Ellie's POV:
We are on FaceTime with Daisy and I have my head on Griffins lap while laying down and he's playing with my hair "Daisy there might be a way we could get the portal working again a way that involves your brother" Griff says "Sam is only a child or he was when I saw him" she says "yea but when he gets older he uses the radio and makes a time machine i just need to find out how he did it" he says "he showed me sketches of all his contraptions" Daisy says "could you recreate them" griffin says excited "even if I remembered I wouldn't be able to put them together to get them to work he's the genius not me I'm gonna be stuck here forever aren't I" she says and I lift my head off griffins lap "hey Daisy listen we are going to get you back ok there's no way we are leaving you trapped here" i say and I lay back down and Griff plays with my hair again "how are you both so certain" she says "because if you don't you won't grow up in the 30's like you're supposed to you won't have kids and Harper will never exist" griffin says and we get off the phone with Daisy "hey bubs" I say and he looks at me and still plays with my hair "yes princess" "do you think that we can actually get Harper back I miss her" "yea I think we can and we will ok there's no way I'm letting you lose someone else" and we hear someone running into the room and Zoey lands on top of me "ow Zoey" I say "sorry Ellie but mom wants to talk to you" she says "ok I'll be down in a minute" i say and she leaves the room I sit up and look at Griff "I was comfortable" he says "same bubs but I'll be right back" and I give him a peck on the lips and exit the room
"Hey Sarah you wanted to talk to me" i say as I get into the parlor "yes I did um well we received news that a visitor will be here in a few hours" she says "and how long ago did you receive the news" "a few hours ago and I did t think anything of it until at the end of the letter it said your birthday and when Norah and I were getting used to having kids in the house we would leave notes with our kids birthdays on the bottom she would always put yours and I would use griffins but I wasn't expecting it" "so you're saying they are coming here" "well why don't you look behind you" i turn around and see my parents and I just drop down to the floor crying and I hear someone rush over to me and hug me "aw honey don't cry I missed you" my mom says "but I thought that" "don't say it out loud but yes and I need to talk to you and griffin ben can you go get him" Norah says "sure it's good to have you guys back" ben says and a few minutes later I hear someone coming downstairs and he stops on the stairs in shock and looks at me "hey Griff come sit" i say "I guess we won Sarah" my mom says and sends me a wink "we did um griffin these are Ellie's parents Norah and Jesse" Sarah says "um nice to meet you" he says it's a little akward since we already met them "ben Sarah do you think that the four of us talk alone" my dad says "yea sure" ben says as him and Sarah head upstairs
"ok so it's been a while a long time for us but only a few weeks for you" my mom says "yea um we've kept in touch with Aunt Savvy tho but the portal closed the other day she's living in 1960 and ben and Sarah don't know about it and Harper is trapped in 1930 while her great grandmother is trapped here it's all a mess" i say "he Ellie it's ok remember we are going to get Harper back and when we do you both can have a sleepover" Griff says while grabbing my hand "so with our situation is we've been into the future and anything you do will work but might i add going forward is not a good idea sadly once you get the portal open we have to continue our journey" mom says "but where will you go maybe I can come visit" i say "you can and we will be going to 1960 we want to live with Savannah again these past 30 years without her have been hard but we will se each other again" dad says "so has Sarah told you about the rules" mom says "yes mom she's told me the rules and yes dad ben told Griff the rules" i say "good they did their job" mom says when they were saying that we would end up dating they made a list of rules
1. Leave the door open
2. waiting til 16
"Ok well I'm going to bed it was good seeing you but we have to figure out how to get the portal working again come on Griff" i say "um one second I need to talk to your parents real quick" he says "ok good night I love you" "goodnight I love you too" he says
Griffins POV:
"Why did you guys come back" i say "well we know what happens in the future and we wanted to prevent it you have to understand that" Norah says "I understand and where did you guys travel to" i say "so we've been to 1930, 1960, 2024 and that's about it we tried to spread it out" Jesse says "ok so you've met Savannah since the accident good um have you wondered what it would have been like if you stayed" I ask "we have but we knew you would find your way back to each other eventually but we needed to do this but get some sleep" Norah says "ok goodnight" "goodnight Griffin" they say and i head upstairs and see Ellie asleep so I crawl in bed next to her and she cuddles up to me and I fall asleep
Next Morning
Ellie's POV:
I wake up and see Griff and I wake him up because we have school he won't wake up so I crawl on top of him and kiss him then walk out of the room with my school clothes and go to Zoeys room to get dressed and I see Wyatt "Wyatt out I'm getting dressed" i say "ok bossy" he says "so those are your parents who came last night" Zoey asks "yes zo they are" i say "cool" she says and i finished getting ready and I leave the room and head downstairs to see all the parents at the table "morning Ellie how'd you sleep" Ben says "well Griffin might be a little grumpy this morning he didn't want to wake up but isn't that almost every morning" i say and everyone laughs and something grabs my foot and I scream and Wyatt comes out from under the table "Wyatt I almost kicked you don't make me get the milk" i say as Wyatt runs away as I run after him "what does she mean by milk" Norah asks "well Wyatt doesn't like milk touching the rest of his skin so she threatens to dump milk on him" Sarah says "ah has she got out pranking genes" Jesse asks "she definitely has likes to prank people sometimes it's funny though" ben says "GRIFFIN CAMPBELL GET DOWN HERE OR WE WILL BE LATE FOR SCHOOL DONT MAKE ME COME UP THERE" i say "IM COMING DONT COME UP HERE PLEASE ILL BE DOWN IN TEN SECONDS" he says "10, 9 , 8, 7, 6, 5, 4 ,3 ,2" and i feel a kiss on my cheek "good job two seconds to spare now go eat" I say "well don't you have him wrapped around your finger some things never change" mom says "ok well we are heading to school" Griff says grabbing our backpacks and he grabs my hand "Griff give me my bag" i say "no I'll carry it" he says "ugh fine" and we counting our walk to school still holding hands
"Hey Daisy" i say "it's only school I mean how could have changed in 90 years" Griff says and we both make a face at him and I hear the bell ring and start to grab Griffs hand and pull him to class and we get into class and we sit in our normal spots "do you think she can do it" i say "I don't know I hope" he says "Griffin Ellie unless you want to share with the class what you're talking about stop talking" our teacher says "sorry" I say and we get through the end of the day and we are walking down the hall and we see Daisy talking with Mrs.Roth so we listen in and it's about how she got every question wrong...
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