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The scene shows the family again as they saw the last page of the book showing Arc with the whole team. They then close the book and the children had excited looks on their faces.

Boy: that was so cool!

Girl: what happened after that?

Dad: (puts the book away) well, Arc traveled again and met Sora again. But, that's another story for another day. Time for bed.

Boy: (gets settled in) have you met him?

Mom: (smiles) maybe.

Girl: what about RWBY? Did they meet Arc again?

Dad: they did. He came back and they went on another adventure. But, we'll tell you that story another time.

They said their good nights and the kids went to bed. The parents then made there way to their room.

Dad: it's thanks to him our kids are safe.

Mom: he's always willing to go the distance to save others. It's something he and a Sora have in common.

Dad: yeah.


In the wasteland of the Keyblade Graveyard, a time portal opens and Cronos (the real one) and Salem exit.

Cronos: so, this is where it all comes together. It kinda feels like you're taking me to my first day of school.

Salem: (smirks) all of our hard work has come to these events. So remember, be a good boy, listen to your teachers, and make some friends. And, if you get into any fights... hold nothing back.

Cronos: yes, mother.

???: you've finally arrived.

The pair turned to see Xehanort, his younger self, Ansem, Xemnas, Vanitas, Azrael, Xigbar and Saix approaching them. They stop a few feet from them.

Xehanort: it's a pleasure to meet you, Cronos. (Looks at Salem) you raised a fine boy, Salem.

Salem: I should expect nothing less. But, don't try to double cross me, old man. I'm not that witch, Maleficent or her useless minions.

Xemnas: rest assure, Salem. We have no intentions of betraying you, or your son.

Saix: and believe us, you're much better than either of those fools.

Salem: then until we meet again. (Enters the portal and it closes)

Cronos: (looks at everyone) so, this is the crew. I must admit, I was expecting more.

Xigbar: we have a total of nine now that your here.

Xehanort: (summons ghostly images of their members) Vanitas and Azrael were a recent addition. We have a few candidates in line, such as Luxord, Marluxia, Larxene, Terra and Riku Replica.

Cronos: that's a boring name. (Points to it) I dubbed thee Repliku.

Saix: anyways, we also have Vexen and Demyx as backups, but we only need Vexen for the Replica Program.

Azrael: we also have the sisterhood is help with the process, but Vexen has the original formula.

Young Xehanort: I will travel through time and recruit our numbers.

Cronos: wait. Before we do anything, I have a very important question; are we just limited to 7 and 13?

Vanitas: what's going through your brain?

Cronos: the ones your looking at, Terra and Azrael's twin sister, have had problems in the past when it comes to sticking with us. Vexen's useful, Luxord's good, Larxene and Marluxia betrayed you, and realistically, Demyx is useless.

Xigbar: your point being?

Cronos: I'm thinking, what if we go further then just these ones? I know where we can get more powerful darknesses. The kind that only a crazy person would even think of.

Vanitas: ok. Who are they?

Cronos: _____________

When he said they're names, everyone looked completely shocked.

Xigbar: are you insane?!

Saix: I know we need vessel, but this... this is suicide.

Vanitas: that's Cronos for you.

Azrael: even if we could get them, how would we convince them?

Cronos: leave that to me. (Pulls out his notebook) in the meantime, you should focus on your candidates and decide on how makes the final callbacks.

Xigbar: (looks at the Xehanorts) what do you think?

The four said nothing after a moment and they said their minds.

Young Xehanort: it is true, that they're more powerful than anything.

Ansem: if it is even remotely possible to obtain their power...

Xemnas: then we'll have more than enough strength to complete our goal.

Xehanort: very well, Crimson Death. We'll try this. But, you'll need to work fast. We're on a bit of a schedule.

Cronos: (deactivates helmet) don't worry, I got all the time in the worlds.


At the wizard's tower, Riku and King Mickey were off to the Realm of Darkness to search for clues on where Aqua maybe, while Kairi has been sent to  rendezvous with Axel so that they can begin their Keyblade training. Sora was on his way back after meeting up with the Dreameaters, and Donald and Goofy were waiting for him.

Donald: okay, start talking!

Goofy: you were gone a long time. What were ya doin'?

Sora: (chuckles) secret. (Opens the door) I'm back! (Sees that Yen Sid's the only one here) huh? Just us?

Yen Sid: the others all had important work to do. So I sent them on their way.

Sora: (sarcastic) that's great. They coulda said goodbye.

Donald: it's your fault you missed them.

Sora: it is not. I just like to say goodbye to all my friends.

Donald: then do it faster!

Sora: I'm here now, right?

Yen Sid: we have matters to discuss.

The two stop glaring at each other and all three stand at attention.

Yen Sid: your Mark of Mastery exam was conducted in the hopes you would acquire the power to wake them. (Sora crosses his arms and nods) however, the darkness nearly took control of you, and your grasp of your new abilities leaves much to be desired.

Sora: oh. (Lowers his head)

Yen Sid: furthermore, Xehanort nearly made you his vessel, and in the process stripped you of most of the power you had gained by then. I suspect you have already noticed this, correct?

Sora: (sighs)

Donald and Goofy: Sora...

Sora: (immediately perks up) whatever! Happens all the time.

Goofy: so, what should we do, Master Yen Sid?

Yen Sid: our best hope lies in the Guardians of Light. As such, we must gather new allies to aid us in our war. Fortunately, and old friend of ours has contacted me and has informed me her pupil will help us. He should be arriving any moment.

After he said that, they heard knocking from the door. The door opens and a familiar figure walks in.

Donald: huh?

Goofy: is this him?

Yen Sid: yes. Thank you for coming. I trust you are aware of what's at stake. (Figure nods yes)

Sora: (walks over and offers a hand) hey. I'm Sora. What's your name?

Arcturus: (smiles and shakes hand) my name's Arcturus, I'm the Keyblade Wielder sent from the future.



Author's note: one journey finishes, another begins.
For the family, the parents were Terra and Aqua telling their kids about Arc's past. They'll meet him in the future.
Cronos joins the new Organization XIII. Unlike the game, it won't have all the same members. I'll be changing on how the others will come in, and add in crazy changes.
As to who Cronos was referring to, they won't be revealed until the sequel.
Speaking of which, here's the sequel to come:

I don't know when this will be, but after I play the LimitCut episode, I'll have final ideas on how to proceed for the general base line of the story. I'm also thinking about doing a short side story revolving around Azreal.
I'll also be working on Team DVNT, which if I write it right, shouldn't be ridiculously long.
But, all and all, thank you so much to everyone to reading this story, and I'll see you in the next story.

Arcturus, Team RWBY, Lightning and the KH crew will return.

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