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I was rather shocked by the idea of eating the Hands, putting every moral opposition aside even if we took to it the expected rebellion and the malnutrition that would set in could spell trouble for us these concerns dispelled any notion of attending to our assignment that huge pit made ready for us remained a mere landmark the Hands found its depth and mystery to be quite fascinating. Little notion they had of the utility it was to provide they threw loose stones into its bowels perhaps making wishes to the underworld. I banned them from being in its proximity without express permission and ensured their eyes were lowered as they gathered for mess they seemed to enjoy the runny substance. 

Penn had concocted a familiar and perhaps homely feeling dish for lower orders unsightly and bound for skepticism among us fortunately Penn understood the order of proceedings and ensured we had spiced porridge for every meal. That is such are the privations of a work camp the chill of the evening made us uncomfortable even in our coats. So we then arranged billets seeing as only our main office and mess hall were roofed at the time. I had to sleep close to the other women on the second floor. Sill brought me a screen woven from pine branches with a surprisingly soft flare the incomplete separation from the Engineers it afforded was tolerable for the night and Jasper stood guard as always. 

Of interest was the accommodation the Hands procured in the morning they seemed to emerge from the trees that surrounded our barren pit having rolled themselves in leaves and the like. A curious choice I commented to the others given that we had left tent posts enough for at least some of them and their long coats would suffice for canvas in a pinch there were soldiers in their band who must have known as much it was a delightful and curious reason that prompted this native behavior. 

Firstly the Hands were want to remain in solidarity with each other's misery and so shared a damp night together as if to ensure that no progress away from such squalor be made "As is their nature." I quipped to much amusement. Secondly they were awaiting the "Ladies orders" before they touched any more of the empire's property I praised Sill and Pen for their excellent communication I pondered what reward I should give the Hands for their good behavior they spent the day finishing our headquarters and the engineers assessed them to have performed skillfully with the materials left to spare I provided a grant to them so that they may build their own accommodations on the far side of the pit. They bowed like house servants I suppose some of them had been and scurried away. It provided something to watch from the shutters of the top floor of the headquarters, now my private lodging and Jasper's. 

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