•12• False hate

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What the hell is he doing here?, Is the first thought that comes to mind when I see Andy walk in. I can't help but be a little pissed at him, he always left me alone whenever I really needed someone. He lived with me yet went out of his way to avoid me, I mean, what the fuck is that all about? But I do know that he is the last person I want to see. Frank is second to last.

I go over to Joe and pull him off of the couch and into the kitchen. The only one who really noticed was Patrick, everyone else was fixated on the TV.

"What the hell is Andy doing here?" I whispered harshly once Joe and I were in the farthest corner of the kitchen.

Joe shrugs. "I don't know dude. I didn't invite him...well I don't think I did."

"You don't think- you're not even sure?!" I narrowed my eyes at him, examining him suspiciously. "Did you wake-and-bake this morning?"

Joe holds his hands up defensively. "No. If I did, I'm sure you would've smelled it by now."

"I don't know, you got good at hiding it from your parents back in highschool." I say skeptically.

"You're not my dad are you?"


"Then I have no reason to hide. But seriously, I didn't invite him. Maybe he's looking for you."

"Yeah, right," I scoff. "Andy hates being around me, you know that."

Joe sighs. "Pete, I know absolutely nothing. You live in his apartment, if he hated you then he would've kicked your ass out ages ago."

I hated to admit it, but Joe had a point. Kicking me out would be much easier than purposely leaving his own home just to avoid me. But if Joe didn't tell him to come over here then why did he show up? No one knew the answer to that except for Andy himself so I guess I'm just gonna have to take a deep breath and talk to him. Or maybe not because he comes into the kitchen before I can even take a step. Joe takes that as his queue to leave, returning to his spot on the couch.

"Pete." Andy says.

I acknowledge him. "Andy."

He hesitates a moment before he says. "I just wanted to talk to you."

Good. Then maybe he'll have a good reason as to why he's been an asshole to me lately. But it put me off a little because Andy wasn't much of a talker. "I'm listening."

Andy gets straight to the point. "I'm moving."

"What?!" I shout, causing everyone to look towards us then I lower my voice. "What the fuck do you mean you're moving?"

"I'm transferring schools to attend this music program. I haven't been home much because I was checking out the campus."

"Where's the school?"

"Wisconsin, so it's not too far. Maybe about a two hour drive."

What the fuck Andy?! Well I'm not pissed at him anymore, now I'm just bummed out. Where am I supposed to live?

"Listen," Andy says. "if you can get a job within the next few days then you can keep the apartment, but if not you're going to have to find someplace else to go."

How am I supposed to just find a new place on such short notice? I can't stay with Joe, his house is a tiny one bedroom shack pretty much. Gabe already has a roommate, Brendon lives with his boyfriend and I really don't want to hear them fucking in the middle of the night. Frank isn't even an option, and Patrick...well he lives in his dorm. Am I even allowed to stay there if I don't attend the school?

"Okay, I'll figure something out." I say. "Just keep in touch, okay? And good luck."

Andy smiles and pulls me into a hug. Both of these things are out of character for him, he's never once hugged me -not including right now- and the last time I saw him smile was...was when...there was that one time...I can't remember the last time he's smiled okay. But it doesn't matter, he's leaving and I'm going to miss him.

I hug him back and say, "At least now you don't have to worry about me stealing your clothes anymore."

Andy chuckles then we part from our embrace. "Yeah. I'm leaving Monday."

"Guess I'll have to stop by then. I'll call you."

"See you later, Pete."

"Bye, Andy."

Then Andy leaves the kitchen, says goodbye to Joe, Brandon, and Gabe then is out the door.

He was never avoiding me like I thought, he was just taking advantage of upcoming opportunities. It's a good thing that he's doing something with his life, at least he knows what he wants to do. Unlike me. I'm happy for him though, maybe I'll take the guys with me one day and visit him in Wisconsin. At least now I know he doesn't hate my guts.

A/N: My writers block is cured and shit is gonna go down next chapter. Just wanted to give you the heads up

❤ na-na-na-nana

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