4) Part of the Truth

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We were in bumper to bumper, rush hour traffic. It seemed all of Chicago was headed towards O'Hare. At least I hoped that, NOT everyone was headed there. I wanted to question Wesley so much and use this time to contemplate while we had a referee, named Olivia! Having her with us, I was able to remain calm. I could compartmentalize my emotions. I was trying to think of what I could ask him that wouldn't be too personal of a question to ask in front of Olivia. Once again, my Wesley was able to read my mind.

"Babe, Olivia has been my confidant these past ten years. She has heard stories of you, us, the kids and grandkids over and over. If you have anything to ask, as long as it can be talked about outside the bedroom... Olivia has heard it all!"

I couldn't help but to laugh at that. I thought about what I wanted to ask that would be considered appropriate in front of Olivia. I didn't know her like Wesley did. Also, I was still trying to wrap my head around Wesley still being alive.

I finally asked him, "Is your name really Wesley?"

He sulked at that question. I could see this weighed heavy for him. He finally answered by handing me his wallet and told me to open it. I did as he said and opened the wallet. The first thing I saw when I opened his wallet was the family portrait we had taken six months before his funeral. The sight of seeing this picture, prominent, for him to see every time he opened his wallet, pulled at my heart strings. He loved us. I then looked at his driver's license and saw the name. "William Mason Harrison". The man I knew and loved, Wesley Mason Harrington, the man who took my last name of Conaway, was not the man sitting next to me. A flood of feelings trembled through me. The most prominent feeling was that I really didn't know this man. Wesley Mason Harrington loved me so much that he wanted me to keep my father's name because he was the fourth of four sons'. There were many nephews' to carry on his name, but it was only me and my girl's to carry my name. "William Mason Harrison" was a stranger to me. My Wesley was a blue collar worker. He was a maintenance man at the Ford Plant in Cleveland.

I finally spoke after this realization. "What do you do? Are you still my Wesley? Do you like the Steelers, the Indians? Did you enjoy going to my family reunion's and my loud, obnoxious family?"

Carefully, Wesley answered my questions.

"Please, I love the way you call me YOUR Wesley. I will always be your Wesley. I work for the Secret Service. I am an undercover agent involved with drugs, counterfeiting, and human trafficking. Yes, I am a diehard Steelers fan. I love my Tribe. I love the banter with Sonia, Brad and Greg. Your Uncle Ronnie and Aunt Fran are dear to my heart. Loud and obnoxious is not the words to describe the Conaway's. Loving, caring and supportive are the words I have used when I would talk to Olivia about them.

That was enough for me at that point. Tears started streaming down my face again. This man next to me sees my family the way I do and the way they were there for me when Wesley died. I wanted to know much more. More about his work; not the gory details but about the lives he saved, the bad guys he put away and how he dealt with the work he had to do. Many images flooded me. I did ask him about one thing I saw on the news about some women from Georgia that had been rescued from human trafficking after seven years. I could have sworn I saw Wesley in the news feed from the courthouse, escorting the victims through the media circus. This was about three years ago, when all hell broke loose in my family.

Wesley replied after it seemed like my inquiry had stabbed him in the back. "That was my last case. It hit me the hardest because I knew of everything you were going through and without me there to hold you up and support you. I had my time in that I could officially retire. After retiring, there is a three year "Hiding". To make sure that an agent can safely come out of hiding. I screwed up though. I was caught on camera. I was so devastated that I forgot to wear my disguise that day. Even the women wondered who I was and became agitated when I was walking them through the media circus lined up. My partner realized it too late and told me about it. My mind was on you and Katy as well as getting those women safely out of sight. They were going into witness protection and were wearing disguises that day too."

He continued, "When I was caught on camera, there was a target on my back. I can't tell you where I have been these past years, but I have been looking out for you and the girls. I can't believe Liz has given you three beautiful granddaughters!"

I immediately cut him off, "Don't you dare change the subject!!! This is not about my girls! I lost Liz just to get her back and lose her again. I got my first granddaughter in my life to have her torn away. I got Emma and had to beg for money to get to her in case it was the only time I got to spend with her. I lost my home, I lost precious crafts, pictures that can't be replaced, our wedding pictures, Liz's graduation, and I was injured and take over 5000 mg of medication a day because of it and in a lawsuit. Emma died and it crushed me more than losing you! So don't you dare tell me how much it hurt you! Don't tell me how beautiful my granddaughters are, you have no right!

My words cut him deeply. He turned to keep his eyes on the slow moving traffic. We were almost at the airport now. As we approached the exit Wesley reached over to the glove compartment. He took out some kind of placard. I saw the sign for departures but we went in a different direction. I was about to question him about it, but thought differently and kept quiet, just like Olivia had been this whole time. We went towards a security gate. Wesley held the placard out of the driver's window to the guard. The guard took the placard and compared it to some papers on a clipboard. He then addressed Wesley as Mr. Harrison and to go to gate "F" where the captain is waiting.

It was awkward hearing "Mr. Harrison" Even before his death; I would hear Mr. Harrington or be called Mrs. Harrington. But this was not a name I knew. We pulled into gate "F" and a small commuter jet was waiting with a grey haired gentleman in a pilot's uniform standing just inside the open door. He welcomed us separately. "Mr. Harrison, Mrs. Harrison (to which I immediately corrected him with CONAWAY) and Ms. Rivera" I thought only Wesley and I was boarding, but Olivia started up the stairs too.

I questioned Wesley, "Why is Olivia joining us? Isn't it only you and I going home?"

Wesley calmly replied, "Olivia is the co-pilot. I trust her with my life. I trust her with your life."

As Olivia sealed the door shut and went to the pilot's cabin, Wesley and I sat next to each other and fastened our seat belts. I was still in disbelief that he was really next to me. I refused to let it sink in until we were safely in the air. As we started to taxi onto the runway, Wesley said my name, "Terri". I was staring out the window waiting for the moment the wheels lifted off the ground. I heard him but kept my eyes averted out the window. Tears now streaming once again, he gently grabbed my chin with only his index finger and said my name again. Turning my head to face him, he said my name for a third time, "Terri". I had my eyes closed, the familiar feeling of the wheels leaving the ground, and I then opened my eyes to see my Wesley crying too.

"Terri, I hate myself for putting you through all of this. Before I met you, I thought I had my life all planned out. I was a work-aholic. I came and went as I pleased with no one left behind. You were the curveball I never saw coming, but always wanted. You and the girls gave my life purpose. The life I was giving others is the life I now wanted. Making this a country to be proud and safe to live in. This is what I wanted to give you, Liz and Katy. Once the grandkids started coming along, I knew I had to find a way to come back. Come back for you, to you, and to be a proud grandfather for those sweet little girls'. They stole my heart too and it broke when Emma had to leave. I can now tell you that I have spent time watching Rose play and go to school; I spent time with Emma in the middle of the night when Liz and Josh slept. I have been a secret shopper at Target just to see Mikaila smile as she played model for the portrait center employees. Now that we are in the air and I know you are safe, I will tell you that we are not going home."

I started to panic. Katy and Rose were expecting me in 2 hours. Quickly, I told Wesley that. He took my hand and gently kissed it. He then reverently said to me; "Liz, Katy, Rose and Mikaila are almost to California right now. They will be driven from LAX to the Hilton and situated in the presidential suite while we are in the air. We will be landing at LAX in 6 hours where we too will be driven to the hotel to meet with them. In three days, we will be boarding a cruise ship for Hawaii and all of the islands. Our trip will be for two weeks. This will give my employers the time to make sure I no longer have a target on me that could put you or the girls in danger and to get my retirement in order. You... are... mine for the rest of our life!"

I was utterly shocked. I had nothing on me. No ID, no pills, no charger, no money, no clothes... nothing!

Wesley had yet again read my mind. "Everythingyou will need is waiting for you at the hotel. Everything the girls will needis waiting for them too. They were given as much time to get on the planes too.Only you had some obstacles to go through. Don't fret, my love. I am notleaving you for quite a long time!"

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