Do or Do Not

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Hawks POV

18 hours

20 minutes

22 seconds

23,24, 25

That's how much time has passed since Y/n was kidnapped from right under our noses

I remember when I talked to Principal Nezu about her because I had never seen her around before, neither on the news or even when I went to UA to visit.

"Y/n Bakugo you say? yeah she stands out. When it comes to grades she falls just behind the big three"

"And in combat?"

"We can't actually accurately measure her combat ability, being that she can't use her quirk against any of the students here, but she received her provisional hero's license on the first try so"

"What about social skills?"

He sighs. "Skills or habits? As far as skills go she can speak publicly just fine, but she doesn't have many friends. According to her teachers she spends most of her time by herself"

'huh interesting'

"Alright thanks"

The words that girl spoke haven't left my mind ever since I spoke to her.

"we drove her to almost death"

"What are you talking about"

She sighs. "Y/n spent most of middle school being bullied. I'm not gonna pretend I'm innocent, in fact I was the one who started it all. She didn't care though. She continued to smile and laugh with her only friend, because he was all that mattered to her. Felix. They grew up together and she loved him. I knew she loved him, but at the time I also had a crush on Felix, so I felt threatened by her. Myself and others constantly called her horrible names, dumped her school supplies in the river, even...hurt her." I feel my breath being caught in my throat. "But it never seemed to phase her. It didn't...until I started spending more time around Felix and confessed to him. Surprisingly, he felt he same, and that's when I started mentioning to him that I didn't feel comfortable around her, and even faked an injury by her. And Felix stopped being friends with her."

She stops for a minute, taking a deep breath. "Tell me, does she have any friends"

"Not really..."

She nods. "I expected that. I wanted to apologize to her the next time I saw her...I didn't know she was here until you said her hero name. I remember overhearing her tell Felix that would be her hero name when she became a hero. Although, I don't deserve her forgiveness, I at least want to express how sorry I am"

I didn't know she went through any of that. I seems like there has been no record of it, even she herself never spoke about it, granted I wouldn't expect her to, but that fact explains her behavior

She's weary of me because of what happened in the past.

And I can't say I blame her

If that's the way she protects herself, that's that I can't and won't judge

After all, I an relate to that


I couldn't sleep all night

Most of the girls here—specifically Rika—spent the whole night crying and clinging to herself, anxious of what might happen to her

Not saying I would react the same way as her, but I definitely understand how scared she is

I let out a breath, resting my head on the brick wall behind me, closing my eyes to try to get some sort of rest after a night of no sleep. Footsteps approach the cage, making me raise an eyebrow but keep my eyes shut. They open the gate, moving inside, close to me, but not coming for me

"What are you doing!?" Rika screams. "Let go of me!!!"

My blood runs cold for a second. I didn't think they would be taking Rika first, not after they had gotten everyone in a specific order. Why are they taking her first?

'I gotta make a choice now. Either I get involved and risk not getting information about the league, or sacrifice her and maybe others to get information'

"Why do you want to be a hero?"

"I've always wanted to help people. Being a hero will let me do just that"

I grit my teeth, curse childhood memories and vows coming back at the wrong time

I quickly slip off my gloves, taking in a deep breath before forcing the binds to explode, making them turn to small bits. Quickly I run for the gate, placing my hands on them, also making it explode, which gains the attention of the man who came to take Rika

"explosion quirk huh...that should come in handy"

"Keep your comments to yourself, unless you want to take them to the grave with you" I call making a part of the wall explode, creating a foggy area, quickly moving to knock him out. once his body falls limp, I take the keys from his pocket, carefully maneuvering so that they wouldn't explode. 

I take a deep breath, walking towards Rika to unlock her shackles, when she backs away

"Do you want to be let go or what." I say flatly, making her defenses fall and get closer to me. 

"Put up some kind of wall with your quirk. We have to stop anyone from coming while we formulate a plan to get out of here"

I begin to unlock the restrains of everyone else while Rika puts up a barrier with her magic. I take a deep breath, my body shaking slightly from the cold and out of nervousness. I instinctively move my hand to rub my temples when I realize they didn't take off my earrings. 

The earrings that Hawks gave me

That if destroyed will release my location. 

I carefully remove them, holding them in my hand before dropping them on the floor and crushing them with my shoe. 

Ideally we have 5 minutes 

I'm betting it all on you right now Hawks

Please hurry

~Hawks' POV~

My phone dings, making me quickly race to get it, eager to see if it's about any leads on Y/n. I open it to see that the earrings I gave her were destroyed, showing me her location. I grin, quickly jumping off the balcony and calling the heroes. 

"I got a location. Sending it over now! Meet you there"

Just hold on Y/n 

I'm on my way

Hold your own for 5 minutes 

~Y/n's POV~

"You're a hero aren't you?" One girl speaks. "Get us out of here!"

"I can't. If I tried most of you would die. Don't worry. The other heroes will be here soon."

'4 minutes....come on Hawks please'

An explosion is heard from outside, gaining my attention and making me shoot up. "Rika let down the barrier, that's the heroes!" 

She lets down the barrier, two villains already waiting for us with menacing grins. 

"Don't play with explosives at home" I smile to myself, placing my hand on the wall, alerting Hawks and everyone where we were while also distracting the two of them. I run into the smoke, quickly taking the two villains down and calling for all the captives to come out. I quickly lead them through the hallway towards where we heard the explosion, running straight into Hawks. 

"Sorry Hawks, here are all the captives. For the most part they're all unharmed, oh right I don't know if you heard me but they were trying to take the quirks and-"

"Lets go. The hideout is wiped out and those two you took out have been taken into custody."

The rest passes like a blur. We make it back to ground level and all of the captives, including myself get taken to the police station. After interrogation about what happened, I'm released and Hawks takes me back to his penthouse. We ride silently up the elevator, his hands suffer in his pockets and his wings in a defensive position. The doors open and we walk through, going inside his living room when he suddenly stops. 

"Hawks I'm sorry I wasn't careful enough I-"

His arms wrap around me tightly, his wings also holding me close to him, catching me off guard.


"You scared the crap out of scared me so bad kid" He mutters, his voice shaking slightly, pulling me closer. "Those almost 24 hours felt like the longest of my life. I didn't know what to do..."

"Hawks it was my fault I wasn't careful enough while we were at the site I promise-"

"Stop blaming yourself its not your fault." He interrupts again. "None of this was your fault. It was mine. I was the one with my guard down, I was the one not looking at what was around me. It was my fault you got taken not yours."

He falls on his knees. "I'm so sorry"


" me keigo please"

I'd never thought I would ever see Hawks in such a state. Seriously it wasn't like I was gone for a long time. It was only 20 hours. 

"Y/n I have something I need to tell you"

"What is it?"

He stands up, walking further into the penthouse, his wings falling and his body language in a defensive position again. 

"I think...I'm falling in love with you"

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