missing | 09

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"(y/n).." was all Steven could muster up, he pulled up the covers that you put on him and tears silently fell from his eyes, slowly drifting to sleep.


Steven woke up at the sound of Pearl's screams, he frantically get up and shots his eyes open to where the sound was coming from.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN (Y/N) IS NOT HERE... I COULD'VE SWORN I SAW HER OUT THERE!!" Pearl shouts, Steven doesn't know what was happening until Amethyst point out that Steven is awake.

"hey, Pearl. I think your screams might've waken up the lil dude..." she pointed at him, Pearl looks at Steven—her body freezing up once she realizes what she just did.

"oh.. Steven! oh my- im sorry that i woke you up... but this is important. Your sister.. dissapeared, we don't know where she went." she tried to explain to him, Steven felt some liqiuds starts to form on his eyes. Just a night before, he found (y/n) confessing how she really feels. And now she went missing.

it really made him feel useless, how could someone be so.. useless? he didn't do anything to help the gems, and certainly put a heavy weight on his big sister.

he can't stand it, sure he is only nine years old but he's aware of his surroundings. He's not going to sit around, he will find his big sister.

Steven stood up and looks at Pearl who was crouching infront of him, he wiped the tears off from his eyes and put a serious face.

furrowing his brows he spoke: "i will find her. I won't stand here and let danger come near my big sister."

the gems was shocked to hear this, Pearl was worried ofcourse and immediately starts to sit Steven down. "WHAT?! no no no! you're too important, we won't let you go!" she told him, that is until she felt hands on her shoulders. Pearl looked up and found Garnet standing there with a blank expression.

"Pearl, let him. She is his sibling, it is his right to find her." Garnet says firmly. "but- what if he gets hurt?! what if (y/n) get hurt.." she doubted Steven, she doesn't want any of them to get hurt but she had no choice. Pearl has to trust Steven.

Garnet gave her a glare before finally crouching infront of Steven, she looks at him and starts to smile slightly. "you know where she went." was all Garnet says, Pearl and Amethyst looks at Garnet confusingly. Garnet don't really knew where the place was but she knew that Steven could find you on his own.

Steven looks at Garnet and nodded slightly, he took his backpack and ran out of the house—heading towards the secret base.


it has been a couple of years since he's been here, the last and first time when he was a toddler, he barely remembers what it look like. Steven found himself outside the cave, unable to see the entrance.

"where could it be... darn, i forgot where it is..." no matter how hard he look, he couldn't find the entrance to the secret cave. Steven eventually gives up and went back inside the temple.

Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst was sitting on the couch, hoping for the best. Amethyst looks up and saw Steven with a disappointed look on his face. "Steven, you.. do you see where (y/n) be?" She asked him slowly. "oh my stars! Steven! so... where is she?" Pearl starts to run towards Steven and hold both of his shoulders, Steven could only shake his head.

looking down at the wooden floor, the three could hear someone mumbling. Garnet was mumbling all to herself. "i could've sworn that Steven should've find her by now, but where is she?!" Garnet asked herself. "we.. we couldn't know. Even using our future vision, we couldn't exactly know where she went!" she answered herself. Amethyst and Pearl was looking concerned at Garnet while Steven was confused.

who was she talking to? why is she so mad at herself? "no.. calm down. We can go through this together... but all the vision of her has been blurred?! i- we couldn't see her.. future." Amethyst looks up at Garnet and tried to comfort her.

"hey.. Garnet? im sure we could find her. She couldn't use the warp pad so im sure she's not that far... unless..- but that's okay, we're going to find her together." she tried to reassure her, which seems to work out by the looks of it.

"okay, we could start searching for (y/n) in the morning." Garnet smiles at the group and starts to get up, walking to her room.

meanwhile you, you've passed out from exhaustion after crying and all the training. You're now inside the cave your mother had made for you and her.

waking up, you look around until you spot your little keyboard you've decided to take. It's been years since you've played it, it seems to be in a good condition. It still has the magic your mother gave it so that it could power up without using cables.

while you're just examining and looking at the keyboard, you look at one of the shelfs and found a picture of you and your mother.

the photo has roses on it since your mom decided that it would be better to have more 'decorations'. It really did, the photo was when the two of you were at the water fountain your mom made.

you were laying down on one of the statue of her, you mother had your phone and decided to take a picture of you, the statue you're sleeping on, and her.

it was a nice memory, you smiled at it. Walking towards it, your hands start to wander on the roses, giving it a gentle rub. It seemed like it blossomed more under your touch(if that even possible), you couldn't care less. All you care was how nice those memories were, and how much impact her 'death' could had on you.

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