two ; 002

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"Expect trouble as an inevitable part of life and repeat to yourself, the most comforting words of all; this, too, shall pass."
-Ann Landers

"You know this dame?" The other man said to Steve. The tiny blonde furrowed his brow, his gaze entranced on attempting to figure out who Margo was, and how she knew his name. Steve shook his head and Margo shrugged, if this really was the 1940s Steve would have no idea who she was. Hell, she didn't even think her parents were born yet. Margo sighed and crossed her arms over her chest. She wasn't going to admit it, but the blue eyed guy's gaze on her made her uncomfortable.

"Okay, this is going to sound really bad." Margo started, her eyes going wide when she saw both men get ready to fight. "But hear me out."

"Nice accent." The brunette man stated and Margo flashed him a smile.

"What's your name?" Steve asks, trying to remember if he's ever met this woman. She rolled her eyes.

"If you let me talk, I'll tell you what you need to know." Margo said firmly. "I'm an assassin."

"What?" The brunette man said with an incredulous look on his face. He looked ready to fight, but Margo figured she could take him.

"From the future." She finished, cringing at how stupid her words sounded. "And you should know that Steve and I, we become close. We even have an apartment together." Her voice trailed off the more she spoke about the future the more her mind blurred. It's like if she tried to tell them what happens, she can't and the memory fades.

"Are we- are we, romantically involved?" Steve says, causing a laugh to escape her lips. He looks offended so Margo feels the need to elaborate.

"No, you're like my brother." She says. "But you don't have a hard time getting the ladies." She adds with a wink, causing the other man to nudge Steve. "And you are?"

"My name's James Barnes, call me Bucky." He says, adding a wink in there that caused Margo's gaze to drop to the floor. She recognized the name, she just didn't know why. "And I think you're nuts, doll."

"No, I'm telling the truth, doll." Margo says, mocking Bucky, she would've laughed at his statement but her mind was swimming, why can't she remember what's happened in her life?

"You still haven't told us your name." Steve said, breaking up the banter between the two.

"Margo Larson." She extended her hand her forwards for them to shake, which both did. "And I'm telling you, I'm the best assassin out there."

"You fight for America?" Bucky says, adding a smirk after a pause. "The accent is throwing me off, no matter how hot it is." Margo lightly blushed, but rolled her eyes in attempt to conceal it.

"Pretty much." Margo admitted with a shrug. "It's more I kick ass here, over there. Where are you going?"

"We were going to this park, maybe pick up some dames. But it looks like I've found one." Bucky says with a smirk. Margo found his relentless flirting cute, especially with the old fashioned terms.

"Would you like to join us?" Steve says, being the ever so polite person he is. Margo shrugged taking a few steps closer to the men.

"Why not, I've got no where to be for the next seventy years." She mutters under her breath so only she was the one to hear it.

Margo had been in the past for about a week, and all memory of the future events were blurred. She had been staying at Steve's house, even with Bucky's multiple attempts to convince her to stay with him. He was a huge flirt, one thing that drew Margo to him.

"Margo, Steve said he'd be back in a bit." Bucky said as he walked into the kitchen. He stopped immediately when he saw her wiping stray tears from her face. "What's wrong darling?"

"I miss my kids." Margo confesses. Surprisingly, she had coped with being sent back in time pretty well. Until she put on her coat and found the drawings from her nieces. The look on Bucky's face made her realize she needed to elaborate, something she had been doing a lot lately. "My brother's kids, I mean. They're about as close as I think I'm gonna get to having any."

"And why's that?" Bucky asked in a caring manor. He grabbed her hands and held them in between the two of them, a notion that was supposed to comfort her which only caused her heart to speed up. "No Mr. Larson in the future?" Bucky still didn't believe she was from the future, or that she was an assassin. The girl he found himself quickly falling for seemed to sweet and kind to be a killer. Margo let out a small laugh, raising a hand that was still encased in Bucky's to wipe away a tear. He rested a hand on her cheek, no doubt Margo's face was red.

"Tell me about your kids." Bucky says softly, trying to find anyway to cheer her up. She nodded and lead them into the living room and they both sat on the couch. With their hands still connected, Margo launched into the description of her nieces.

"They're two girls, Bethany and Julia. Beth has fiery red hair like her mother. My brother, his name is Connor, is raising them on his own when I'm not there." Margo said, staring mindlessly off into space as she played with Bucky's hand. The Brooklyn boy was entranced by Margo, everything from her accent to her little hand gestures she made, made him want to keep her talking. Their conversation had moved from Margo to anything that came of mind, both getting to know everything about the other and still craved more information.

There was no denying it, Margo Lynn Larson was officially falling for James Buchanan Barnes. Hard.

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