Chapter 3: The Night Eyes

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*(y/n) POV*
From then on me and Hak would hang out with each other. I had always been by his side and him at mine. But sometimes Hak had to go with Mundok to a meeting. I was fine with that. I would wear my bandanna everyday and night but the towns people didn't care they thought it was cool. But no one in this village would look at my eyes. Then one day when me and Hak were hanging out. Mundok said that we are going to the crimson castle and said he wanted me to meet someone. I nodded and went to the castle with Hak and Mundok. Mundok went to a meeting and left me and Hak. We walked to the nearest tree and sat against it.

As minutes pass I felt a strong presents slowly towards us. I turned my head to see a girl with beautiful crimson hair. It looked like her hair was on fire and it was to wild to tame. I felt my body kneeing infront of her and a deep voice saying. "From this day forward you will act as our avatars. We have granted you are powers so you may protect the crimson dragon. It is your duty to protect them with your life." I felt massive pain go to my head. But I slowly realized that this beautiful girl in front of me is the crimson dragon. I look up at her and said "I am (y/n) (l/n). Pleasure to finally meet you crimson princess."  She looked at me surprised but then turned to joy. "So your the (y/n). I heard about from Hak."  "Yes wait what do Hak say?" I asked standing up. "Yeah he said you never show your eyes. And said that he would want to see-" she was cut off with Hak putting his hand on her mouth. "Ok I think that's enough. You guys don't know each other that well. So why don't you talk about each other and not talk about this." He said nervously. The crimson girl giggled and I tilted my head in confusion. I look over to Hak and saw him with little shades of pink on his cheeks. I smile and look back at the girl. "My name is Yona. I am the princess of the kouka kingdom." Yona said with a cheerily voice. I look at her for a few seconds and realized that she didn't know she was the crimson dragon. I cough to clear my throat and begin to speak. "Like I said I am (y/n) (l/n), I have joined the wind clan not so long ago and I will always wear my bandanna no matter what."  I looked at both Yona and Hak. Yona's face went to more joy and Hak's went to disappointed. "I am going to walk around a bit so I can let you guys chat together." Hak said as he walking off. "Did I make him angry?" I asked Yona. She shrugged and pulled me around the castle giving me a tour and telling me things bout her as I share a few things about me. Leaving things about my last village.

As time pasted it was time to head back. I met a a lot of people that were close to Yona. Like her father king Il, her cousin Su-won, who she is madly in love with, and servants that she talking to everyday. It was a fun time but I didn't see Hak during that time.
I was standing infront of the gate with Mundok and  wait for Hak arrived. Then minutes later he arrived not saying anything. I look over at Hak on the way home and see want in his eyes. I didn't say anything to not make things worse. As soon as we arrived to the wind clan, we at dinner and headed to our doors. Hak went to his room first. I wait a few minutes and knock on his door.

*Hak's POV*
I was siting in my room disappointed on what (y/n) said about she will never show she eye to anyone. I look at the window seeing the sun go down as I light up my candle. The I heard a knock on my door and a soft voice whispering "Hey it's (y/n), can I talk to you." I was surprised that she would come this late to talk to me. "Yeah sure come in." I said as I look out the window. The sun looked like it didn't move. I sighed and look over to (y/n) closing the door. She moved over to my bed and sat down. "What's wrong?" She asked. "What do you mean." I said as I tried to lie. "Don't lie I know you. You started being quiet as soon as I was introducing myself to Yona." She said facing me. I sighed and said "Fine... I'm just a little disappointed that you won't show your eyes. As soon as you arrived, you have always but the bandanna over your eyes."  She stayed silent and carefully listen to my reason. "I know it's stupid." I said as I rubbed my head. "It's not stupid. Your just curious." She said  "Yeah I know and curiosity killed the cat." I shot back. "And satisfaction brought it back." She said calmly. I look at her on what she meant. She took of her bandanna and had her eyes closed. "I only show my eyes to people I trust. Can I trust you?" She ask facing me without opening her eyes. I thought for a a few seconds and answered "Yes, you can trust me." She took a breath and relaxed herself.

Then (y/n) slowly opened her eyes to show me. My eyes widen to see her (e/c) eyes shining in what was left of light. "Beautiful." I quietly whispered. "Please don't tell anyone about my eyes. You can say you saw them just don't tell them the color.... and you're the only one I ever showed my eyes too." She said nervously. I slowly nodded my head and see her stand up. She looked back and said "Good night Hak. I'll see you in the morning."  and walked to the door. (Y/n) looked back and smiled. I thought I saw a glimpse of yellow in her eyes. I shrugged it off because I thought I was tired and though it was nothing. She tied her bandanna over her eyes and closed the door behind her. As I heard her foot steps as she entered her room. I blow out my candle and looked though the window and see the it dark outside. As I laid down in bed the only thing I thought was her eyes. They were like the night sky with shooting stars. I couldn't get over them. As I thought about her, I felt my heart beating faster every time I think about her. (Y/n), what did you do to me?

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