And it was. It really was.

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Present Time

"ROSE!" Mother snaps at me, causing me to come out of my extremely erotic memory, leaving me wanting for Jacks touch. But now I have to deal with Mother. Great. "Sorry, Mother" I say lifting my head up high and walking through the, rich wood room, covered in furniture that I could only imagine to be the most luxurious that there is. Trudy helps me change and get into my nightwear. I hope Cal doesn't come back before I fall asleep. I would hate to have to even look at him.

Afew hours later

Obviously, I can't sleep. However, when Cal came back he bought my "fake sleep" and just passed out on the mattress, leaving me along thankfully.

I toss and turn, looking at the room, it's very dark. But the moonlight hits differently, it caresses every part of the window, almost guiding me towards the door. I get up, making sure not to wake Cal and follow the mysterious moonlight.

It leads me to the upper deck, where I see Jack and oh my it's Fabrizio! He is too lovely... it's so sad the way he ended. It's sad the way everyone's life ended. His story is even sadder than my own. Stripped away from his true love, and then crushed to death under a pillar. At least I got to be with Jack in his final minutes.

The thought of Jacks death alone, starts to cut a hole deep within me once again. The feeling of sadness wrapping itself around my body, making my whole exterior break. I fall to the ground clutching my chest as I sob my heart out. I can't live without Jack, even if I have had a great life it was only to please his dying wish. I look up at the stars thinking about to when we walked on the deck after he took me to "a real party" as he put it. Singing "Come Josephine in my flying machine." The way he looked up at the sky and told me his "Pops" has once told him every shooting star was a soul going to heaven. All the memories me and Jack shared on Titanic were remarkable. I wouldn't change them for the world. I've realised now that I can't relive this all, I just have to save him. Reliving it is just going to make me forget what I have to do.

A shining bright light pierced my vision, I hold a hand infront of my face trying to protect myself. I see an Angel? She was tall, pale (very very pale) and had platinum blonde hair. She wore a white dress trailing down her body, fitting in all the right places, hugging her curves as embedded diamonds glistened all the way down. Making her glow. But the breath taking thing is her wings! Yes wings! They were beautiful, graceful and majestic. Almost inciting you to want to touch them, because of how soft and delicate they were.

I get up looking at this goddess, trying to figure her out. Do I run? Should I be scared? What the hell is happening? These questions seeped into my mind one after another until she spoke. "Your wish." She said in a voice that sounded like it was coming from another world. She gave me an irritated look waiting for my remark "I'm sorry what?" I say confused. "Your wish child. I granted you your wish to save your soulmate. Jack. Is this what you wanted?" She asks.

Is this what I wanted?

What I wanted?

As in me?

How do I answer? How can I answer?

This whole experience has been overwhelming and worried that I'm going to change the great memories me and Jack made if I stay any longer. Even if it breaks me. Even if I feel nothing until the day I die. Jack made me alive, he made me feel again. He brought the fire back into my life, everything I felt with him was amazing. There is no other word to describe how I felt.

I look at her tears rolling down my face "No... I thought if I came back I could save him... but I dont want anything that happened with us to have changed. I've lived a great life thanks to Mr Dawson and who knows my life could've been a whole different story with Jack. I know that. But if Jack didn't die then I wouldn't have met my husband, had my children, my grandchildren wouldn't exist. I wouldn't change them for the world. In this world or the next I know I will see Jack once more I know it." The Angel smiled at me. "You have learnt your destiny." She says "When I return you back to your current life you will be met with your drawing on a TV screen. The man will say if anyone has information please contact the following number. You must ring the number and tell him you know about The heart of the Ocean. He'll fly you out to his ship, and you will be met with Jack once again. And if you do this you will be with him forever."

I'm confused. Be with Jack forever, why that's the dream of my life of course I'll do it there's not if, but or anything YES. "Okay" I say preparing myself to get taken back to real life. I look down at Jack who seems to be looking out into the ocean. I can only see the back of him, as he stands on the deck lower to me. Almost
like an instinct he turns to look at me and when our eyes meet I know I want forever with him.


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