Chapter 4

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The next morning, we were all gathered at the dining table eating breakfast as usual.

"Did you give Stanley a nice tour of the town yesterday?" Darla asked.

"Yeah, I think he liked it." Caroline smiled over to me.

"I did. We drove by the lake and through the city and stuff." I answered.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it." Darla exclaimed.

"How was your shopping trip?" Caroline asked in a teasing tone.

"Wonderful, thank you. We got some new stuff, me and Bonnie both."

"Did you two get anything?" Bonnie wondered.

"We got some new books and vinyls." Caroline answered happily. "And I know you're gonna ask if we had lunch, we did, we got pizza."

Darla laughed, "Okay Caroline."

"What are plans for today?" Bonnie asked.

"Well, I don't know. Haven't thought about it after shopping wore me out yesterday." Darla chuckled.

"I think James is wanting to spend some time with me today." Caroline added.

"How sweet." Darla grinned.

"So we'll have to find something to do with Stanley." My aunt laughed.

"Sorry to leave you stuck with them." Caroline teased. "I'd bring you along if I could."

I was a little disappointed I couldn't spend the day with Caroline again when I only have two days left after today. But maybe she wouldn't be gone the entire Wednesday. I felt a little jealousy, but brushed it off.

After we ate breakfast, Caroline went to get ready and left. She didn't say where they were going though. I helped Darla clean up breakfast then we all sat in the living room watching whatever was on TV.

It didn't take long for me to get bored, so I went upstairs to the bedroom I was staying in and read one of the new books I got to pass to the time.

I wasn't sure if we had any plans for tonight, but it was unlikely since we did stuff the past couple of days. I wouldn't be surprised if Bonnie and Darla just wanted to relax today. I was fine with that.

I then got bored staying in the room for the past hour, so I took my book and went to join Bonnie and Darla again.

When I made it downstairs, I noticed Darla in the kitchen talking on the phone as she was wiping down the counter tops. I sat down on the couch in front of Bonnie who was in the single chair reading a newspaper.

"Yeah, he's right here actually." I heard Darla say to the phone. "Yep, I think he's been having a good time. I love having them both here."

I looked above my book I was holding and she winked at me when I caught her gaze and I chuckled.

"Okay, talk to you later. Bye." She said, hanging up the phone now. "That was your mother asking how you were doing." She exclaimed.

"She just wishes she were here." Bonnie snickered.

"Why don't we watch a movie?" Darla suggested.

"Oh, Stanley doesn't want to stick around with us. Here's my keys, knock yourself out." Bonnie said, handing me the keys to her car without taking her eyes off her newspaper.

"Okay then." I shrugged excitedly.

"Don't get lost." Bonnie insisted.

"I won't." I probably will.

"If you crash my car i'll strangle ya." She added.

"Make sure you're back for dinner!" Darla called.

"Wouldn't miss it."

I hurried out the door faster before they instructed me of something else.

I got in the car, turned the keys, and I was off.

I tried to go the way Caroline drove us since that's the only way I knew, but I realized I wasn't paying much attention that day. But I managed. I followed the road and followed the traffic.

I remembered Bonnie's car had a radio. I fiddled with it until I could get it to turn out. Eventually, it started to play a song by The Flamingo's.

I was glad to enjoy the warm air with the cars roof down. To just drive, enjoy the music, and get a good look of the city which was all new to me.

I passed by the fountain Caroline and I drove by, but this time there was lots of people surrounding the fountain, dancing. Some people slow dancing and others just regular dancing. There was loud music that played which drowned out the radio I had on.

I wondered what the special occasion was, could be a town thing. I might ask about it later out of curiosity.

Next I drove down along the lake just like we had done yesterday. I really didn't want to get lost so I only went where I knew, which wasn't much.

I pulled into the parking lot of a diner and headed inside. It was a pretty spiffy looking place. I took a seat at one of the bar stools in front of the counter and waited.

There was two girls that looked about my age behind the counter. One had short red hair and the other had real long blonde hair.

The blonde one greeted me while the girl with red hair went to serve someone else.

"Hi! What can I get ya?" She cheered.

I glanced up at the menu above her quickly and decided.

"I'll just have a number seven combo with a Coke."

"Sure thing!" She wrote my order down on a notepad then tore the page out.

She then handed it though the window behind her that lead to the kitchen. After that, she turned back around and leaned against the counter with her hands in front of me.

"Never seen you 'round here before." She smiled.

"It's a big city." I shrugged

"Yeah, but the same people go to the same places. You just trying something new?"

"I was just messin' with ya. I'm visiting here for a week." I explained.

"Oh! Okay. Where ya from?" She asked, handing me my food which was now ready. It was just a burger and fries.


"Wow." She soothed, leaning down to set her elbows on the counter, resting her chin in her hands.

"Are you originally from here?" I asked for conversation.

"No, i'm actually from Tennessee, but i'm going to college here."

"That's cool." I nodded, going back to my food.

"What brings you to Arkansas? Family vacation?" She joked.

"Just visiting a friend."

"Scarlett, leave him alone and let him eat his food." The red head said.

The blonde who I now know as Scarlett sighed and stood up from the counter.

"It's alright. She wasn't bothering me." I chuckled trying to be nice.

"See, Carri." Scarlett teased. She then leaned her hip against the counter this time, still in front of me. "What's your name anyways?"

"Stanley. Most people call me Stan."

"Hm." She smiled. "Are you in college?"

"I will be next year."

"Oh, alright. You should go here. Lots of scholarship opportunities." She gave me a wink.

I finished up my food and gave Scarlett a tip, then turned to leave.

"Nice meeting you, Scarlett." I called before I left.

"Come back sometime, Stan!"

I laughed. She was quite a character.

After leaving the diner, I saw a small car show going on down by the lake and went to go check it out. I didn't stay long, just looked at the cars that were there. Some real nice ones. I asked a question or two about a couple I had interest in.

After that, I went to a donut shop for something to do. I ordered a dozen donuts that I could bring back to the house later for everyone.

Once I got those, I returned to the car again and set the box of donuts in the passenger seat next to my book I accidentally brought with me.

I drove even closer to the lake down the opposite side and parked the car. I stood up in the seat and sat on top the backside of the bench. I reached down and grabbed a donut out of the box and my book at the same time. I opened my book and began to read while I had some donuts.

I was glad to enjoy the air. It was real quite along here, which was surprising seen as how big the city is. Over by the lake there was less people and it was real peaceful. I could see myself coming here a lot if I lived here.

Back in Louisiana, there's a beach you're able to drive on. When I want to get away i'll sometimes drive on the beach and sometimes read there, listening to the ocean.

Everyone says the people who live so close to the beach are sick of it. But for me, even though I go a lot of the time, I just enjoy. I've learned to appreciate it. The sound of the ocean and the sand that the sun blazes against.

I stayed out there a while, reading my book and enjoying the air. The sun was beginning to set, and I'd stay and watch it but I knew I should get back for dinner. And if I got lost I would need extra time to get back, but I sure hope I don't. I'm really not looking for a game of scavenger hunt.

On the way back to the house I thought about the fun I had today even on my own. I hoped I could do something with Caroline tomorrow at least. I was really liking her. I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't get her off my mind. I knew that was only going to make it worse when I had to leave.

I pushed the thought out of my head and continued my drive back to the house.

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