Sudden Return...

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-(The Next Day)-

( (Y/N)'s POV )

"Damn it what the hell is taking him so long." Reno growled, as he kicked the wall for the twentieth time.

"Just give him a few minutes-,"

"That's what you said a few minutes ago." Reno growled, as Rude sighed.

Not gonna lie, I also wanted this meeting to end soon. Maybe I could meet Tifa before the end of the day...

"Hello gentlemen." we all turned to see Rufus Shinra and Teseng walk in. We all went on our knees as Rufus walked over to us.

"No need to do that, stand up." we all slowly stood up and kept our eyes on Rufus.

"So then, I'm sure Teseng told you what was going on...and what you were assigned to do." we all nodded.

"I..I have a question sir if you don't mind."

"Of course (Y/N), ask away."

"Avalanche has been around for...awhile I should say. I don't understand why you only now wish for us to pursue and kill them."

" much as I wish to answer that I can't. But there is an interesting reason as to why."

"Understood." I bowed before standing back up again.

"Now then, we have already pin-pointed that the exact place where they're spotted the most is in the slums of Midgard. I wish for each of you to try and explore and find them. No doubt they have already been notified that this was gonna happen, but still that won't stop us. Find them and kill them, that's your orders."

"Yes sir!" we cried.

"Ah, Reno and Rude I wish to have a chat with you real quick first. (Y/N) you may start the investigation now."

I nodded and made my way down the hall, wondering why Reno and Rude had to stay back but not me.

"Hey, if it isn't (Y/N)!" I looked up to see Elena walking towards me.

"Hey Elena, what're you doing here?" Elena, like me, was also a turk. She was probably the only person in Shinra I trusted the most. She mostly works on making sure that civilians are following the laws around the neighborhoods, she also helps with solving murders and thefts that happen around here.

The only time she's ever done an assassination job like me, Reno, and Rude, was when one of us would be unavailable...and that's only ever happened once.

"I got called here the other day, kinda shocked me but not gonna lie I was happy about it. But they didn't give me the details, what about you?"

"Me, Reno, and Rude were given a mission and Rufus was explaining it a little more."

"Rufus?! He came back then..."

"Yeah...well you should get going then. See ya around Elena." I waved goodbye to her as we went in different directions...

-(30 Minutes Later)-

(3rd Person POV)

"HA, that's fucking ridiculous!" Reno cried, glaring at Rufus.

"You have the right to walk out of this room if you want Reno...but if you do I'm gonna have to trust you won't say anything." Reno stared at Rufus for a moment longer before sitting back down on the chair he was provided.

"Why...why do you want to do this Rufus?" Elena asked.

"Yes boss, we understand that he's-,"

"That's not the entire reason. Just because of who he is isn't the whole reason why I want to do this."

"THEN WHY?! EXPLAIN SO THAT WE CAN UNDERSTAND YOU!" Rufus sighed and glanced out to the view of Midgard.

"My father....he doesn't understand what it means to be KIND or LOVED..he won't care anymore what happens to the citizens who live here. I'm sure he has spies for all of you as well, to make sure you do what is right."

"B-But what does that-,"

"If he finds out who HE truly is...he'll die. I don't want I plan on doing this to save his life and all of Midgard."

"Man your stupid, how the hell are we saving the whole damn Midgard by saving only one man?"

"Cause by then he'll figure out our betrayal...and entirely focus his battalions and police to find us. That's when, while out of Midgard, we kill them off one by one without involving the citizens."

"So that's why you want us to find Avalanche members then...for this assignment?"

"But shouldn't (Y/N) know about this...I mean what if he kills one of them."

"I highly doubt he will...have you noticed how he changed?"

"Changed?" Reno and Elena looked at one another wondering what Rufus meant by that.

"I think I understand what you're saying, boss." Reno and Elena turned to Rude wondering how the hell he understood.

"Well then, please explain to these two what I mean then."

"Although he's been living with Aerith and her mother...he still had that aura...that lonely aura. His eyes seemed to always want answers about himself...wanting to know what has happened to his past."

"How the hell do you know about that-,"

"But now he doesn't seem to have the loneliness and emptiness anymore. Almost like he found a light he was missing...and brought it into his life."

"That'" Reno said, trying to hold in his laughter.

"Well he isn't wrong though." Rufus said, as he turned back around at his teammates.

"I have a feeling that light he one of the people we're looking for. I've actually done some research and found something very interesting about our Avalanche group.." Rufus placed a picture he grabbed from his pocket on the table for everyone to see.

"Teseng found this woman multiple times around Aerith's home....after doing research we found out her name is Tifa Lockhart, a member of Avalanche."

"So....she might've just known Aerith.."

"Ah that's where you're wrong, you see she's not one to enjoy turks and Shinra in general considering her history. The battle at Nibelheim, which I'm sure you all know by now, had no survivors from both sides...or so the reports say."

"So....what your saying is..."

"This woman is the sole survivor of the incident. But she has no idea how much power she holds...if she had told anyone about what had happened...the entire Shinra company would collapse and fall."

There was a long silence. Sure they worked there and had promised to do what they were told for the sole purpose of the company..

But they also knew that the company was getting out of hand and that there was a small feeling in them that wanted that...for this company to fall. Rufus then placed another picture on the table which caught everyone's attention..

It was of (Y/N)...hugging Tifa Lockhart..

"The two of them know one another...and that helps my plan even more. So then," Rufus fixed his hair before placing his hands in his pockets.

"Teseng..Reno...Elena...Rude....will you help me out?"


(For those of you who don't know, Elena is actually a turk that was also from FF7, but she wasn't shown in the remake so I didn't know she existed till I searched her up so yay she made it!)

(But yea, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! I'm happy that the book is starting to get +1k views! Have an amazing rest of your guy's day/evening! Bye Bye!)

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