Ellie's POV:
I'm downstairs with Sarah and we are cleaning up and we eat the boys playing guitar "they are getting good" she says "yea but I could do better I mean singing does run in my family I'm gonna scare griffin wanna help me" I ask the twins "of course so how are we scaring him" well I was thinking that maybe you guys could come running inside from the porch and yell for Griff and say that I got hurt down by the old camp area and when he runs out of the house I jump from the corner he'll be too distracted to even notice" "let's do it"
Griffins POV:
I just got done playing guitar with my dad and I'm walking into the parlor when the twins come running in "GRIFFIN ITS ELLIE WE WERE AT THE OLD CAMP AREA AND SHE FELL OF THIS BRIDGE" I immediately run out the door but before I can get off the porch someone tackles me "Ellie jeez thank goodness you're ok don't prank me like that" "man I was really hoping you would like thrown me trying to get out there" "well I guessed by the weight it was you I mean you're like light" "thanks Griff let's go to your room"
Ellie's POV:
We are in his room and we are kissing and we pull apart "hey can we go visit Savvy" "sure just one more though" and I kiss him and we walk downstairs "hey mom and Ellie and I are gonna go for a walk" and we head down to the bunker and i look at the year "why's it set to 2011 we were only 5 then" "yea that's strange" "wait I know where Harper is let's go" "and we go up through the portal and we only get a few feet in and we run into Harper and I'm just laying by the portal while they talk and they come back and Griffin puts me over his shoulder and walks down the stairs and puts me down once we get to the bottom "hey that was so nice of you" I say "yea yea Harpers mad" I follow them and I jump on Griffins back and lay my head on his shoulder "he's not back is he" "no but she won't believe I'm sorry you didn't get to see Savannah" "it's ok" and we walk up to Griffins room to find the twins and they shush us telling us we will scare it "scare what and why is this rocking chair in my room" Griff says "we brought it to keep an eye on it" Zoey says and Wyatt says "this is a stakeout there's a ghost" "guys come one I thought we were done with all this ghost stuff" Griff and I say "we say the chair rock" Zoey says and Wyatt says "twice" "sit with us and help us watch" Zoey says and Griffin sits on the bed and and grabs the belt loop of my jeans and pull me to sit next to him "excuse you sir" I say "shh stakeout" he says and i roll my eyes it's been a few minutes and now Griff is sitting against his headboard and my head is in his lap while he plays with my hair "can you guys watch it while we get something to eat" Zoey says "if you make us something" Griff says and Zoey says "peanut butter and jelly" and we nod then they leave and Griff looks at me and we lean in and then we hear creaking at Griff looks up and I look at him and then I see he's looking at the chair and we se it rocking and we get up and we footprints so we follow them and griffin is holding my hand making sure to not let go and it leads us to the basement and we see Harper "hey we tried calling you" and we realize she's crying "what's wrong" and she explains and i zone out and we start talking about the footprints and we hear things getting tossed "AUNT SAVVY" I say while hugging her "you said you were never coming through the portal" Harper says and she shows us a picture of what seems to be Harper "looks like you're not done time traveling either" she says and they start coming up with theories while I'm just laying my head on Griffins shoulder "come on Ellie let's go you hang out with griffin more then me and I'm your aunt" "coming Savvy" and we crawl through and I'm just telling her everything and I tell her about the hickeys "HE WHAT" "jeez savvy calm down and his mom and dad were fine with it Sarah actually covered them that's his moms name" "ok fine I guess I can let him do that but hey if he's too handsy he'll be seeing some hands" "you go it" and I feel someone grab my belt loops and pull me into them "may I help you" I say "um yea I'm looking for a girl she's about yay tall and blonde hair and she's wearing my hoodie" "well I guess you found her" and he lays his head on my shoulder while still hugging me from behind and he kisses my neck "Griff my aunt is literally right there" "it's ok it's not like she would kill me" "just don't leave a mark" "only a tiny one behind your ear" "ok let's go" and we get into the room and i lay on the cot while the other find things out and i walk up to Griffin and jump on his back while we go up the stairs and we crawl through the hatch "here ya go princess" he says while letting me crawl off his back onto the ground and we talk about this truck and start walking off towards the Tremont and it's just a house and we go up to the porch and we go inside and it looks so cool Griffins holding my hand and we hear music and we see the radio from the bunker and we hear stuff coming from upstairs and we walk up and Griff has like death grip on my hand and Harper opens the door and we see a man in the rocking chair that rocks on it's own and he goes to turn around and we run down stairs and we open the door to find a girl who looks exactly like Harper...
Authors note: WE FINISHED SEASON 1 and now onto season 2 it will more than likely come out sometime this week but I'm not making any promises i hope you enjoyed the first season make sure before you read any further that you have watched every episode of season 2!!❤️❤️
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