Chapter 32: There's a Time and a Place

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"Get a hold of yourself, Kronii! You can't embarrass yourself! Not tonight!" Thought Kronii as she took a deep breath and prepare to open Mumei's door. 

"Hey, Mumei- what did you need to talk about?" Asked Kronii as she opened Mumei's door. 

"Remember that project that is due on Monday?" Replied Mumei. 

"Oh- that's what this is for- Shouldn't have gotten my hopes up-" Thought Kronii, disappointed. 

"Yeah, what about it?" Answered Kronii. 

"Well, I wanted to see if you could help me with this one part. I'm almost done with it but there's something that I'm a little stuck on." Replied Mumei as she reached inside her backpack. 

"Yeah, sure I don't mind. Why did you call me in here for that though?" Said Kronii with a little confusion in her voice. 

"I didn't want to disturb the newlyweds, y'know~" Answered Mumei as she let out a slightly smug smile. 

"Oh- is that so-" Replied Kronii. 

"Yeah, pretty much- Also, why are you still standing there? Come sit down!" Said Mumei as she patted her bed, gesturing to Kronii to come sit with her on her bed. 

"Alright, coming-" Replied Kronii as she made her way through the door and towards Mumei's bed. 

"So, which part are you struggling with?" Asked Kronii as she sat down next to Mumei. 

"Uhhh, this part right here." Replied Mumei as she pointed to the section she was confused about. 

Kronii explained the problem to Mumei and with her help, Mumei was able to finally grasp what it meant and what it wanted her to do. The two sat together as they joked, laughed, and helped one another with the assignments they had to do. It was calm and it was peaceful until suddenly the two overheard something from the hallway as Mumei's door was wide open.

"I love you, Sana~" Said Fauna as she and Sana passed by while she clung onto Sana's arm. 

"I love you too~" Replied Sana as the two walked out of Mumei and Kronii's vision. 

"Man, aren't they adorable together~" Said Mumei as she watched the two being lovey-dovey towards one another. 

"Yeah- I guess-" Replied Kronii, not completely sure how to respond to that. 

"Sometimes I wish I could be in a relationship like that~ A woman can only dream am I right?" Said Mumei as she went back to writing in her notebook. 

"You got to be kidding me... I'm right here- Ouch my heart-" Thought Kronii as a piece of her heart shattered, not actually but you get the idea.

"I mean... we can try... something like that..." Replied Kronii, quietly. 

"Hmmm? Did you say something, Kronii?" Asked Mumei, not having heard what Kronii just said. 

"Oh- it's nothing- Just forget it-" Replied Kronii. 

"If you say it's not important then I guess it's really nothing important." Said Mumei. 

A few minutes passed by and nothing happened except the two diligently working on their project. They chatted like usual and laughed like usual. Then suddenly Mumei hears kissing noises coming from the room next to hers. 

"Hey, Kronii let's kiss." Said Mumei as she hears the rather loud sounds coming from the room next door. 

"WHAT?!? WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT MUMEI?!?" Replied Kronii, shocked and awed by the absolute amount of boldness coming from Mumei. 

"I'm joking- and there's no way you can't hear the two of them going at it-" Said Mumei. 

"God! Stop playing with my heart like this! I can't handle this!" Thought Kronii. 

"Now that you mentioned it- Oh god- I don't want to imagine what's going on over there-" Replied Kronii, awkwardly. 

"Haah... Uugh... Aaah..." Moaned a soft voice, coming from the other room. 

"Uhm- what was that-" Asked both Kronii and Mumei as the two looked at one another with confusion. 

"Ahh! O.. Oh!... Aghh! AAAH!" Moaned the same soft voice again but this time it gradually got louder and louder. 

"Kronii... please shut my door..." Said Mumei as she began to get flustered over the lewd noises coming from next door. 

"Oh- yeah- I'm on it-" Replied Kronii as she got up from the bed and walked towards the door, equally flustered from what she was hearing. 

"They must be having fun..." Said Mumei, trying to compose herself. 

"Y-yeah- sounds like it-" Replied Kronii as she made her way back to the bed. 

"Sometimes I wish I did proper soundproofing... I shouldn't be able to hear them that well..." Said Mumei, still flustered and confused. 

"Well- it wasn't your fault- I don't think either of us expected this to happen-" Replied Kronii, equally flustered and confused. 

The two sat on the bed and tried to avoid eye contact as they stayed in a constant state of quiet, confused, and flustered. The noises only got louder and louder as time progressed and frankly it didn't sound like they were going to stop any time soon. 

"Hey, Kronii- can we take this to your room?" Asked Mumei, flustered beyond belief and unable to think properly. 

"Oh- yeah- sure- let's get going-" Replied Kronii as she stood up and headed towards the door. 

Mumei and Kronii headed out and towards Kronii's room, which happened to be on the opposite end of the dorm. They walked inside and Mumei proceeded to sit down on Kronii's bed. 

"Thank god we got away from that-" Said Mumei the noises slowly began to die down. 

"Yeah- I still can't believe they're doing that right now-" Replied Kronii as she closed the door behind him. 

"Maybe it's just a misunderstanding-" Said Mumei as she laid down on Kronii's bed. 

"I hope you're right- I really don't want to imagine that right now-" Replied Kronii as she walked towards her bed, only to trip on one of her PC cables. 

Kronii fell on top of Mumei, pushing her down onto her bed. Kronii's hands pinned Mumei's hands down on the bed as the two try to process what had just happened. 

"Kronii... please move..." Whispered Mumei in a quiet and weak tone as her face begin to light up. 

"She's so cute when she's flustered like that... I can't... My heart is going to burst out of my chest..." Thought Kronii as her brain tried its hardest to process what was happening and why there was a blushing girl, looking away from her on her bed, being pinned down by her. 

"Kronii..." Whispered Mumei as she lay there and avoided eye contact, unable to move and redder than a fresh berry. 

Kronii saw that Mumei's shirt somehow became unbuttoned in the process. She moved one of her hands off of Mumei's hand and onto her stomach. She then slowly made her way up her stomach, caressing Mumei's soft and supple skin. 

"Kronii..." Whispered Mumei. 


"I fucked up royally... How did I let this happen? What is Mumei going to think of me?!? She's going to hate me forever... Why did I do that?!? Why?!?" Panicked Kronii as she screamed internally. 

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