Chapter 47: The Warden and Her Sweet Treat

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Day 2 of the annual cultural festival.

"Kronii!~ Whatcha doing?!~" Asked Mumei as she tapped on Kronii's shoulder.

"Baking." Replied Kronii as she kneeled to look inside the oven.

"Oh! I didn't know you could bake~" Said Mumei as she stared kneeled next to Kronii.

"It's funny because she can't!" Exclaimed a short girl as she lay on a nearby couch.

"I'm sorry?-" Asked a confused Mumei, wondering where that familiar yet unfamiliar voice came from.

"Listen here you little sh-" Said Kronii as she quickly stood up and grabbed a nearby magazine before cutting herself off.

"Woah there, Kronii- You can't be saying that kind of stuff. Especially in front of Mumei." Replied the girl.

"I swear to god, Gura." Said Kronii as she prepared to throw the magazine.

"Sorry- but who are you again?- And how do you know my name?-" Asked a confused Mumei.

"Wow... I'm not sure if I should be hurt or what-" Replied a slightly offended Gura.

"Seriously- who are you?-" Asked Mumei.

"We literally have a class together- How do you not remember me?-" Replied Gura.

"Maybe, it's because you're just that forgettable." Said Kronii.

"Oi! I'll let you know that I was the first person in the history of this school to get four hundred people to attend a single event during a cultural festival." Replied Gura.

"And I did that as a freshman too!" Added Gura.

"No one likes a bragger!" Replied Kronii.

"And no one likes a narcissist either!" Said Gura.

"Kronii- seriously- who is she?-" Said Mumei as she pulled on Kronii's shirt sleeve.

"I don't know. Honestly, I think it's best if we just ignored her." Replied Kronii.

"Oi! Don't just pretend that I'm not here!" Exclaimed Gura.

"Did you hear something, Mumei?" Asked Kronii.

"Nope! I think you're just hearing things." Replied Mumei.

"Yeah, it's probably just the people outside." Said Kronii.

"You guys suck! Especially you, Kronii!" Exclaimed Gura.

"That's not a very nice thing to say." Replied Mumei.

"Yeah, that was rude. Especially since I still don't know why you decided to come here of all places." Said Kronii.

"Well, everyone else was busy running a stand so I thought I would pay my good friend, Kronii, a visit." Replied Gura.

"Since when were we, good friends?" Asked Kronii.

"You say that but we all know that you love me." Replied Gura.

"Ew-" Said Kronii.

"Ew?-" Said a confused and offended Gura as she stood up from the couch.

"Where did you even get that couch?- Why does this classroom just have a random couch?-" Asked Kronii.

"The same reason it has an oven." Replied Gura.

"Which is?" Asked Kronii.

"Why not!" Replied Gura.

"She does make a very good point." Said Mumei.

"You're not helping, Mumei." Replied Kronii.

"By the way, check the oven. I can hear something burning." Said Gura.

"How do you hear something burning?-" Thought Kronii and Mumei in unison.

"Stop staring at each other and just check the oven!" Exclaimed Gura as the distinct smell of burning filled her nose.

"Son of a..." Said Kronii as the smell of burning filled her nose while she frantically tried to turn the oven off.

"Don't open it! Are you trying to poison us all?!" Exclaimed Gura as she watched Kronii, trying to open the oven door before fully turning off the oven.

"Kronii- I'm not sure if I should be concerned or what-" Said Mumei as she casually pressed the off button on the oven.

"I don't know whether I should be more concerned by the fact that you don't know how to turn off an oven or the part where you just completely missed the giant off button-" Added Mumei.

"Oh- eheheh-" Replied Kronii, trying to casually change the subject.

"Good job, genius!" Exclaimed Gura.

"Oh shut it!" Replied Kronii as she threw the magazine she had previously grabbed.

"Imagine making your girlfriend do everything for y-" Said Gura before the magazine collided with her forehead.

"Nice aim, Kronii!" Exclaimed a weirdly excited Mumei.

"Thank you, Mumei." Replied Kronii.

"What was that for?!" Exclaimed Gura.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Kronii.

"I personally felt that what I did was pretty justified. Right, Mumei?" Added Kronii.

"Oh, of course!" Replied Mumei as she giggled at the two.

"That's just unfair. Two on one? If I knew that I would get tag teamed by newlyweds then I wouldn't have shown up." Said Gura, teasingly.

"Kronii? You alright? You're looking a little red-" Said Mumei as she walked closer to Kronii after completely ignoring what Gura had just said.

"Oh- it's n-nothing-" Replied a flustered Kronii as she backed herself into a wall.

"Woah- Kronii- you have to be more careful-" Said Mumei as she cushioned Kronii's head before it hits the wall.

"T-thank y-you-" Replied Kronii as she let out a gasp.

"I wonder what's for lunch..." Thought Mumei as she said nothing in response to Kronii.

"I never knew that she was the silent and cool type- I mean- I'm not complaining-" Thought a flustered Kronii.

"I wonder if she's thinking of other people-" Thought a worried Kronii.

"Alright, this is getting really awkward with all this staring. I'll catch you two love birds later!" Exclaimed Gura as she broke the silence.

"Kroniichyonara or whatever!" Said Gura as she slid the doors open and walked out.

"It's Kroniichiwa, damnit!" Exclaimed Kronii as she returned to reality.

Author's Notes: I just want to say congrats Gura for 4 million subscribers!!!!

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