Chapter 33-Lost.

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Kion's POV.


Holding my breath, I gently prodded my broken leg with a paw. Pain lashed through it immediately, and I winced.

At least two days had passed since i'd been stuck in the Outlands, and i'll tell ya, it sucks!

Im never going to get out of here! I thought helplessly, then shook my head. No, I have to stay hopeful.

"Okay," I hissed under my breath, pushing myself up onto three paws. Lifting my broken leg up slightly, I made my way to the exit of the cave and looked around. Despite the searing pain in my leg, I pressed it to the ground.

I have to get home, I thought, determined, and took a few steps forward. I flinched, pain ripping through my leg, but I kept going.

Come on, Kion, your the leader of the Lion Guard! You cant let a little pain stop you! I thought as I walked farther and farther from the cave. Far off, I could see the border, and beyond that, the Pridelands. I wanted to run, just run back home, but I couldnt.

I have to go slowly. I thought, putting my broken leg lightly on the ground. It hurt every time I did that, but the more I did it, the less pain there was.

I can do it. I can do it. I told myself as I came closer to the border. Suddenly I stopped, hearing a familiar voice behind me.

"Where you goin', cub?"

I felt my fur start to bristle. I didnt even turn to see who was there--I knew.

I cant do it.

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