Chapter 54-One day..

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Kiara's POV.


I let my gaze drift over the Pridelands. Nighttime...Was always so silent. Almost peaceful...

And yet, eerie...

I frowned, looking toward the Outlands.

I hope your safe, little sister..

"Thinking about Kila?"

I turned my head when I heard my brothers voice, and blinked.

"Yeah.." I murmured.

Kion sat down beside me. "I miss her, too."

I looked at him. "I hope she's okay."

Kion didnt answer, he just moved his gaze toward the Outlands. After a few moments, he sighed.

"Im just ready to go in there and get her back."

"The Outlands are dangerous, Kion." I said quietly. "There are mean, vicious lions out there."

Like Zira. I added in my head.

Kion frowned at me. "I know. But im pretty sure I can handle a little danger, sis."

I looked at him. "Your going into the Outlands arent you."

"I dont know. Im still thinking." Kion sighed.

I put a paw around him and pulled him close. "Its okay, Kion." I said softly. "We're going to get her back."

One day.

One day...

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