I miss you

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Charles Pov:
I walk into the house tossing my keys on the table. Nick follows behind me. "Are you sure you don't want me to stay for dinner?" He looks worried. "Yeah, you've taken care of me enough today. I just want to rest." I give him a reassuring smile. I'm not lying I do want to rest but I can't help but feel guilty. Ben would never let me go without eating. My head is spinning and I'm caught between two worlds. "Okay" he kicks the ground. "But you text me if you need anything okay?" He walks over wrapping me in a hug. He leans in for a small kiss and I pull away. "I don't want to get you sick" I lie. He chuckles "okay sicky, but as soon as your better I'm getting all the kisses I want." He crosses his arms. He heads towards the door and turns around. "I love you, see you tomorrow?" He beams. "Yeah, love you too" I shut the door behind him. I walk over to the couch plopping down. I turn on a Christmas carol and quickly fall asleep. Knocking on the door wakes me up only a few minutes later. I walk over and open it without looking, expecting Nick to have come back. I open the door and Ben is standing there with a bag in his hand and his backpack. "Hungry?" He smiles.

"What are you doing here?" I struggle to talk. "Are you hungry?" He asks again. "No" I lie looking at the ground. I just don't have the energy to eat. "Well... can I come in and eat then? I would hate for this wonton soup to go to waste." He smirks. "Wonton soup?" I perk up. He pushes past me and walks over to the couch. I lock the door behind him and follow him over. He heads into the kitchen and takes out two bowls and spoons. It's like it's still his house too. He pours me a small portion and himself a bigger bowl. "Here" he slides it over and sits down on the couch. "A Christmas carol?" He giggles. "Man are you predictable" he looks over and smiles. I pick up the bowl and sit back down next to him. "How did you know?" I cough. "We were together for 2 years and I've been in love with you for four. Somethings you just never forget." He shrugs. I've been in love with you for four rings in my ears. I take a bite of the wonton and moan. The hot broth feels good against my throat. Ben looks over smiling. "I knew you were hungry." He smirks. "I wouldn't have ate without you." I answer. "I know, that's why I'm here. I'll always be here for you. I am your fiancé now" he jokes. I roll my eyes but can't help but feel the butterflies dancing in my stomach. This this is what I loved about Ben, his soft side. The side that loves me. I finish my soup and look over at Ben putting my bowl down. "Want the rest?" He hands his bowl out. "I nod my head taking the bowl from him. My hand brushes against his and my heart races. Ben leans in putting his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry your sick" he whispers. "Me too" I choke on my words. "Why are you sorry?" He leans back with his arm laying across the back of the couch. "I Uh don't want to get you sick" I stutter. "Mmm no kissing tonight I guess" he smirks. "I Uh I didn't mean..." I can't find my words. With the butterflies and my heart racing I can't think straight. Do I want to kiss Ben? What about Nick. He reaches over pushing my hair out of my face. "Relax. I know your dating Nick. I would never push you." He giggles. I relax back into the couch nodding my head and taking another bite.

The movie ends and Ben grabs the controller shutting off the tv. "I think it's time for you to go to bed." He looks over at me. I pick up my phone. It's 9pm and I have a text from Nick. I shove my phone back in my pocket ignoring it. "Come on" Ben kneels in front of me. I climb on his back wrapping my legs around his waist. He heads up the stairs and pushes what used to be our door open. He lays me down on the bed. "Here" he hands me ibuprofen. "It will help your throat and your fever." I nod my head sitting up to take it. He turns to leave. "Wait" I grab his wrist. He turns back around. "Stay" I mumble. "What about Nick?" He asks nervously. "We aren't gonna do anything. I just.. I don't want to be alone." He nods his head and I lift the covers for him to slide in. "Why are you here?" I ask laying on my side to look at him. He flips on his side to look at me. "I love you" he locks eyes with me waiting for me to answer . I lay there stunned not knowing what to say. "Why did you want me to stay?" He asks. I shake my head not knowing how to answer. "Okay fine. He huffs. Why didn't you want Nick to stay?" He brushes the hair out of my face. I close my eyes at the question. "I don't know" I breathe. It's the truth. I don't know why I don't want to be around Nick right now. Maybe it's because I don't want him to see me sick, or maybe it's because I don't want to feel guilty right now. I know I shouldn't have asked Ben to stay. He nods his head content with my answer. I yawn and feel Ben place his hand on my forehead. "I think your fever went down." I nod my head and close my eyes. I feel his hand slip down to my cheek rubbing it. "I miss you" he whispers. "I miss you too" I mumble just before falling asleep.

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