Chapter 1

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July, 1964

It was toward the end of summer break, 1964. Once break was over, i'd be going in my senior year of high school. I'm dreading the end of break, but looking forward to being close to done with high school.

My thoughts were interrupted when I heard my father calling my name from the living room.

"Stan!" He called again.

I left my room and passed the kitchen, meeting my parents and my aunt, all watching as I made my way fully into the living room.

"Stanley," my mother started, "your Aunt was thinking about visiting one of her friends, Darla Jayne, in Arkansas for a week. Since your father and I have been busy working this summer keeping us from vacation, would you want to go with her?" She smiled as she waited for my response.

I've only been to Arkansas a couple of times before. I thought it'd be fun. Something new for a while. It wasn't like I had much going on around here. Most my friends went out of town for break.

I agreed and my Aunt smiled.

"You've met her before." Aunt Bonnie laughed.

"Oh, he was a baby then, he don't remember" My father stated.

"Well I think it'd be good for you." My mother added. "A change of scenery."

"She has a daughter I think about your age. You might get along well." Bonnie smiled.

•    •   •   •   •

A few days later, the trip was official. It would give me something to do until school stared again.
I packed the night before and was ready by morning.

We left early that day.

It wasn't a long trip.

Louisiana to Arkansas.

I thought about what this friend of my Aunt's would be like. What her daughter was like.
If i'd want to go home before the week was over, or if i'd love it and want to stay longer.

The ride was simple. I drove most of the way with Bonnie in the passenger seat. She wanted to drive some of the way too, so when we took stops, we'd switch.

My Aunt Bonnie had  one of those new fancy cars with a radio in it. She had only gotten it recently replacing her old 1941 Buick Super.

We made it there to Bentonville, Arkansas later that night. I helped Bonnie out of the car and we made our way to the front porch.

Who I know as Darla greeted us at the door after we knocked. She had short blonde hair and was slightly short, with a huge smile on her face as she hugged my Aunt.
She seemed nice.

"Stanley!" Darla exclaimed, hugging me next. "Great to finally meet you again! I haven't seen you since you were only this tall!" She held out her hand next to her hip.

"Nice to see you too, Ms. Jayne." I smiled.

She chuckled. "You can just call me Darla, Dear. Well come on in!"

Bonnie and I followed her through the front door.

"Oh! Let me give you a tour of the new place. I just haven't seen you in forever, Bonnie!" Darla exclaimed.

"Oh, Yes! I'd love to see around." My Aunt beamed.

We followed Darla around the main floor as she showed us the dining room, living room, kitchen, and all that. She had beautiful decorations basically everywhere. She explained that almost all of her decorations were vintage. Even a lot of her furniture. I liked it. It was very welcoming.

One of the rooms that stuck out to me was her sun room. It was full of large plants and lots of greenery. Against the wall she had a very nice piano. Darla explained that she and her daughter enjoy playing sometimes.

That made my mind wander to where her daughter was. I haven't seen her around the house so far, but we have yet to see upstairs. But wouldn't Darla have called her down if she were? Maybe she's out somewhere. I wondered why I cared. I guess I was eager to meet her. I liked talking to new people.

Darla then took us to tour upstairs. She showed us where her own room was and the bathroom and such. Her upstairs was a good size, so she had two small guest rooms next to her daughters room. They weren't very roomy though, which I didn't mind. All that was in the guest rooms was a nice sized bed and nightstands with lamps on them.

After showing us around, we went back to the kitchen for dinner. Darla already had the food ready so we made our plates and sat down at the small round dining table.

Darla and Bonnie got a chance to catch up. I was also asked some questions about myself like if I was liking school and about my hobby's. I told her I liked to read. She said her daughter has loads of books that I was welcome to if I wanted.

When we were about halfway done with dinner, we all turned our heads to the sound of the front door closing.

"Sorry i'm late." I heard a soft voice say. "The movie lasted longer than I thought it would."

I watched as the figure came into the light to see who that beautiful voice belonged to.

"Hello, Dear. This is my friend Bonnie and her Nephew Stanley. They'll be staying with us for the week. Bonnie, Stanley, this is my daughter Caroline."

Caroline Jayne.



Instantly, my heart starts beating out of my chest.
My body feels weak.
I forget how to speak.
I can't seem to get any words out of my mouth.
My heart is trying to claw out of my chest.
My eyes set on only her like nothing else exist.
Caroline, Caroline, Caroline.
She's like words of poetry.
Like words of love and desire, cascading down

Caroline, Caroline, Caroline.
Her name runs around in my head.
Something tells me she's the next girl i'll fall in love with.
I watch as she sits down at the table, the empty seat next to me.
I tell her it's nice to meet her.
She says it's nice to meet me too.
I watch as her green eyes glow as she speaks.
She's like a burning star.
Her own star that you dream about.
She's the finest arranged stardust I had ever seen.
She asks where i'm from.
I tell her Louisiana. "Baton Rouge," I specify.
She tells me she wants to go to there one day.
Her voice is as beautiful as her.
Her smile sends waves of electricity through my body.
She says something else, but I can't hear over her name repeating in my head.
Her smile makes me want to keep talking to her.
She keeps talking because I keep asking her questions.
You're gonna fall in love with me, Caroline.
+ + + + +

We get through the rest of dinner.
All I thought about was Caroline.
I help Darla clean up dinner.
After, we all head upstairs to get ready for bed.
I let Bonnie have the guest bathroom first.
I hope to talk to Caroline as I wait.
Instead, she smiles at me and disappears to her room.
I go to the room i'm staying in.
I lay flat on my back ontop the bed.
I stare at the ceiling, thinking.
Thinking about Caroline.

Reality crashes on me when I think a girl as beautiful as Caroline would never just be single. Girls like her probably have guys lining up.

But I guess those guys are going to have to beat it because I'll be with her everyday this week.

You're gonna fall in love with me, Caroline.

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