Next Day
Raph is rummaging through a box he found for anything useful. He manages to find soup and chips. Mona Lisa takes this chance to sneak up being Raph and play a small prank by scaring him. After she does, she laughs while Raph pouts and yells at her playfully. Once they regained their composure, they started walking around, Raph was walking with the chips and soup in his arms. Raph and Mona Lisa find an undestroyed shack, Raph goes over and tries to open it with one hand since he's holding the chips and soup in the other. Mona Lisa decides to go help Raph and pushes the door open flawlessly. Raph then laughs nervously and they both walk in, they both eat whatever rations they found including the chips and soup. Raph is looking at the city map while they eat. Eventually, zombies manage to come and break the boarded-up windows. A zombie even came from the vent on the roof. Mona Lisa grabs Raph's hand and runs out of the house, Raph sees that he dropped the city map in all that chaos so he lets go of Mona's hand and runs back in while dodging and weaving the zombies within. He manages to get the city map and then runs back out of the house, he and Mona then continue running. They manage to get to a semi-safe area, Raph takes a look at the city map.
Leo's POV:
Leo, Donnie, April, and Mikey are running away from zombies, they manage to get into a house and hold the door shut with their weight.
Mikey: That was close!
Casey begins holding his chest as he falls to his knees. Leo's eyes widen as he sees what's happening and notices the bite mark on Casey's neck. He tries to help but Casey is turning into a zombie quickly
April then comes running. She's about to go and hit him over the head with a shovel but Leo blocks her
Leo: Wait! We can help him!
*April grabs Leo's shoulders*
April: You know there's no antidote left! We have no choice!
April goes and hits Casey over the head with the shovel and Casey gets knocked out. Leo watched the whole thing, and his eyes widened, he then ran away and Mikey, Donnie, and April watched Leo run away, they had confused expressions on their faces
Raph's POV:
Mona Lisa and Raph were going to a cliff near a construction area. Leo comes running and then stops in his tracks when he sees Raph
Raph: Fearless!
Leo's expression turns to one of fear, he runs back but trips over his own feet, and falls to the ground but his scarf falls off to reveal the bite mark and how he's turning. Raph, Mikey, Donnie, and April's faces turn into both shock and worry
Mikey: He's a zombie?
Raph: ...For how long...?
They all get flashbacks to what happened back at the house when Leo presumably got bit before Donnie saved him
Leo: Stay back!
Leo starts whimpering, groaning, and growling in pain as he gets turned
Raph: He's losing himself!
Everyone stares at Leo in fear, shock, and disbelief as Leo stands up. Leo's gaze goes to Raph and then he runs and tackles Raph to the ground. He's about to bite him but Mona Lisa intervenes and Leo bites Mona Lisa instead and since she's already a zombie, the bite doesn't do anything. Leo tries to get to Raph while Mona Lisa keeps him back
Raph: You don't...remember us?
Raph begins tearing up, Donnie and Mikey are too as they run over to beside Raph so they're all in Leo's sight
Raph: Please...don't forget us...
Leo's eyes widen, he then closes his eyes and holds his head as flashbacks of when they were kids and a bunch of other good memories play in his mind. Leo tears up as he sees Raph, Donnie, and Mikey's teared-up faces. Mona Lisa steps out of the way and then Leo goes to Raph, Donnie, and Mikey and hugs them
Leo: I'm sorry...
Raph: It's okay big brother...
Mona Lisa: It appears he's back!
April: So...are you with us to help take down the other zombies?
Leo nods as he tears up slightly
They head down to where every other zombie is. Leo, Raph, Donnie, Mikey, Mona Lisa, and April all fight the zombies with determination. Once they beat the zombies, they go to a cliff and watch the sunset
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