Chapter 9

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We finally made it back to the house. I took a shower then changed. I read a book in my room some waiting for Bonnie and Darla to go to sleep. Once I heard the hallway was silent, I made my way into Caroline's bedroom. I opened the door slightly and she motioned me in.

She was sitting in front of her full length mirror, brushing her hair, listening to a record.

"What are you up to?" I asked, sitting on the edge of her bed behind her.

"Waiting for you to come join me." She replied.

I sat there a moment as we passed silence, only listening to the record. I watched as Caroline continued to brush her hair. She then stopped and put her brush down beside her, and got up to sit beside me on the bed.

"I can't believe you're leaving tomorrow, Stanley."

"I can't either. This week went by so fast but so slow."

She leaned her head against my shoulder. "I had no idea this week was going to go the way it did."

"I didn't see it coming either." I agreed.

I held her closer to me in my arms.

"It feels like i'd waited forever for you and I only got this week. Like I waited my whole life for the time we spent together. But now you have to leave."

"I don't know, Caroline. We'll figure it out."

As I told her this, I might've sounded unsure myself. I wasn't even sure if what I had said was true. If I really knew we could make it work.

"How about after college we run away to Florida together." She joked.

"Anywhere with you is where I want to be."

We stayed in silence for a little while. Then, the record she had on ended and Caroline got up to flip it to its other side. She came back over to her bed, but sat in the middle of it this time by her pillows. She motioned for me to sit next to her.

I scooted up to where I was beside her now. Caroline buried her face into my shoulder as I held her. All that I knew was that I needed her. I needed to hold her safely and find a way to be with her.

I forced myself to stay in the moment and forget about tomorrow. To only remember all the things Caroline and I did. To enjoy her company and the feeling of her lying in my arms. To hold her tightly.

And I did that. We lied there for hours, mostly in silence. Savoring the presence of each other.

I loved Caroline so much. It hurt.

+ + + + +

After a few hours, I kissed Caroline good night then returned to my room. I started getting my things together and make sure I wasn't leaving anything behind.

That's when I remembered what I had gotten for Caroline today in the city.

I pulled the gold chained bracelet and charm with her name engraved it from the pocket in my jeans I had on earlier today. And I did what I was planning to do.

I found a pencil lying in the room and used that to separate one of the endings of the chain. Once I opened it enough, I used the charms holes to hook it onto both ends. I closed the chain openings back up and was left with a gold chain bracelet with Caroline's name engraved on a charm that connected both ends of the chain.

I smiled to myself and hoped she'd like it. I'd give it to her tomorrow. I went to sleep soon after that.

+ + + + +

I woke up kind of early the next morning. I didn't sleep too much last night.

I accepted my fate and took ten minutes to drag myself out of bed. Once I finally did, I got dressed in a red sweater and fixed my hair real fast. I left my room and glanced into Caroline's to see if she was in there. The door was open, but no Caroline.

I continued downstairs and saw all three of them. Darla bringing plates of breakfast to the table Caroline and Bonnie were sitting at.

"Well, Stan's finally awake." Bonnie remarked.

I sat down at the table in the seat next to Caroline, where I always sat.

"You got your stuff together, teacup?" Bonnie asked.

I nodded my head.

"Great. We're gonna leave around noon." She added.

Darla finally joined as at the table with her own plate of breakfast that she fixed last. We ate our breakfast together, mostly in silence. Really only Bonnie and Darla talked.

"It was really nice having you both here. You guys are perfect company." Darla exclaimed.

"Thanks for having us. Me and Stan had fun too." Bonnie replied.

"Yeah, when you get back, you go to school in a week, is that right Stanley?" Darla asked.

I nodded.

"You excited for your last year?"

"Debatable." I shrugged, teasing.

"Well, you are turning eighteen soon, that's exciting."

"It's fun." Bonnie chimed in.

Darla and I laughed knowing what fun was to Bonnie at eighteen. My mother and even Bonnie herself always told stories of the wild stuff she got into. Now i'm starting to think Darla was the one who did that stuff with her.

After breakfast, Bonnie and I went upstairs to get our bags. I helped load everything up in the car. It's like time was moving extremely slow today, which is what it felt like as I was packing the car.

The sun was shining bright today. The weather hot. Not a single cloud in the sky.

Caroline and Darla joined us outside. Bonnie and Darla stood further down the driveway talking and saying their own goodbyes as I stood behind the car facing Caroline.

"You're going to be five hours away from me." Caroline mumbled.

It doesn't matter where I am. I'm yours."

She moved closer to me and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back and we stayed that way a while. Against my body, she felt like a warm star.

After she pulled away, she looked into my eyes a moment.

"I'm glad I met you." I said again.

"Me too, Stan. We met for a reason."

I reached into my pocket and pulled out the gold chain I got for her and modified to make special.

I took her hand and held it out in front of me where I could put the bracelet on her. She watched as I did with a surprised look on her face.

"Oh, Stanley." She smiled. "When did you do this?"

I shrugged with a smile. "Made my own special touches."

She wrapped her hands around my neck and hugged me again.

"Thank you Stanley. I love it." Her face was flustered and she had a big grin still.

"Maybe we could make weekend trips and drive down to visit each other? You could give me your house phone number? We can call sometimes?" I asked, almost desperately.

"Stanley." She paused. "I won't be around for my senior year.

I waited a moment for her to explain.

"This school year, I'm taking an honors opportunity. It's in Oklahoma and Kansas. It's a really great chance for me. I just won't be around here in Arkansas. I should have told you sooner."

My heart felt crushed. I really wouldn't be able to see Caroline for who knows how long. But I was still happy for her.

"That's still great, Caroline. I'm proud of you. That seems like a great opportunity." I smiled genuinely.

Another moment of silence passed between us. I didn't know what else to say except that it tore my heart out of my body having to say goodbye.

"Will you love me forever?" Caroline whispered.

My heart ached and the longer I looked into her blue bell eyes, the way her hair hung just so, and even her smell of lavender on a rainy day, I could only think of how much I loved her, how much she meant to me, and all that I would do for her.

After all, love is not endless. As I told her this, her glassy eyes began to water as hope shined through them.

I placed my hand on her cheek, and kissed her gently, just like I always have.

"It will always be you, Caroline. I promise we'll see each other again."

"You ready to go, Stan?" Bonnie called.

"Yeah." I answered, walking back to the car.

Darla came over and gave me a hug.

"It was nice seeing you Stanley." She beamed.

"Thanks for everything, Darla."

"Of course. Come back and visit sometime."

Bonnie and I waved goodbye to them again and got in the car to leave.

"Are we good?" Bonnie asked again.

"Yeah." I nodded.

We pulled out of the driveway, and we were on the road, a five hour drive ahead of us. I turned around and watched as the distance between Caroline and I grew further and further away as she watched us drive away.

I turned back in my seat and learned to accept it. I loved Caroline. I knew we'd cross paths again. We were under the same sky at least.

But until then, I need to
let July be July
and let August be August.

+ + + +

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