Chapter 27-Outta the way!

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Janja's POV.


"Alright boys. On three." I said.

Cheezi placed a paw on Kion's chest, grinning.

Chungu did the same, cackling softly.

"One," I said, smirking. Kion looked at the three of us, then groaned.

"Two," Cackling, I prepared to push him off the edge. Cheezi and Chungu tensed beside me, eyes wide and glittering. Kion closed his eyes.

"Three!" With that, the three of us pushed, sending Kion rolling down the cliff.

I laughed, watching him crash down to the bottom of the ravine. "Yeah....He's dead."

Chungu was laughing, too. Cheezi snickered.

"Oh, outta the way!" I sang, turning and walking away.

"Outta the way!" Cheezi and Chungu sang, padding after me with huge grins.

"Now we can feast on bird and beast, now he's outta the way!" We all sang, disappearing into the shadows.

Outta the way!

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