Chapter 16: TILL ALL ARE ONE (CYBERTRON part 2)

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Timeline: Launch Day.

The scene begins at Ioncon City where Arcturus is entering the Autobot base where Optimus is talking with a red and white Autobot.


Arcturus: Optimus.

Optimus Prime: (turns around) Arcturus. You're alive, we feared the worst. Why are you here?

Arcturus: I saw there was another mission for me, so I came here to help. What's going on?

Optimus Prime: we need to evacuate.

Ratchet: a group of our Autobots identified a portal from a Space Bridge Tower located in Kaon.

Arcturus: a Space Bridge?

Clara: it's like a teleport gateway. Theoretically, if you have the right coordinates, you can travel to anywhere in the universe.

Arcturus: what's on the other side of the portal?

???: (enters the room) according to our group, it's a primitive planet rich with raw energy. It's our best option for a new home.

Arc turns around to see Arcee and a pink and white female Autobot enter the room. Her frame was similar to Arcee, but built to be a car more that a motorcycle.

Elita One

Arcturus: hey Arcee.

Arcee: good to see your alive, Arc. (Turns to Elita) this is Elita One. Elita, this Arcturus.

Elita One: (looks closer at Arc) So, you're the Keyblade wielder. I admit, I wasn't expecting them to be so young. Your people must be proud.

Arcturus: thank you. (Beat) anyways, can we launch the Ark to get there?

Racket: we're still going through the evacuation. But, even if we get everyone here, we might not have enough energon to power the ship and escape.

Arcturus: (looks at the tower) what's powering the tower?

Ratchet: energon that was found in the sea of rust.

Arcturus: if we can get some, will there be enough to launch?

Ratchet: there could be, but that's in the Deception fortress. And, even if we could get there, we have no way of taking it back here.

Arcturus: I can. (All look at him like he grew a second head) I'll get into the tower and collect enough energon to get the launch ready.

Elita One: Arc, that's suicide. We can't let you risk your life for something dangerous.

Arcturus: this is your best chance to escape. If anyone can get that energon in time, it's me.

Arcee: Optimus, what's your call?

Narrator (dad): they turn to Optimus for his answer. He thinks about for a moment, and gives his final answer.

Optimus Prime: make it happen. Arcturus, if they're still alive, a few fellow Autobots are near those grounds. Help them get back here for the evacuation.

Arcturus: yes sir!

Optimus Prime: (turns to the others) the rest of you, help as many Autobots as you can to the Ark. Roll Out!

Arcturus took off to the tower. When he arrived, he found Soulless and a special breed of Deception called Insections. Arcturus was about to engage against them, when he saw a giant Autobot smash through them. Now, to put into perspective on how giant, Arc is Arcee's size. So, to see a giant robot smashing through stuff is a little intimidating.


Grimlock: (notices Arc) huh? Who are you?!

Arcturus: name's Arc. I was sent here by Optimus to get some energon for the Ark, and to get you out of here.

Grimlock: why would Optimus send you?

Arcturus: I'm fast. But, anyways, I'll get the energon. Can you cover my back?

Grimlock: There's no way you can get energon back to the Ark in time. And, even if you could, how are you going to carry it?

Arcturus then pulls out the item. When most people think about transporting liquid, they would use containers or vehicles, but what was in his hand was...

A water gun strapped to a backpack.

Arcturus: I know this looks ridiculous, but this can give us enough to get off the planet and into the portal.

Grimlock: you're insane, aren't you?

Arcturus: a little bit.

Narrator (dad): Arc then runs to the river and begins to collect energon. Now, the water gun he's holding isn't a normal one. While toys like those were made to hold a small amount of water, Arc remade his to hold amounts from a water chug, to a ocean's worth.

Arcturus: never thought I would use this to fuel a space ship.

Clara: it a little unorthodox, but pretty clever when you think about it. Plus, thanks to anti-gravity, it doesn't weight you down.

Arcturus: (finishes and pulls it out) true that.

Grimlock: heads up, we got more cons!

Both summon their weapons and start fighting. At first, Grimlock didn't believe that Optimus would send a teenager to help them, but after seeing him fight and using his powers, he was now a believer.

Arcturus: (squashes an Insecticon) and I thought Deceptions were bad before. These guys are weird.

Grimlock: Shockwave's experiments. Are one of them?

Arcturus: no, I'm from another world. Who's Shockwave?

Grimlock: he's the one who did this to me and my team. Cracked us opened, and teared us apart. The others were lucky.

Arcturus: (hesitates a bit) why were they lucky?

Grimlock: they were asleep... I wasn't. And I felt everything he did to me. (Slams his sword on a dead con) he'll pay for what he did to my team!

To say he was surprised was an understatement. Arcturus didn't say anything, but he could tell Grimlock suffered the most out of all of them. Not only was he awake, but the idea of feeling the whole procedure was enough to give someone nightmares for life.

Arcturus: I'm sorry. No one should go through that. I don't think you introduced me your name.

Grimlock: why do you care?

Arcturus: (smiles) cause your a friend. So, if we're teaming up, we may as well know each other. I'm called Arc, but my full name is Arcturus. What's your name?

Grimlock: Grimlock... they call me Grimlock.

Arcturus: that's a cool name, Grimlock. We better head back to your team and get to the Ark.

Grimlock: no. We can't let this Space Bridge run. I'm taking it down, along with Shockwave.

Arcturus: well, I'm not leaving you here, so how do we bring the tower down?

Grimlock: we go straight to Shockwave.

The two fought their way through many cons and Soulless. Some Soulless have even adapted to look like the Insecticons. Eventually that arrived at a small area, where a dark purple Deception with one red eye was operating on a console. This was Shockwave.

Grimlock: (charges straight through)'re finished!

Arcturus: Grimlock, wait!

Too late. Two strange guns popped out and blasted Grimlock with an orange beam. He drops his sword and is in pain, long enough for him to be restrained to the ground by two bonds on his arms. Arcturus runs to help, but strangely, a few Soulless suddenly wrap their bodies around him, restraining him from moving.

Arcturus's Thoughts: what the? They never did this before.

Shockwave: did you really think I would create something power such as you, Grimlock, and not have a way to control it? Now, sit there like a good pet, while I finish my work. And as for you, Keyblade wielder, your super speed fascinates me. I look forward to dissecting you for research and adding your power to my creations.

Arcturus: oh hell no! I'm not a lab experiment, neither is Grimlock.

Shockwave: you all are. Tell me, Arcturus, how do your people see you? Do they look at you for hope? Or an abomination that should be kept under lock and key? And, how do you know if there are others like you?

Arcturus never thought about it, but now that Shockwave brought it up, he did figure that most people saw the Sapphire Speedster as a curse. And, we're there others like him? Before those questions could be answered, he noticed Grimlock was changing. He was glowing orange and mumbling 'kill you' to Shockwave. Then, unexpectedly, he broke free from his bonds and screamed in rage.


Narrator (dad): Grimlock then slams his fists to the ground, and transforms into a giant fire breathing T-Rex. Grimlock wasn't an Autobot, but now a Dinobot.

Arcturus: (free and surprised) holy s**t!

Shockwave: (surprised as well) i-impossible.

Grimlock doesn't give Shockwave enough time to react as he bites the Deception's arm off, eats it, and then tail-whips him off the tower. At the same time, however, he hits the control panel and the tower begins to explode.

Arcturus: I think that's our cue to go!

Grimlock: move it!

Arcturus: Clara, how much stronger can you make me?

Clara: as strong as you need to be. Why?

Arcturus: (grabs and lifts Grimlock) it'll be faster if I'm doing the running.

Grimlock was taken back by this kid's strength. Arcturus then somehow manages to build up enough speed to not only run with a giant in his hands, but to also jump with enough force to send the two back to Iocon. When they arrive, Grimlock transforms back to robot form and finally realizes what happened.

Grimlock: what exactly are you?

Arcturus: a Speedster with a Keyblade. But, Shockwave turned your vehicle form into a Dinobot?

Grimlock: yes... He messed with my transformation. Now I can only access it when I'm very angry.

Arcturus: so, it only works when you feel high amounts of rage? (Grimlock nods) remind me not to get on your bad side.

Grimlock: (remembers something) my team! They're still back at Shockwave's lab!

Arcturus: one moment! (Takes off and returns with Swoop, Slug, Snarl and Sludge) this them?

Swoop: Grimlock, what happened?! We saw the tower blowing up, and next thing we knew, blue lightning came in, and we're back at Iocon?

Grimlock: doesn't matter. We need to get to the others. (Notices that Arc was heading inside) hey kid. (Arc turns around) you're good at fighting. And, you have guts to go through all of that. I respect that.

Slug: you're lucky, kid. It's rare for someone new to earn Grimlock's respect.

Arcturus: thanks. And, I'm sorry for what Shockwave did to you.

A loud explosion interrupts their conversation as the group looks back at the tower and sees it begins to break down. Arcturus then wastes no time to get to the fuel engines and loads them up with energon. When finished, he runs back to the control room to meet up with Optimus and Ratchet.

Ratchet: what happened?

Arcturus: we blew the tower up. I found your Autobots, they need medical attention. But, what about the portal?

Ratchet: the portal Grimlock identified is becoming unstable.

Arcturus: unstable?

Clara: the tower was the only thing keeping it open. Now that we blew it up, that thing's gonna close.

Optimus Prime: how much time do we have?

Arcturus: how long before it closes?

Clara: a few hours. Maybe less.

Ratchet: impossible to know for certain, but the sooner we launch the Ark, the better.

Narrator (dad): Optimus looks concern, but his thoughts were interrupted by a familiar voice.

Metroplex: Optimus. Take what spark remains within me. Us it to light your way across the stars.

Optimus Prime: Metroplex, my friend, you don't have to do this. There's no guarantee that you'll even have enough energon to reach it.

Metroplex: this is my choice.

Without any further arguments, Metroplex grabs a cable and transfers all his life force into the ship. Everyone then heads back into the Ark and prepares to launch. Bumblebee looks back at the city and looks sadden. Arcturus places a comforting hand on his shoulder and the two go inside. With the ship loaded up, the thrusters activate and they have liftoff. Metroplex collapses on his knees and take one last look at the Ark as it leaves the atmosphere. He takes his last breath and says the last few words before dying.

Metroplex: (dies) till all are one.


Optimus, Elita, Bumblebee and Arcturus look down as they leave Cybertron. Arc sees Elita and Optimus hold hands while Bee looks lost.

Arcturus: I'm sorry about your home.

Elita One: it's alright, Arc. The important thing is that we're still here.

Bumblebee: (beeps)

Optimus Prime: we have no choice, Bumblebee, Arcturus. The war is lost. Leaving our home is the hardest decision I've ever had to make.

The group then walks to the main bridge where Arcee, Bulkhead and other Autobots are waiting for them.

Arcturus: hey guys.

Bulkhead: good to see you back, Arc.

Arcee: yeah. Thanks for helping us.

Arcturus: of course. (Beat) how much further are we from the portal?

Soldier: we should be there soon.

Optimus Prime: whatever lies beyond that portal, is our best, and last hope my friends.

Unknown to them, a second ship is approaching them. The Deception warship called the Nemesis. Inside, Megatron (who had returned after Arc left) finally got a look at the Ark.

Megatron (new form)

Megatron: how pathetic. This is the so called Ark? The Autobots have placed all there hope on a glorified cargo holder.

???: make no mistake, Lord Megatron. That ship maybe glorified, but the pests on board will still put up a fight.

Narrator (dad): Megatron turns to see a red and black Deception, who looks similar to Arc but with a helmet coving his face, walk beside him.

Megatron: even so, nothing will stop us from achieving victory, Cronos. Have Soundwave and Starscream prepare the first assault.

Cronos: yes sir.


Arcturus's Thoughts: I wish I could've done something to help these people. Their civil war went so far, they lost their home because of it. It's insane of how far someone is willing to go just to accomplish their goals for world domination. But, I hope these guys make it out safe. They deserve some happiness, after all they've been through.

His thoughts were interrupted a large shadow casting above them. They look up and see the Nemesis directly above them.

Arcturus: we got company.

Optimus Prime: (eyes narrow) Megatron.

Arcturus: Megatron? I thought he was dead?

Bumblebee: (beeps)

Arcturus: of course he came back.

From the Nemesis, tow cables were shot out and landed inside the room. From them, cons and Soulless began crawling in to destroy them. The Autobots fired back when Arcturus was suddenly hit with red lightning. He's now pinned to the ground by Cronos.

Cronos: (Holds Keyblade at Arcs neck) well, this is quite a surprise, Sapphire Speedster.

Arcturus: (pushes back) wasn't expecting to see you either, Crimson Death.

The two got up and began fighting while the tow cables began to retract. The speed fight was much quicker than the last one, but we're met with the same results with Arc being pushed all the way to the wall.

Cronos: you're stronger than last time. Good. But, you're still not ready. Finish up with this world and move to the next one. After that, I'll send you a message to tell you when to fight.

Arcturus: we're not done yet!

Cronos: made you're not, but I am. But, don't worry, I'll leave behind a gift for you to show kindness.

He then casts a bright purple light and disappears. Arcturus then healed himself and others as he went to the control pad.

Arcturus: how bad are we?

Ratchet: we're still heading to the portal, but we're damaged. Pull up the latest report.

Teletran: firewall breached. Unauthorized access.

Megatron: (hologram message) your precious Ark will never reach that portal, Optimus.

Teletran: shield failure, from starburnt thrusters.

Megatron: I will tear your ship apart piece by piece.

The transmission breaks and soon the ship starts shaking more.

Arcturus: now what?

Soldier: Optimus, Deceptions have made it into the lower levels. Our men are taking heavy damage.

Optimus Prime: I'm on my way. Arcee, Bulkhead, you're with me. The rest of you, stay here and cover the bridge.

Narrator (dad): He leaves the room, but as soon as he left, they were met with another problem.

Teletran: defense systems, offline.

Ratchet: no! The entire defense grid is shut down! Without those propulsion cannons, we won't stand a chance!

Arcturus: can you get them back up?

Ratchet: we'll have to reboot the system manually.

Elita One: alright then. Ratchet, hold down the fort here and keep us updated. Bumblebee, Arcturus, let's get the defenses back up.

A Soulless then popped up. Without thinking, Arc grabs a tool on the work bench and uses his Keyblade as a baseball bat to hit it out of the ship.

Ratchet: (sees it was a useful tool) Arcturus, I needed that!

Arcturus: sorry. (Quickly fixes the tool) how do we activate the systems?

Ratchet: (hands Bumblebee a fusion link) take this to the service lift. It'll get you there faster. Good luck.

The three departed and began heading down to the lift. Along the way, Deceptions and Soulless were coming from all directions to stop them. They took care of them, but there still came problems, like the cables. They soon make it to the lift and started heading up.

Bumblebee: (beeps)

Elita One: we're almost there, Bee. I just hope we can get there in time before it's too late.

Arcturus: don't worry, Elita, we're gonna get to that portal, and we'll find a new home. No matter what.


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