Chapter 21: Time To Take Flight

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A few days have passed since the Faun incident. It was rather peaceful after the storm of events that had recently occurred. Mumei and Kronii are currently waiting to present their human psychology project as they listen to their classmates presenting. 

"Great job, ladies. Can we get a round of applause for these ladies?" Said the professor as he wrote on his clipboard. 

"Thank you, professor!" Replied one of the girls as she sat down with her partner while they received a round of applause from their classmates. 

"Alright, next up is Kronii-chan and Mumei-chan. Can we please give them our undivided attention and respect?" Said the professor. 

The two walked up towards the front of the class as Mumei hung the poster they had made on the board. 

"Good morning class, today me and Kronii will be presenting our project about how mere words can influence the human mind." Said Mumei in a professional tone. 

"We will be exploring how easily the human mind can be influenced. Especially from something as trivial as words." Added Kronii. 

"According to Hakui Koyori, a young science prodigy, and her assistant Kokoro, words can literally change a person's brain." Said Mumei. 

"In their book, "The Inner Machinations of the Mind", they write: "a single word has the power to influence the expression of genes that regulates physical and emotional stress." Said Kronii, adding to what Mumei had already stated. 

"Positive words, such as "peace" and "love," can alter the expression of genes, strengthening areas in our frontal lobes and promoting the brain's cognitive functioning. They propel the motivational centers of the brain into action, according to the authors, and build resiliency." Said Mumei. 

"Conversely, hostile language can disrupt specific genes that play a key part in the production of neurochemicals that protect us from stress. Humans are hardwired to worry as parts of our primal brains act to protect us from threats to our survival." Added Kronii. 

"However, a single negative word can increase the activity in our amygdala." Said Mumei. 

"Class, can anyone define what the amygdala is?" Asked the professor. 

A blonde-haired girl raised her hand to answer the question. 

"Yes, Amelia-chan?" Asked the professor. 

"The amygdala is the fear center of the brain." Replied Amelia. 

"That's correct Amelia-chan. You two can continue now." Said the professor. 

"Thank you, professor." Said Kronii. 

"Okay, now we will demonstrate how words with positive and negative connotations affect the human mind differently." Said Mumei. 

Kronii sat down on the desk in front of the class as Mumei waited for her to get ready. 

"Ready?" Asked Mumei.

"Yes." Replied Kronii. 

"Hey, nerd." Said Mumei. 

"N-nerd?!? How dare you call me a nerd? I have a proper name, Ouro Kr-" Replied Kronii, with overly exaggerated anger. 

"I love you. I fell for you the moment I first laid my eyes on you." Interrupted Mumei as she slammed her hand on Kronii's desk. 

"GWAK!" Exclaimed Kronii as her face turned a bright berry red. 

"Okay class, pay attention! Her face is now bright red! That's a splendid show of how mere words influenced her mind. And that concludes our project. Thank you all for listening." Said Mumei as she turned around to face the rest of the class. 

"That was excellent, ladies. Give a round of applause to these ladies for their excellent project." Said the professor. 

Mumei and Kronii walked back to their desks as Kronii's face stayed bright red. As the two sat down, Kronii timidly tugged on Mumei's sleeve. 

"H-hey- that wasn't w-what we h-had p-planned..." Whispered Kronii as she stuttered with embarrassment. 

"Oh sorry, Kronii- I wasn't a fan of the old demonstration since it felt too forced and fake y'know." Replied Mumei. 

"Y-you should've t-told me-" Stuttered Kronii. 

"You're probably right but it is what it is y'know~" Teased Mumei. 

"Y-you can't p-play with s-someone's heart like t-that-" Stuttered Kronii. 

"Sorry- I promise that this will never happen again-" Replied Mumei. 

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