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" See, i'm already done with the strategies. I told you Love that kind of office work is only a piece of cake to me "

Flicking the hard copies that she's holding, she proudly show it to his boyfriend having a wide smile that drawn in her lips.

"Whoa.. you really are a good business partner in the future, Cheng Xiao"
Yibo also smiles on her, putting a glance on the said hard copies

He was about to kiss the pretty girl in the cheeks, when the glass door suddenly opened.
An old man in a suit appeared in their sight,

"Looks like i happen to disturb something..uhumm "
Wang Qiren playfully clears his throat.

" Ahehe .. Uncle Qiren .. Yibo just said that we will be a good business partner in the future .. I just did help him revise the strategies "
Cheng Xiao said proudly, making the old man chuckled.

"Really? Then why don't you two just plan for a wedding? You've been together since highschool .. "

"Dad! Were still a student, a 2ndyear college student! Were too young for that.."
Yibo glared at the old man. Dad is really good in making me lose my temper, tsk.

"I agree with him uncle. There's a perfect time for that.. " Cheng Xiao

Its been a week since Yibo started spending his weekend in the company, together with Cheng Xiao. The two of them almost meets everyday like they usually do before he meets Xiao Zhan. Wang Qiren cant deny the fact the he is fond of Cheng Xiao, that young girl is  just so good in dealing business matter's in such young age, unlike his spoiled brat son.

Ah, right!
It is also been a week since Yibo visited Xiao Zhan in their home, they are attending the same University but they differ in course. Zhan is majoring in Art while Yibo is in Business Accountancy. They hardly meet. Yibo also is not calling nor chatting with Zhan anymore, more like they haven't talk for atleast 8days.

"What about after you guys graduate in college? Should we plan for the wedding by then ?"
Wang Qiren looks like he is in hurry to make these two young people marry each other

"Dad! You really are too advance ! Enough for the wedding topic for pete's sake!"
Yibo is just so done with his father, but he cant deny the fact that their attitude is somewhat similar, like father like son.

Just him being so done, his phone vibrated. Displaying the word "Zhan"  in his iphone screen.

"Sorry, i'll just take this call." Excusing himself to the two person inside the office.

Going to the empty hall, he answered the call.
"Hello Zhan .."

"Its Jiang Cheng, idiot!"

Yibo knitted his brows, he again check the registered name to make sure that it is Zhan's number,

"What are you doing with Zhan's phone?"

"Asshole! So what, did you really plan on not visiting him anymore?"

He suddenly felt a pang in his chest, "What do you mean?"

"You should know that better yibo! Zhan is acting strange its been a week.  We are worried .. and i think that it got something to do with you"

"W-we are... okay! Don't tell him i'll be coming in your home, i want to see him"

And the call ended.
Yibo got inside the office and made an apology to Cheng Xiao and his father for not keeping the day. He needs to check Zhan, he want to see him. He miss the beautiful man.

Acting like a mad man, he drove the car in hurry, clenching his fist and biting his lower lip till it bleeds. It is his fault, for ignoring Zhan in a whole week. He didn't chat him nor answered his call. He basically spend his days to Cheng Xiao, like he forgotten about Zhan.

"Yibo ... Good that you are here"
Zhan's mom hug Yibo lightly patting his back.

"Where's Zhan, Aunt ?"

"In his bedroom, i dont know what happen to him. He doesn't eat, go to school, doesn't go outside. He shut himself inside, did you perhaps quarrelled?"

"No Aunt, we are fine. I want to see him"

"Okay, just go to his room. The door is not locked"

Yibo quickly took his steps going upstairs. He can't wait any second to see his Zhan.

Opening the door, he saw the tiny man crouching on top of the bed with a messy hair, eyebugs, pale lips..everything is just a mess! He didn't even bother himself to lift his head to see who came inside.

Yibo felt like he was stabbed in the chest for so many times, seeing Zhan acting like this makes his heart ripped into pieces.

"Zhann ..."
He quickly jumps on the bed and hugged the beautiful man.

" Bo .. i .. i thought you won't be seeing with me anymore"
he sobs, tightly hugging Yibo. Its been 8days since he saw his other half, he miss him. He missed him so much that he could die.

"Im sorry Zhan .. I've been busy these past--"

" I love you Bo, i really love you. I don't think i could live without you "
Hugging Yibo more tightly, tears are continously flowing in his cheeks till they run dry.

"Zhan .."

" Do you still love me ? I mean, did you even loved me?"

Zhan is looking at me with his swollen eyes, it looks like he's been crying for a long time. But what could possibly be the reason why is he acting like this?
I really hate myself for ignoring him in a whole week. It hurts me, i am such a damn stupid. Fuckin stupid!

"I love you Zhan, i sincerely do"

I cupped his face, looking at him with full of love, I pinch his jaw making access to myself , i kiss him gently. God, i've miss this person so much!

Yibo kiss the beautiful man gently, like a fragile flower that anytime it may lose its petals. How stupid he is, for hurting the innocent man that didn't do anything but to love him. Doesn't he feel guilty at all?  Why dont he just leave Zhan for once and continue his life with Cheng Xiao..

" I love you Zhan .. i'm sorry. I really am sorry, but pls believe me that  I Love you.. I love you so much Zhan .."

He tightened the hug and ruffled his fingers in Zhan's messy hair. Still looking so beautiful with that messy hair. Yibo kiss him in the forehead, down to the awaiting lips that slowly parted. He claimed Zhan's mouth again with full of longing, this maybe one of the days that he kissed Zhan with full of emotions, with full of loved.

Zhan's dark eyes automatically lightened, hearing those words to his lover is enough for him to continue loving that person even tho it may hurt him in the end. He doesn't care any at all, Yibo is his everything.

Just of them longingly hugging and kissing each other, the door opens. And a sight of an attitude man appears, standing at the door.

"Shameless creatures! Wont you even pull out that hug, like hello.. i am standing right here!" Jiang Cheng is gawking at them

"You are so annoying Jiang Cheng! Cant you just get out, for Pete's sake!"
Xiao Zhan rolled his eyes, he is so done with his brother. Why does he always appear in a time like this!

"Wow! So you've got the guts to fight with me now? Just because your mad Lion is here?"

"Aish! Pls just get out!"

"Tsk! Dinner is ready, both of you go downstairs. Mom is waiting, shameless creatures!"
He once more rolled his eyes on the two love birds before leaving the room, not to mention that he left the door open, hanging!

Is he really my brother ?! Tsk tsk!

"Lets go down, you must eat. You've gotten skinnier Zhan"

Holding Zhan's right hand, they go downstairs walking towards the dining room. The food is ready, it was carefully prepared by Mrs.Xiao

"Mom! How come that this is all Xiao Zhan's favorite? What about me ?"
Jiang Cheng complained.

"Stop complaining stupid. Cant you see that you're brother got skinnier?"

"Its Yibo's fault !"

Yibo was just about to sit down when Jiang Cheng blurted out his name, makes the latter widened his eyes,

"Aish! Should i just smack your head? Just eat, you fool!"
Xiao Zhan glares at his brother

And just like that, they eat lively.
This is the first time in a week that zhan has a cheerful side, not to mention the past few days that he is like a walking dead having no direction in life.

Though Jiang Cheng is acting like he doesn't want Yibo for his brother, but the fact that Xiao Zhan loves Yibo more than anything, he slowly accept the cold man in their family. Look at how happy that idiot with that mad lion besides him! Later on, he smiles. He is happy that his brother is back to being his old self.

Yibo doesn't have a plan to go home tonight, he want to spend his night with the man he loves.
The cold air, coming from the AC makes the two lovers wraps in each other arms

"Zhan .. should.. should we get married?"

Zhan almost drops his jaw from what he heard, the shut eyes of him suddenly opens, he gasps.

"Y-yibo? What are you talking about?"
He said with a wide eyes looking at the man that hugging him

"I want you to marry me.."
Yibo lightly strokes Zhan's fluffy cheeks, caressing his thumb in the latters pinky-rose lips,

"Yibo ..."

"Lets get married. Lets do a secret marriage, we wont tell anyone, just the two of us. And when everything is alright, lets tell to the both sides of our families, hmm?"

Tears is forming in Zhan's dark eyes, he just cant believe Yibo is telling this to thim. But doesn't he has another partner? Is he telling me that he loves me more than that one he calls 'love ?
Zhan's heart almost jumps out, that stupid thing want to be freed from the cage and sets a firework in the air instead.

" Will you marry me, Zhan ?"

Atlast! The tears that only forming in Zhan's beautiful eyes is now happily running down in the latters smooth fluffy cheeks.
He wraps his arms around Yibo's nape and claim those plump cherry lips that awaiting for him, he kiss the gorgeous man saying,

"Yes, I Do .."

    A/ N : aAh, this is kinda cheesy! 😊😊

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