Chapter 39-Brothers.

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Kion's POV.


"Kopa! Wait for me!" I laughed ahead, shaking out my fur before bounding after my little brother.

"No! Its not my fault your a slow slug." Kopa teased, glancing over his shoulder to smirk at me. I scoffed.

"Yeah? I'll show you slow!" I crowed, picking up speed so that I was racing right beside him. I'd been trying to spend time with each of them, because my little adventure in the Outlands showed me that we only get one life. One chance to be with the people we love. And our lives can change, can end, at any moment...

In the blink of an eye, just a whisper of smoke,
You could lose everything..
The truth is, you never know...

"Kion!" Kopa snapped me out of my thoughts with a yowl as we stopped beside the lake.

"Wh...Yeah, sorry, what Kopa?" I asked, giving him my full attention.

Kopa rolled his eyes. "Honestly. You've been so...I dont even know, lost in your thoughts ever since you got back."

I blinked at him. "Sorry." I said, shaking my head.

Kopa gave me a playful nudge. "Brothers." He joked before turning and leaping into the lake. He stood up and shook his fur out, the water swirling around his legs.

I chuckled. "Wet?"

Kopa smirked, then scooped some water up with a paw and splashed it at me. "Now who's wet?"

Rolling my eyes, I jumped in beside him, creating a huge splash that sprayed us both. "Both of us!"

Kopa laughed. "Correct." He was silent for a moment, then suddenly moved over, pressing against me. "I know I dont say it often, but...I love you, big bro."

I smiled, putting a paw around my little brother in a hug.

"I love you too, little brother."

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