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The scene picks up where they left off. Arc, Yang and Blake continued to make their way down through the Qliphoth. After they killed Grimm-humans of former Team CRDL (a/n: they never explained what happened to them, so these fuckers can die here!) they took a moment to catch their breath before continuing.

Yang: well, this place is definitely giving us a challenge.

Arcturus: no kidding. (Looks at the remains of CRDL before they disappeared) these kind of Grimm are different. Have there been others like these, before?

Blake: no. These are completely new.

Yang: but, why were we the only ones turned back to normal?

Arcturus: I don't know. We can figure it out after we find Ruby and Weiss. I'll scout ahead and see what I can find.

Narrator (mom): in a flash of blue lightning, Arc left and Yang and Blake were left alone for a bit.

Yang: he's definitely not alright.

Blake: if what we saw was true, then he's suffered so much. I can see why Ruby likes him.

Yang: how so?

Blake: because, despite all that's happened to him, he's not giving up. He's still trying to do the right thing and help the ones closest to him.

Yang: Arc's always has that personality. It's one of the things the he and Ruby bonded over when they met.

Arcturus: (returns back and notices the girls looking at each other) am I interrupting something?

Yang: nope. We were waiting for you. Did you find anything?

Arcturus: Clara so far didn't detect any threats, but there's some kind of elevator that could help us go further.

Yang: let's get going, then.

The three made it a platform that was being lifted by blood. It took them into a room with strange spikes in the ground. Some of them were connected by chain while others appeared to be broken. At first, they're alone, but then Arc starts to feel odd.

Arcturus: do you two feel that?

Blake: I do, actually. It feels... cold?

Next thing they new, the whole area turns into a frozen wasteland that sends them flying back. When they stood up, they saw a human Grimm with one horn, a ponytail that's at an angle, a black dress and holding a deadly looking sword that was once a rapier.

Arcturus: either of you recognize this one?

Blake: it's Weiss!

Weiss: I've been expecting you three. Congratulations for getting this far, but your luck ends here!

Yang: c'mon, Weiss, we don't have time for this. Help us get to Ruby so we can all get outta here.

Weiss: the only place all of you are going is the afterlife. My servants will enjoy ripping you apart, and feasting on your bones.

Arcturus: servants?

Yang: turns out, Weiss can summon her own minions.

Arcturus: knowing Cronos, he gave her an arsenal. (Summons Keyblade)

Blake: we have to bring her back. (Draws her gunblade)

Yang: (readies her shotgun gauntlets) time to melt the Ice Queen.

The fight with Weiss was just as hard as Grimm Yang and Blake's. Not only did she summon Grimm and Soulless enemies, but using her rapier, she would transform the environment into ice, fire and thunder base areas, giving her different fighting styles. After sometime of fighting, the ground temporarily turned into her station of awakening and they made their final attack.

Arcturus activates his Drive Form Guardian and the gorilla not only gave him power, but punched Weiss's Arma Gigas in the face and blocks it's sword long enough for Arc to use his Avalanche Defense to launch Yang off and have her and Blake take down Weiss. As both spiritual beings faded, Arc's right eye glows and with one last strike of his blade, Weiss collapses and returns to normal.

Yang: (crouches down by Weiss) Weiss? Ice Queen, you ok?

Weiss: (responds after a moment of silence) if there's one thing I don't miss about you, is that nickname.

Yang: (chuckles and helps her up) oh come on, you love it.

Arcturus: (reverts to normal) glad that all of that worked. (Falls to one knee and holds his blade for support)

Blake: (catches him before he falls completely) Arc! What's wrong?

Arcturus: give me a second. I guess my gauntlet is still messed up from a fight I had not too long ago.

Yang: (helps Weiss up) take it easy, Speedy. Don't get yourself killed over this.

Cronos's Voice: don't worry, he's not going to die yet. You three, however, will depend entirely if Arc can save you.

Arcturus: (stands up and casts cure) I'm fine! Just needed a breather. Anyways,  the game's almost done. Show us where Ruby is, and then we can settle this once and for all.

Cronos's Voice: our game is far from finished. As for Ruby, if you all want to see her die so badly, she's located in the center of the Qliphoth. Get ready for the final run in Monster Academy's grand game.

The four then see the ground underneath them collapse and they all fell for a bit. Before hitting the ground, Arc casts a gravity spell that broke their fall and they see they're in what appears to be ruins of Beacon Academy.

Arcturus: looks like we finally found Beacon.

Blake: Weiss, you were the last one who saw what happened. Do you remember what happened?

Weiss: for one thing, whoever that guy was... his darkness... it's unlike anything we've seen before. Not to mention that he can't die makes him more dangerous.

Yang: what about Ruby?

Weiss: last I remember, he mentioned something about giving her a "special" treatment.

Arcturus: (growls) that b*****d. He's not getting away with this. (Looks at them) I'm sorry you girls got involved in this. If I knew this would've happened, I would've tried to stop him sooner.

Yang: you can't worry about the past. We're here now, so we can work together to bring Ruby back.

Blake: plus, you don't need to blame yourself for what happened.

Weiss: yeah. You don't have to carry the weight of the world on your shoulders alone.

Arcturus: (doesn't respond a bit but smiles) I see why Ruby trusts you girls. You're all good friends. (They return the smile) now, let's get her back and get outta here.

Yang: yep. The sooner we do that, the sooner you can ask her out.

Arcturus: (blushes) w-what?

Weiss: is now the time, Yang?

Blake: they can do that after this nightmare is finished.

They resumed their path and make their way towards the center of the tree. Inside, was a room like Arc's when he was at Radiant Garden, but different. They were in a clearing in a first with a house in the middle. If memory served him right, this is Ruby and Yang's home in Patch.

Yang: (surprised) how is this possible?

Arcturus: it's an illusion created by the crystal of the tree. If it took form of your home in Patch, then it must be effect by Ruby.

Weiss: but where is she?

Clara: I'm not detecting her here. (Picks something up) wait, something's heading right towards us. It's coming in fast.

Arcturus: (summons Keyblade) we got company. Get ready!

The girls got their weapons ready. The area around them began to break and from it, came a living story of some kind. Looking closer, they saw it was a swarm of Soulless, but with appearances of Grimm. This was identified as the Devil's Storm. Needless to say, hitting it was a pain in of itself. Because it was constantly moving, they couldn't directly hit it, even with their Semblances and gun forms. The storm soon goes to Arc and went full force on his right arm, causing him to be thrown to the ground and drop his Keyblade.

Yang: (sees Arc) Arc!

Weiss: (sees the storm coming to them) watch out!

Using her semblance, she creates a shield with her gliffs. It stays strong, but now traps the girls in the storm as they couldn't do anything but watch as they see something shoot out from the storm. When it lands they see it's a figure, but is coated by a dark power. They walk over to Arc's Keyblade and picks it up with their left hand.

???: this weapon...

Arcturus: (recognizes their voice) no...

Yang: it can't be...

Weiss: this can't be her...

Blake: how could he...?

???: Yang, Weiss, Blake...

The darkness fades and the figure turns around to see them. She was a human Grimm with two horns, a black and red dress torn, and a black skeletal right arm holding a demonic scythe. When she opens her eye, they're black and red with black veins on her cheeks.

Ruby:'re too late.

Yang: Ruby, c'mon snap out of it!

Blake: you have to fight this!

Ruby: why should I? I've learned the truth. Humanity is chaotic and dangerous towards not just themselves, but to the world. They need order, domination... darkness. At first I thought helping people would make the world better, but now, the only thing they accept is control.

Yang: you're wrong! The Ruby I know would never agree to this!

Ruby: the one you knew was weak. She couldn't save Pyrrha, couldn't help you, and so many others had died because of her. But no more. (Begins walking as the ground breaks into black liquid) under this new life, and under Salem's rule, there will be no more suffering. No more weakness. And no more sorrow (Turns back to them) we'll save the world.

Weiss: are you even listening to yourself?! That isn't saving the world, it's destroying it!

Ruby: it's a big universe. Even if this one falls, we'll find a new one.

Blake: (tries to break free but fails) we can't get out! (Looks at Arc) Arcturus, you have to stop her!

Arcturus: (keeps his head down) this is what you wanted.

Clara: what?

Arcturus: (stands up but keeps his head down) he wanted me to come so that we could fight. Because he knows I have the power to kill her. But, (looks up with determination) that's not gonna happen. Ruby, whatever he did to you, you're not gonna die, and neither is your sister or your friends. (Holds out right hand and Keyblades returns) whatever it takes, I'm bringing your light back.

Ruby: you really think you can win?

Arcturus: I know I will. Because the real Ruby will be fighting as well.

Narrator (mom): there was silence, until Ruby chuckles and readies her scythe.

Ruby: alright, then. You want to bring the old me back so badly? You're gonna have to kill me.

Arcturus: not gonna happen. But don't worry, Ruby, I'll bring you back no matter what.


Cronos: and now, the big finale.

Cinder: (evil smile) this is perfect. No matter what happens, victory will be ours.

Watts: the experiment in general has been a success. Aside from Team RWBY, the human-Grimm hybrids were a success. We'll need to work on the process a bit more, but I for one am pleased with the results.

Mercury: this should be easy, though. There's no way he's going to kill her if actually likes her.

Salem: don't underestimate Arcturus. (Looks at her orb) when it comes to his battles, he always finds a way.


This fight was the hardest for Arc. It wasn't just because he didn't want to hurt her, but because she had multiple attack styles, including lasers, energy beams from the ground, her speed semblance, and her scythe would gain an energy boost to deal damage. The fight continued on for a while and Arc was using more and more energy until his MP was recharging and his Drive Gauge was down from changing his forms over and over.

Ruby: why do you still keep trying? You can't win!

Arcturus: the same reason you wanted to become a huntress. Because it's right, and who I am.

Ruby: enough! It's time to die!

Her scythe then glows and grows bigger. Darkness spreads around them and a storm of rose petals swirls around them. She then unleashes her final attack that looked as though she won. The others were anxious to see what happened, but when the smoke clears, Arc wasn't there.

Ruby: what?

Next thing she knew was Arc disarms her and restrains her. A white energy begins to build around them and Arc screams. But, just like with the Spartan rage, the scream sounded like a dragon's roar. His right eye then glowed brighter and next thing they knew, a blast of white light fires and hits the area with full force.


Cinder: (surprised and angry) WHAT!?!

Mercury: what is that?

Emerald: does he have that power, too?!

Hazel: and that roar... what is he?

Watts: how did this happen?

Salem and Cronos only look slightly wide eyed at the scene playing out before them. It was no mistaking that this was the Silver Eyes power, but Arc only has one. As they look further, they quickly put the pieces together.

Salem's Thoughts: this boy... he's doesn't possess the power, but it was temporarily given to him. When Ruby Rose connected to his heart, she not only dispelled his darkness from killing him, but she transferred him some of her light. This kind of power... only a Princess of Heart could possess. (Smirks) interesting.

Cronos: a shame they didn't die. (Shrugs) oh well, better luck next time.

Cinder: (furious) how are you so calm about this!? Your plan failed! Ruby's still alive, he has the eyes, and you're still acting like it's all a-

She's silenced as Cronos puts a vibrating hand in her chest. Emerald tries to grab her guns, but Hazel stops her before she does, and gives her a look that says 'don't tempt fate'. Cinder is now worried as to what could happen and everyone's on the edge until the hear the song "Staying Alive" play. Confused at what is happening, Cronos soon sighs when he realizes it's his phone ringing.

Cronos: (looks at Salem) do you mind if I get that?

Salem: it must be important. But first, pull the hand out. We still need our Fall Maiden.

Cronos: (pulls hand out, causing Cinder to collapse and take deep breaths while he answers the phone) hello? Yes, it's now a bit of a bad time, what do you want? (Hears what the person is calling about) SAY THAT AGAIN! (Everyone but Salem is surprised by his shout) say that again, and know, that if you're lying to me, I will find you, and I will skin you alive. (Listens to the person) one moment.


When the light fades, Ruby is back to her normal self and almost collapses but Arc catches her. The Qliphoth around them disintegrates and the Devil's Storm flies away. The rest of the girls quickly go to Arc and Ruby as they see her pasted out in his arms.

Arcturus: Ruby...

Yang: what was that?

Arcturus: I... I don't know.

Weiss: whatever it was, it brought her back.

Clara: Arc, something's wrong.

Arcturus: what do you mean?

Clara: Ruby's life signs are low. Whatever Cronos did to her, it's put her into a coma.

Arcturus: s**t!

Blake: what's wrong?

Arcturus: (stands up and carries Ruby bridal style) Ruby's in a coma. I don't know how, but we have to get her back to the FireFly as fast as possible.

Yang: the what?

Cronos's Voice: well done, Arc. I must admit, I was hoping you would kill her, but I guess that will have to wait. So, as a reward, I'll let you regroup with your friends for a bit. And hey, if she wakes up, tell her I said hello.

Ignoring everything else, Arc and the girls go to a map pint and teleport right back to the FireFly. Back at the castle, Cronos looks back at Salem and nods to her. Knowing what he's referring to, she returns the nod and Cronos begins to walk out of the room and goes back to the phone.

Cronos: if you say it's true, I'll reward you. If not, then I'll turn you into furniture. (Exits)

Watts: (turns to Salem) what was that about?

Salem: the boy's own goals. It is of no concern for us. Now then, Hazel, return to our friend Adam and the White Fang. Tell them it's time to begin our attack. Cinder, Emerald, Mercury, you will go to the Branwen Tribe. Bring the Spring Maiden to Haven. It's time for us to retrieve the relic.


Arcturus quickly takes Ruby to the medical room and they examine her. So far, they couldn't exactly figure out what happened, and it wasn't making the situation better.

Yang: Arc, what's wrong with her?

Arcturus: I don't understand it. Physically, she's fine. But, for some reason, she's in a coma.

Weiss: is it something from the Grimm form she was in?

Arcturus: maybe, but I don't know for sure.

???: it seems worse than I thought.

Narrator (mom): everyone turns to see the Mysterious Woman. Yang gets ready to fight, but Arc stops her.

Arcturus: it's alright. She's on our side. (Turns to face her) what do you mean worse?

Mysterious Woman: let me see her.

They were a bit reluctant, but they moved aside. She walks over and places a hand Ruby's heart to see the damage.

Mysterious Woman: her heart is sleeping.

Arcturus: what does that mean?

Mysterious Woman: the darkness Cronos gave her took a toll on her. Without all of her light, she was loosing herself already. But, when you returned it back to her, it freed her, but now, her heart is lost somewhere, trying to find its way back. However, without it, she'll never wake up.

Blake: isn't there anything we can do?

Mysterious Woman: normally, as long as she has a light to guide her back, she would return. But, she must be too far down into darkness for it to reach.

Weiss: is there another way to help her?

Mysterious Woman: there is one way, but it's very difficult.

Arcturus: what is

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