Ellie's POV:
The paramedics get here and we are sitting on a bench and I'm still coughing a little "hey hey princess what's wrong" Griff says and I try to answer but I cough again "Norah Jesse!" He yells and they come running over "griffin what's wrong" Norah says "well we were in the basement whenever the smoke started and we were all coughing but Harper and I stopped but she hasn't and it's getting worse" he says "I-m f-ine" I say while coughing "CAN WE GET A PARAMEDIC OVER HERE" my mom yells "what seems to be the issue" the emt says "well we were stuck in the smoke and the three of us were coughing but she hasn't stopped and it's getting worse" Griffin says "does she have asthma" she asks "no she doesn't" my mom says "hey can you tell me your name" she asks me "E-llie" i say in between coughs "well it seems to me that she inhaled to much smoke so we are going to get an oxygen tank and hook it up to you for about 20 minutes and we will see if that works" and she goes and gets it and comes back and puts it on me and they leave and Wyatt is talking about ghosts and Jess shows up and takes Griffin and Harper home "this is going to get worse" Griff says "we don't even know where it began" wyatt says and we head back inside and my lungs are back to normal and it gets dark out and griffin said he wanted to talk to his dad
Griffins POV:
I sit on the stairs by my dad and Jesse is standing by the railing and the moms are talking by the counter and Ellie is laying on the couch in the lobby "grandpa must have been really freaked out to leave" i say "if I just knew the answer" dad says "to what" Jesse says "all of this I mean what happened to Ellie today shouldn't have happened" dad says "yea it scared me I mean we were in the smoke the same amount of time and I was the last one out of the basement" i say "hey bud it's not your fault you were trying to protect her and that's all that matters" Jesse says and he pays me on the back "and hey you know worse things could've happened" Dad says as he stands up and starts screaming at the hotel and Ellie comes sits by me and the lights come back on
Ellie's POV:
We are meeting Daisy in the porch and she gets here and we hear ben call "GRIFFIN ELLIE there you are um I needed another pair of hands unless you guys are busy" "um no we will be right there" Griffin says and ben walks back inside and Daisy comes up the stairs and we hand her the crystal and tell her to go back and we are talking to her and saying goodbye and I hug her and we head inside and we head to his room and we get on his bed "hey do you wanna make up for time while we wait for Harper" he asks "sure what's your plan" i say and i go to sit on his lap "hm I was thinking a quick make out session" he says "I was thinking the same thing" and we lean in and we make out for a few minutes and we decide to check the basement
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