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Charlie's Pov:

"DAD, he literally has a boyfriend. You can't just ask him to marry me!" Ben stands up shouting. "Ben, hear your dad out just sit down." His mom motions for him to sit down. He looks at me for confirmation and I nod letting him know it's okay. He sits down crossing his arms. "What do you say Charlie, will you marry my son?" His dad locks eyes with me pleading for the answer he wants to hear. I look over at Ben thinking. "You'd have to come out, are you ready for that?" I whisper in his ear. He looks backed at me shocked. "No, but I could be for you." He whispers back. "But what about Nick?" He questions. "He will understand." I smile. I look over at his dad and back at Ben. "Okay, I'll do it. I'll marry Ben." Tears form is his dads eyes thanking me over and over again. "I'll pay for everything. You just tell me when to write a check." His mom rubs his back and mouths a silent thank you to me. I worry how Nicks going to respond but I push the feeling down. His dad leaves thanking me one more time.

"So..." Ben trails off. "I guess we are engaged now.." a small smile creeps on his face and I can't help but miss him. "Yeah I guess so.." I sit there not knowing what to say next. "What are you going to do about Nick?" He hesitates. "Look I was thinking. We don't actually have to get married. We can go through everything and we just don't sign the papers. We can put a show on for your dad." Silence falls over the room. Ben sits there running his hands through his hair. Finally after what feels like forever he speaks "oh, yeah I mean I guess we don't have to actually get married. He won't be around long and we can just tell my mom we are getting divorced once he passes."

The doorbell rings and Ben jumps up thinking his dad has come back. He answers the door only to see Nick standing in front of him. Nick scoffs and pushes past him. "Char, are you okay it's been hours." He rushes over to me. "Ugh yeah I'm okay." I hesitate. I look over to see Ben smirking. He's going to enjoy this conversation. "Listen Nick, Ben and I need to talk to you." I start softly. "What, why and why Ben too?" He panics looking back at Ben. "Baby, Ben's dad has cancer... he doesn't have long left." "Oh." He softens looking back at Ben. "I'm so sorry dude." He shoots him a small smile and Ben shrugs moving over to sit next to me. "But what does that have to do with you?" Nick pushes. "Surprise! We are engaged!" Ben claps his hands smirking. "Wait what?!?" Nick screams. I nod my head looking at Nick and he slowly sits back down. "How could you do this to me?" Tears form in his eyes. "Nick listen. We aren't actually getting married." I give Ben a little shove. "Yeah" he chimes in. "My dads last dying wish is to see me married and happy. We are going to put on a show and make it seem like we got married." He rolls his eyes, irritation is evident in his voice. "So your telling me your getting fake married for a man who has always hated you both?" His face turns red and butterflies fly around my stomach but not in the familiar way. "He seems to have changed and wants to make up for it. He's dying Nick please you have to understand." I reach over grabbing his hand pleading for him to believe me. "I get where your coming from Char, but look at it from my point of view. You left Ben for me. It's been 3 months and now your fake marrying him while still dating me?" His voice comes out a whine and Ben chuckles. I elbow him to shut up. "I know it's a lot baby. But the man is dying. How could I say no?" I look down pouting. "Like this, No." Nick stands up walking towards the door. "I'm not going to be apart of this Charlie. It's me or him." He closes the door behind him. "Let's just call the whole thing off." Ben throws his arm around me. "My dad has always disappointed me and you for that matter, what difference does it make if we do the same to him." He pulls back shrugging. "I still love you, but I'd never force you to go through with this." He gets up walking towards the door. "I have to be back on base, let me know what you decide." He walks out the door closing it softly. I lay back on the couch and grab a pillow screaming into it. I don't want to lose Nick but when a dying man asks you to do something can anyone really say no? "Ughhhhhhhh" I scream. I lay in silence for a few more moments. I pull out my phone texting Nick.

C: Can I come over?
Oh he put a period and no caps? He's definitely pissed at me. I don't know why I thought he'd go along with it. I mean it's not like we are actually getting married. I throw my shoes on and start heading towards Nicks. I approach the door hesitating to knock but I reach up knocking softly. The door opens a few minutes later and Nick stand there with his arms crossed. Not knowing what to do I shove my hands in my pockets. "I've decided." I blurt out. "That was quick." Panic strikes across his face. "It was an easy decision" I mumble. "Can I come in?" I look down shyly. He stumbles over his words. "Of course char."

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