No Time To Waste (episode 2)

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Ellie's POV:

As we are sneaking back into the hotel we hear Wyatt and Zoey talking about what seems like the wallpaper falling and we direct Harper to leave and we see them drinking milkshakes "is that mine" we say at the same time and they jump and turn around holding them "oh this yeah we had to drink them they were melting" Wyatt and Zoey say "there always the refrigerator so what's with all this" Griff says "isn't it obvious paranormal activity" Wyatt says "you both were home the whole time did you guys hear anything" Zoey says "like screams? Clawing at the walls" Wyatt says and he makes the sound of scratching "we actually haven't heard anything the house has been pretty quiet" i say "Griffin Ellie is that you down there" we hear Sarah yell "um yea we we were just out back" Griff says "okay we'll all of you time for bed we will clean this mess up in the morning" Sarah says and Zoey says "coming" and we turn around and we see Harper and we mouth "tomorrow" and we walk upstairs and we get to Griffins room "so now we don't get milkshakes" i say as I sit on his bed "yea too bad Zoey and Wyatt drank them" "yea but you know what it's ok because they are just kids" "yea and so are we" he says as he comes closer and is now standing in between my legs "yea and we are traveling through time and trying to figure out how to help the past" "shhh let's not talk about this anymore" he says as he leans in and kisses me and I laugh and I lay down on the bed and he lays on top of me while we are still kissing and then he starts to kiss my neck "Griff as much as I love this we got to stop" "but whyyyyyy" "because we have to save the world bubs" "ughhhh fine" "ok goodnight "goodnight princess I love you" "goodnight bubs I love you too" and we cuddle into each others arms and fall asleep

It's the next morning and I wake up in Griffins arms and I look up and see he's not awake so I kiss his check to try and wake him up "hmm Ellie stoppp" "why bubs you need to get up remember we are meeting Harper" "yea yea ok fine but give me a kiss" i kiss him and i get out of bed and we get dressed and head down to the bunker and change and then Harper starts telling us about this weird dream she had while we are climbing out "I have weird dreams all the time too they never mean anything" Griffin says "this was different real scary" she says "like these pants I feel like if I sneeze they're gonna split wide open" Griffin says and I laugh "then don't sneeze and remember the plan" I say "as soon as we realize Daisy's not around I step in pretend I'm her and figure out why Grace wants us back here" Harper says "and I play the new kid next door and this is my girlfriend who was forced to live with me" Griffin says while pulling out a hat and he puts it on and I step forward and fix it while he just stares at me "you just needed a little 'tude" i say and he adjusts it and says "how's that" "close enough" i say and he takes my hand and we walk off "Harper come on let's go" Griffin says while intertwining our fingers and she says "coming"

We walk up to the house and see a boy trying to work a machine so we walk up to it "Daisy you scared me to death wait who are you" he says "new neighbors from down the road and she is his girlfriend who sadly had to be forced to move in with him" Harper says "Names Harry and this is Ginny" Griffin says "you guys aren't the same kids who were snooping around yesterday that kid with the 3 girls" he asks "asked them the same thing but they aren't so what is all this" Harper says "you know what it my special project" and I notice Griffin look down at a book and I see that it's about space and time and we hear Harper say "oh right your special project" and griffin picks up the book and the kid takes it back "if you don't mind" he says and Griffin says "you're trying to build a time machine" "Did you tell him Daisy" he says "yea uh sort of" she says "it's still in the planning stages some hiccups to work out do you believe in time travel Harry" he says "I'm open to the idea" Griff says "wait a second aren't you supposed to be out at the oak groove collecting pecans where's your sack and why did you change your clothes" The boy says "oh um I already filled the sack and I got dirty so I changed did you say oak groove you mean by the clearing" "along the fence line where the pecans are" the boy says "pecans Harry Ginny we should go" Harper says "what do you mean we just got here"i say "come on"she says "see you later Daisys little brother" Griffin says "Sam Sam Tremont  see you Harry and Ginny" "what're you doing where are we going that kids wants to build a time machine that can't be a coincidence" griffin says taking my hand "earlier when we came through I had a feeling someone was watching us" Harper says "Daisy oh no" I say "this is not good this is not good at all" Griffin says as we run to the hatch we get there and we see the sack "she found it Daisy found the portal"i say "oh and if she's a relative of yours she couldn't help but go exploring" Griffin says to Harper and we climb down the hatch and get through as fast as we can and we see her in parlor "Daisy" Harper says and the door opens and we hear Jess call "Harper" and we jump to hide behind the walls and I'm standing with Griffin "oh there you are Kristen's coming in late so I need your help at the cafe" Jess says and walks out "there's no time to explain" Harper says "what is this place" Daisy says "I'm your great granddaughter you've traveled through time" Harper says "time" Daisy says "you're way in the future" Griff says "like way way" I say "you need to be me and I'll go back and be you just for a little while my names" Harper says "Harper come on no dawdling" Jess says "please there's no choice go be me" Harper says and Daisy walks out the door

And Harper drags us to the basement "um excuse me but Daisy went that way" Griffin says "off to the cafe sounded like you both have to go to her try to explain this somehow and get her back by five o'clock" Harper says "while you head back to the 1930's" i say "our original plan posing as Daisy what better way to find out what Grace wants us to see" she says "offhand I can think of about six" Griff says "five o'clock don't be late" Harper says and she walks off and we head off to the cafe

We walk in and see her struggling taking an order and we walk up to her "yeah uh she'll get right on it excuse us guys" Griffin says as I grab Daisys hand and take her outside "did you say anything to Mrs.Dunn to anyone did you tell them who you really are" Griff says "no" she says while rubbing her neck "okay okay good that's good" i say "everyone here is so frantic and busy" she says "yea it's 2020 the age of frantic and busy" Griffin says "uh sorry I'm just so confused" she says "ok it's like in your little brothers book you traveled through time and that hunker in the basement it's a portal a door to the past" i say "for you I guess it's a door to the future but" Griffin says super fast "you talk too fast too" Daisy says "oh I'm sorry I do that when I get excited" he says "he really does speak super fast when he gets excited" i say "the girl who looks like me" Daisy say "Harper" I cut her off "she's my great granddaughter that's just impossible" she says "trust us it's possible" Griffin says "trust you both how can I I don't even know your names" she says "it's Griffin Griffin Campbell" "and I'm Ellie Morgan Dillon Dunn sorry about the long last name" and she starts stumbling and I ask "Daisy what is it" while she stumbles in front of me "i-I don't feel so well" and she collapses in my arms and Griffin is behind me making sure I don't fall and Jess comes out "Harper?" "Oh well whoops you caught us we were just practicing our dance moves" griffin says "Harpers studying the 1930's and uh there's a school dance coming up so I was teaching her dance moves" i say "there is" Jess asks "yes" Daisy says "yep and it's right around the corner" griffin says "we'll come on girl Kristen's here I can get you back to do your homework" "yea about that um" i say "about what" "her homework uh she had this test to study for its history it's all a part of that 1930's thing you know I said I'd help with the uh the dance moves and the flash cards and all that so uh can she come over tonight" i say "you know Ellie she's always over there Griffin Ellie why don't you come home with us last I heard flash cards work anywhere we will call Sarah from the car" Jess says "yea yea ok don't worry We got this" Griffin says as he grabs my hand and we walk away

As we walk into the house Jess calls for Topher "he was told to come straight home Topher get down here Harper can you run upstairs and get your brother ten-to-one he's streaming some horror opus instead of doing his homework" Jess says "yes ma'am" Harper says and Jess looks at her weird "Ma'am" she questions "uh mother" Daisy reasons "mom is fine always has been" Jess says and Daisy walks upstairs and Jess walks off and we follow her "Griffin Ellie what is going on around here" "oh like we said it's a part of her history class" He says Harpers taking this full-immersion thing very seriously  jumping in with both lace-up boots" i say "nothing for dinner you know if you wouldn't mind can you tell Harper and Topher I had to run to the market oh uh tacos good for you" "great I love tacos" griffin and i says at the same time and I smack him playfully "you're not supposed to say the same thing as me" i say "ow of course they probably didn't have tacos in the 1930's but I'm sure Harper will gobble 'em right up" Griffin says "yeah" Jess says while walking off and he leans his head back against the wall and I rub his shoulder and we walk upstairs to find Daisy in Harpers room "she's an artist too is that supposed to be her father" Daisy says I guess so he died when she was younger" Griffin says "like my mother died" she says "Grace" i say "yes Grace I suppose Harper misses her father as much as I miss my mother" Daisy says "look Harpers mom just ran to the market this is the perfect opportunity to get you back to 1930 but we have to leave right now come one" i say and we walk out

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