongest is..." Katsuki says, randomly interested. Ochako nods. "Same." She says. "I have an idea..." Shoto dialogues. His idea:
"So I guess pink cheeks is the strongest." Katsuki complains. "You called her 'Pink cheeks'?" Shoto questions. "Yeah, it's a nickname." Katsuki replies, smiling.
"Uhm...do you guys think you could get off of me now?" Ochako nervously asks as her arms and legs began to ache with the weight of the two boys.
"Oops, oh yeah - sorry." Katsuki says, jumping off of the two. The duel hair then gets off of Ochako. "Phew." She says, wiping her sweat from her forehead.
She doesn't bother hiding her scars anymore because the boys have already seen them and they just think it's because Ochako is cool and gets into fights.
(Kids do believe that. Especially these two cuties♥️)
"What shall we do?" Shoto asks his two best friends. Ochako shrugs. Katsuki thinks.
"Let's play marriage. Me and Ochako san are getting married!" Shoto says, smiling as he takes Ochako's hand. The brunette blushes lightly.
Katsuki glares in a scary way. (As best as a kid could glare) he takes Ochako's other hand. "No, me and Ochako." He says.
The girl stands in the middle of two boys, pulling her to their sides. She would never have expected people to like her so much.
"Umm...guys...please stop." She says quietly as they pull her from both sides. The boys don't hear her and carry on arguing. Ochako sighs.
I can't believe I have to use my quirk for something like this. The brunette girl thinks.
She activated her quirk to make the two boys float. "Hey, what? That's not fair, pink cheeks!" Katsuki complains. Shoto just stares, in awe to be floating. "Woah...it's so cool!" He exclaims.
Ochako giggles at the two kids and releases them into a swing so they don't hurt themselves.
Shoto giggles as he lands next to Katsuki in the swing. "That was actually quite fun!" He exclaim. Ochako smiles, proud that she could be fun.
"Do you guys want to come to my place tomorrow?" Katsuki asks. Shoto nods in response, smiling. "My mommy and daddy will let me." He says. Ochako hesitates but then nods. "Sure. I know where you live but what time?" She asks.
"The same time we go to the park." The blonde replies, smiling. Shoto nods. "I've seen you go home before. We don't need the address." He says, smiling.
"Cool, how about a sleepover?" He asks the two. Shoto thinks but then nods eagerly. "I'll ask my daddy. He will say yes." He says. (Remember that Endeavour is good in this.)
Ochako blinks but knows that her parents would love to get rid of her for the day. She nods. "Alright." She says, expressionlessly.
"You're doing it again-." Shoto points. "Doing what?" The brunette asks. "Being emotionless." Katsuki says.
Ochako blinks. "Sorry-" She says, looking at the two boys with her big brown eyes. They blush lightly but it doesn't show as much.
"There's going to be a storm tomorrow so it will be a good day for the sleepover." Shoto says, smiling.
"Alright, good. See you guys at the sleepover then!" Katsuki says, grinning happily. "See you." Shoto says, Ochako smiles, nodding in agreement.
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