Chapter 24: A Rather Green Reflection

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Silence fell upon the room as all anyone could hear was the mild breathing of a sleepy girl and the beating heart of a flustered girl. Her heartbeat became louder and louder as the other girl's heartbeat begin to slow down. Irys had heard everything and it left her unable to fall asleep while Bae, on the other hand, begin to drift into a deep slumber. Her body stayed completely still as she tried not to wake up Bae. Her heart raced as she felt the warmth of the girl she loved. Her brain ran circles as disbelief and happiness filled her thoughts. 


"Hey, Sana can you help me with last night's homework?" Asked Fauna as she moved her hair out of way and onto her ear. 

"Yeah, sure thing. Which part do you need help in?" Responded Sana as she moved her chair closer to Fauna's. 

"This part about what each part of the brain does. I don't really remember the function of each part of the brain." Replied Fauna as she pointed to a few questions on the paper. 

"Oh, that part right there is the hippocampus." Said Sana as she looked at the paper and pointed to a blank that Fauna didn't fill out. 

"Uuuuuu alrighty." Replied Fauna as she filled out the blank. 

"That larger thing right above the hippocampus is the hypothalamus." Said Sana as she pointed to another blank. 

"Alrighty." Responded Fauna as she filled out another blank. 

Then the bell to begin class rang as the professor entered the classroom with a book and a cup of coffee. 

"Alright, settle down class. Quite down and get your books ready." Said the professor as he placed down his book and cup of coffee. 

"Today's class will just be a continuation of yesterday's lesson. But before we get started on that, I'm sure you guys have all noticed some new faces in this class. We have five new transfer students from our all-boys branch in Chiba prefecture." Said the professor as he pointed to two unfamiliar faces sitting next to one another. 

"Krono-kun, what happened to the other three that were with you this morning?" Asked the professor, noticing that three seats were empty. 

"They said they will be back after they figure out where all of their classes are." Replied Krono. 

"Can you text them to ask where they are or something? I wouldn't want to delay class any longer than I already am." Asked the professor. 

"Yes, certainly sir." Replied Krono as he pulled out his phone from his pocket and begin to text the three missing boys. 

"Thank you, Krono-kun. While he's doing that, why don't you introduce yourself Muman-kun." Said the professor. 

"U-uh sure thing-" Said Muman awkwardly as he walked up towards the front of the class. 

"Alright class, please be respectful and listen to our new classmates. Go ahead Muman-kun." Said the professor. 

"T-thank you, professor. Hello, I'm Nanashi Muman and I'm a freshman from Hololive Academy. My favorite animal is the barn owl. My favorite hobbies are reading and lifting. It's great to meet every one of you and I hope that we can all become good friends!" Said Muman. 

"Hey, Sana doesn't he remind you of Mumei in a way?" Whispered Fauna as she noticed the striking resemblance between the new kid and Mumei.

"Eh, I can sorta see a resemblance." Whispered Fauna.

"Hey, isn't he dreamy?" Whispered a girl sitting behind Krono. 

"Yeah, he's so cute and handsome~" Replied her friend quietly. 

Krono overheard the two and started to feel a little anger start to build inside him. He turned around to give the girls a soul-piercing stare but the girls were too preoccupied to notice. 

"Thank you, Muman-kun. Now Krono-kun, can you please introduce yourself to the class." Said the professor. 

"Yeah, sure thing professor." Replied Krono as he got up from his seat and headed towards the front of the class. 

"Goodmorning, my name is Ouro Krono and I'm also a freshman from Hololive Academy. My favorite animal is the raven and my hobbies are daydreaming and working out. Nice to meet all of you." Said Krono. 

"He looks so cool ~" Whispered a girl sitting in front of Muman. 

"I know right?!? I wonder if he has a girlfriend~ I hope not~" Replied the girl's friend quietly. 

Muman started to grow a little angry as he overheard the girls. He was debating whether or not he should do something about the two but in the end, he decided not to do anything too brash. He composed himself as Krono sat back down next to him. 

"Alright thank you, Kron-" Said the professor before the door suddenly slammed open. 

"Sorry for being late to class professor!" Said a short boy as he entered the classroom. 

"I'm so sorry for him distributing your class like that professor-" Said a taller red-haired boy as he entered the classroom behind him. 

"Wait Fauna, doesn't he look familiar?" Asked Sana as the red-haired boy walked into class. 

"I have it on the tip of my tongue... I think we met him befor-" Replied Fauna as her eyes caught wind of a familiar boy walking in behind the two. 

"I deeply apologize for the stupidity of these two, professors." Said a green-haired boy as he entered the class. 

Fauna's eyes begin to turn dull and frightened as she realizes who had just entered the class. Soon, Sana's eyes followed suit as she turned around and spots the familiar green-haired boy. 

"Hey man, that wasn't very cool of you." Said the red-haired boy. 

"Yeah dude, you can't just call us stupid like that." Added the shorter boy. 

"I don't appreciate you three storming in like that and disrupting the class. And on top of that, you three were beyond late. Since it's your first day, I'll be a little more lenient with you three. Don't let it happen again, understand?" Said the professor. 

"Yes sir!" Replied the red-haired boy and the shorter boy. 

"Understood sir." Replied the green-haired boy. 

"Thank you. Now you three need to take turns to introduce yourselves to the class." Said the professor. 

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