124. silene

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"She's been waiting," Ymir greeted the two of us, leading us down winding garden paths to a space I had yet to explore.

"So? Is it still heavily guarded?" I whispered, leaning closer to Levi.

"She'd be stupid to not prepare for the worst given the way our last meeting went," Levi nodded, glancing around a little. "Wherever they're taking us is a lot less private than that greenhouse."

you're right

"If she suddenly hates me it's all your fault."

"If she suddenly hates you she isn't worth your time," he shrugged.

"Let me attempt to build one positive relationship with a family member."

"What if I want you all to myself?"


"You're gross."

and if that's rlly something you want you should rlly be focusing on firing hanji or something

"I don't like you either."

"We should go home," I grumbled. "Stop saying things about Historia- you're starting to make me feel like something bad is actually going to happen."

it's true that she took notice of me after our relationship but not once did she come to me asking me to use my position for anything

in fact even in the current situation-

she's only taking advantage of current unrest-

"I'm sure she's fine-"

there's a but in that sentence

"Don't look at me like that-"

"Alright," Levi let out a long sigh, "I'll set my judgments aside because you trust her for whatever reason."

would now be a bad time to admit tht part of the reason why i trust her is just bc she's dating ymir ???

"About that-"

"The two of you can stop talking about this right in front of me, we're here." Ymir stopped in her tracks suddenly.

ah .

"Levi you need to get better at whispering," I elbowed him in the side.

let's just ignore the fact tht i also stopped whispering at a certain point

"I'm going to divorce you," Levi teased, frowning down at me.


"I can't believe this-" I gasped, leaning against a nearby tree for support. "Did I hear you correctly?"


"I'm going to divorce you."

"I can't believe you would turn my thing against me."


"Now you know how it feels."


"Are you feeling a little bit more relaxed now?" Levi chuckled, clasping my hands in his.

oh you-

"Did you do that so that I would calm down?"

"We should go meet your sister," he wrapped an arm around my waist, beginning to lead us to the open-air pavilion that Historia was sitting at.

"I'm divorcing you-"

"It doesn't work like that."

it does if i say so

"I wasn't expecting to see the two of you so soon," Historia cut in, glancing between the two of us awkwardly.

i guess things looked worse than i thought they did yesterday

"We made up," I smiled at her, pulling Levi close to my side.

"That's good to hear," she smiled at me, "please, come sit, we have a lot to talk about."

that we do

"I'm not on board with your plan," Levi said matter of factly.

getting right into it

"I gathered that based on the way you left yesterday," Historia nodded, reaching for the teapot to serve all of us. "Seeing as the two of you have made up you must be here to reject my offer."

no not exactly

"Not entirely," I shook my head.

depending on how you react not entirely

"We have a few terms," Levi continued, filling in for me.

you know- this isn't the first time we've built trust and a new relationship off of a contract

"I thought you were going to come back to tell me the worst," Historia visibly relaxed. "If that would comfort you I have no problem with drafting a contract."

thank god

"What did I tell you?"

"You were right," Levi conceded.

as i always am

that is just not true

shut up

"We need a guarantee that you won't expect us to be at your beck and call in the future," I explained, "we want to live away from politics."

i want to invite you to the wedding so please don't have any issues with this

"That's fine, the Ackerman Duchy has always been fairly independent regardless," she paused, "besides, I have enough power myself, I won't need to rely on the two of you once I become Crown Princess."


"Levi? Is there anything else you want to add?"

that's really all it was for me

"I don't like you," Levi said flatly, "but I respect you and my wife seems to like you so I'll get over it."

"I understand."

"It's not her fault we were raised in this environment," I frowned slightly, squeezing Levi's hand. "We can make up for lost time."

"Hopefully we can make this place better in the future, whatever problems you have with me are understandable."

she's a saint

"It would certainly be a feat to change this shithole," Levi chuckled, lightening up again.

"Well, I think if anyone is going to be able to do it, it would be Historia," I chimed in, smiling at her.

i believe in the possibility for change above all else

"I'm sure you could pull it off just as well," Levi murmured.

"If I was queen we would be busy all the time- I enjoy wasting away in bed with you."

"It's reassuring to know that neither of you are thinking about treason."

i mean-

it comes up often

so you wouldn't be wrong-

"I would in your situation," Historia continued, smiling innocently. "I was a bit taken aback yesterday when the two of you didn't jump on the opportunity to take down the first prince and princess."


"This isn't exactly the kind of conversation we should be having in such an open space," Levi came to the rescue.


"You're right," Historia chuckled, "should we go somewhere private? I have some things of my own that you should know."


all my little threads r coming together and it is incredibly exciting

- ami

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