1:00 AM

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"You've all been brought here because of the death of Jeon Jungkook."

There was six guys, all various heights and looks.

One held visuals like no other, and for some odd reason wore all pink. He had his arm slung around another guy who was sitting next to him. He held a pair of broken glasses and was trying to fix them.

A young man that resembled a rice cake sat next to a sleep deprived turtle man.

The sun itself sat in the fifth seat, complete with a pure smile.

The last seat was occupied by "Kim Taehyung" who was questioned briefly before the official trial began.

"Alright... Now let us start. Starting from Kim Seokjin, please state where you were at 0:00 AM on September 1."

".... on a date with Namjoon..."

"With Seokjin."

"At home?? Playing video games?? With Hobi?? What else?"

"Sleeping in my room."

"Playing video games with Jimin~"

"At the death scene."

"Ok so is it necessary to do a proper trial on his?? It's obviously Kim Taehyung." There was an assistant in the courtroom next to the judge. The judge hushed the assistant and then remained silent as the professional criminologist continued to lay the facts out before properly giving each suspect their turn to talk.

Kim Taehyung lowered his gaze as the assistant gave that snarky comment.

"Now let us see the objects found in the crime scene."



Who is it hmmmmm~???

Is it Taehyung? Namjoon? Hobi? Seokjin? Yoongi? Jimin?


You'll be surprised~

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