⚠️Abuse, younger versions, Shoto having a good family, Ochako having a bad family, Katsuki being nicer, kind of a ship...etc. If any of this triggers you, please do not read. If you ignore this, read at your own risk.⚠️
Katsuki walks in hand with Ochako and lets go of her as he knocks on Todoroki's house. Shoto smiled as he opened the door for Bakugou. "Hey, halfie!" Katsuki says, smirking. Ochako waited behind him, nervously.
"Hey guys, glad you could come!" He says as they walk in. Ochako stays near the door. But Shoto beckons her to come with him. He takes her hand and smiles, leading her to the kitchen. Katsuki follows.
"Hey there." A twelve year old girl says, smiling brightly at the two friends. Katsuki waves. "I'm Katsuki and this is Ochako." He says. The girl nods. "I'm Fuyumi, Shoto's sister. I'm 12." She says, introducing herself.
"I heard you guys were making cookies." She says. Katsuki nods eagerly as does Shoto whereas Ochako lets them do the talking and answering. "Do you guys need help? Our parents went on a date so they told me to watch over you." She says, smiling.
(Lets say Touya doesn't exist in this universe because that would make things complicated.)
"No, I'm a really good chef. I don't need help." Bakugou says, crossing his arms. Fuyumi chuckles at the younger kid. "Okay then, call me when you want to put them in the oven." She says, grinning as she leaves the room.
She stops when she sees Ochako. "Aww, you're so pretty." She coos. Ochako shyly steps behind Shoto, making Fuyumi giggle. "It's alright, I get you. I used to be shy too." She says,smiling and leaves the room.
Ochako steps away from behind the duel hair who smiles at her. He looks at her reassuringly.
"Fuyumi's nice, she won't hurt you." He says, nodding. Katsuki looks up a recipe on a phone. "That's Yumi's phone but she won't mind if we use it. Just don't ruin it." He says to Katsuki who nods.
"You know how to read?" He asks Shoto who shakes his head in response. "Do you?" He asks Katsuki. The blonde also shakes his head.
"I didn't learn yet but I'll be good at it when I do." "So no one knows how to read?" Shoto asks. "I do." A quiet voice muttered.
The boys look at the brunette. "Really? That's cool! Can you read the recipe then?" Shoto asks. Ochako glances at the phone and nods.
"How do you know how to read?" Katsuki asks, fondly. Ochako blinks then looks down. "My mother made me." She whispers as she fiddles with her fingers.
The boys misunderstand. "Your mom is so cool!" Shoto says. "Yeah, even though I haven't met her yet!" Katsuki says, grinning. Ochako nods, not wanting to tell them what she's actually like.
"Are you good at baking?" Shoto asks. Ochako shakes her head. "Don't know how." She says, quietly. Katsuki smirks. "I do!" He flexes. Shoto laughs. "I don't. I guess me and Ochako san will learn today then." He teases.
"And maybe me and you could learn to read from Ochako san!" He says, smiling brightly. "You smile a lot." Ochako whispers. Katsuki looks at her. "And you don't smile at all." He points out. Ochako shakes her head.
"Plus, your hair is always in your face." Shoto adds. She blinks at him and puts her hand over her face, protectively. "Come on, just move it a little, I want to see what you look like since you barely show half of your face." Katsuki says.
Shoto nods in agreement. Ochako shakes her head, she looks around nervously. "I can't." She says, feeling dumb. "Why not?" Katsuki asks. "I can't tell you." She replies. Katsuki sighs. "You're so boring, Ochako." He says. Shoto glares at him.
"Don't be a meanie, Katsuki san." He says as he puts his arm around the pouting blonde. Ochako stares at the recipe with tears welling up in her eyes. Shoto notices and looks at the girl worriedly.
"Are you okay, Ochako san?" He asks, Ochako nods and wipes her eyes. "Yes. The screen's just bright." She says. Shoto giggles, believing her and turns the brightness off. He hands the phone back to her.
(After the process of making the cookies.)
Fuyumi walks into the kitchen and smiles. "The cookies look good! I'll put them in the oven for you." She says, smiling as she grabs a tray of cookies and opens the oven.
(A few hours later)
Katsuki beams at him. "It's because I'm an amazing chef and Ochako is a good reader." He says, grinning. "And you are a good listener." He adds, nodding at Shoto who smiles back.
The blonde waves at the duel hair before leaving the house with Ochako. "I'm going to go home now." He says, nodding at the brunette. She looks at him expressionlessly. "Okay." She says.
Katsuki smiles at her and walks away. Ochako walks right behind him. "Why are you following me?" He says, giggling. "House is this way." She says. Katsuki nods. "Alright." He says.
"Hey, your cheeks are so pink." He notices, giggling. Ochako blinks and touches her cheeks. "They are." She says, looking into a window to see her reflection.
Katsuki nods.
"Pink cheeks." He teases the girl who looks clueless. He pauses for a second and looks at the girl properly, walking backwards to see her face.
"Jeez, how is your face very round?" He says, giggling. Ochako shrugs. "Just is." She mutters, still with that blank expression on her face.
Katsuki carries on walking backwards before hitting his arm on a hard metal pole. He winces in pain and sees blood on his arm. "Ow." He mutters, trying not to cry in order to look strong in front of Ochako.
She turns him around gently and looks at his wound. She takes some bandages and puts it on his arm. When she finishes, she keeps walking while he stares at her, astonished.
"How do you know how to do bandages so well?" He asks, walking beside her but not backwards this time.
Ochako blinks and rolls up her sleeves to show thousands of bandages covering her arms. "I use them a lot." She says as Katsuki gapes at her arms.
"You have so many bandages on your arms! Did you get hurt a lot?" He asks, impressed. Ochako nods. "How?" Katsuki asks. Ochako shakes her head and doesn't reply.
The blonde sighs, really wanting to know. "Why don't you tell us anything?" He asks. Ochako blinks. "I'll get in trouble." She mutters, putting her sleeves down again.
Katsuki notices the hair in her face. "And you also never move those hair strands." He adds, pointing to the part of hair that covered some of the girl's face. Ochako hesitates before moving it, self consciously.
Katsuki looks at her bruised face. "Woah! You're so cool, probably got in lots of fights!" He exclaimed, punching the air like a hero.
He was just a kid back then, what, did you except him to already know that she is getting abused?
Ochako blinks at him, confused. "Fights? No. No fights." She says, muttering. "How did you get them then?" He asks, touching the bruises on the girl's face.
Ochako shakes her head and bites her lip, not wanting to tell the blonde anything. He sighs and pouts. "You're so secretive." He says, rolling his eyes.
The brunette shrugs. "And also so emotionless." He points out, staring at the girl's big and blank eyes.
She shrugs again. Katsuki scoffs, getting a bit annoyed now.
"Not emotionless. Don't like emotions." She says. "Why not? And also, you never speak properly." He says/asks. "Emotions are bad." She says.
"What about the other thing I said? Why don't you talk properly?" He asks. "I can speak properly, I just rather observe and listen than talk. I was taught that my words don't matter." She says, quietly.
"That was the first time I heard you say something long other than the recipe for the cookies." Katsuki says, grinning.
He then thinks about what she said. "Your words do matter, to me at least." He says, quietly, not wanting to show his SUPER kind side.
Ochako blinks and for the first time Katsuki saw her smile. He beams at her, proud that he accomplished his mission. "Finally! You're smiling." He says, grinning.
Ochako realises and stops as soon as he said that. "Sorry." She says, looking down. "Why are you apologising? You're better when you smile." He says, nodding.
The brunette looks at Katsuki and smiles, this time happily. "Thank you." She says, looking at him properly. Katsuki blushes lightly.
"I'll make Shoto jealous by telling him that I made you smile." The blonde says, punching the air like a hero again. Ochako blinks at him and giggles.
"I...I'm glad we became friends." She says, shyly. Katsuki smiles brightly. "Everyone's glad to be friends with me." He says, laughing. Ochako giggles again.
"I never seen you smiling and laughing this much." He says. Ochako nods. "I'm not that type of person. I feel more comfortable around you, I guess." She says, smiling at the blonde who grins back.
She pauses and looks serious. "What?" Katsuki asks, noticing the sudden change of mood. "I lied about my quirk." She says, honestly.
Katsuki blinks at her. "Really?" He questions. "Yeah, I actually do have one...actually...two." She mutters and holds her hand out she touches an autumn leaf on the floor and makes it float.
Katsuki stares in awe. "Woah, it's so pretty!" He says as Ochako floats more leaves and shapes them into a big heart in the sky. "What's your second quirk?" He asks, interested.
Ochako nods shyly. "It's kind of like yours." She says, making a fire butterfly. Katsuki stares, confused how it links to his quirk until it explodes, largely.
(Remember that this is my AU so it is different.)
"Woah! So cool!" He says, grinning happily. "My quirk is still cooler though." He adds, quickly. Ochako giggles. "Yeah." She says.
Katsuki stops. "This is my house, I have to go now." He says, waving at the brunette as he goes home. Ochako waves back.
The brunette walks home, she wished Katsuki or Shoto was with her, feeling upset that good moments only last for a few minutes.
She stops nervously in-front of her house and knocks on the door as her father answers it and grabs her by her arm, pulling her into the house.
"You little sl#t! Where the f#ck were you?!" He asks, slapping her across her face, she falls to the ground with a thud.
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