Chapter 2

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Rhys and Feyre were on a walk by the Sidra when a swirl of beep blue and black opened just above the city of Velaris. And a figure plummeted out of it. A female with a child. They didn't seem to be conscious so Rhys flung his power at them to slow the fall and prevent them from falling to their deaths. Then Rhys and Feyre winnowed to the female.
Rhys, she is human. Feyre said through the mating bond as she noticed the women's rounded ears.
I can see darling. Let's take them to the house of wind and figure out who they are there. Can you take the child?
Feyre nodded and taking the small girl into her arms. But as she did so the girls hair fell from her face revealing her fae heritage. Rhys has already picked up the woman and was about to winnow to the house of wind as Feyre once again spoke to him through the bond;
Rhys, the little girl is fae.
Rhys turned to look at the girl in his mate's arms and his eyes went straight to her pointed ears. High fae. The little girl was high fae.
They are both unconscious we'll have to wait to get the answers. And with that they both winnowed to the house of wind.

They put the woman and her child, by the sent of it, to Feyre's old room and closed the door before making their way down stairs to wait for their family to arrive.
'Do you know what that thing was?' Feyre asked once they sat on the couch.
'No I never saw anything like it.'
'You think some male from the Winter court... that woman is so young, too young to have a child around Nyx's age.'
'Maybe she loved him, you fell in love with a fea while you were still human.'
'Even if she loves that fea she must have been what fifteen, sixteen when her daughters as born that's much too young.'

'She's human?' Asked Cassian.
'Yes.' Feyre answered rolling her eyes at Cassian's dumbfound expression.
'What was a human woman doing with a high fae child? And how the hell did they fall out of whatever that was?' Mor asked.
'We would like to know that too. Along with who they are and what the hell was that thing that they fell out off.' Rhys said and turning his attention to Amren he asked 'any ideas as to what that was?'
Amren frowned but shook her head. She has a few ideas as to what that could have been but all of them seem just as unlikely, though she will have to talk to the girls to know for sure.
Rhys sighed. 'So what should we do with them?'
'I'll talk to them when they wake up and we'll go from there.' Feyre said.
'Why you.' Cass challenged.
'Because one am a female, two am a mother and three I was a human. They will trust me more than anyone else here.'
'Yes but the human woman is in a strange place surrounded by strangers she might need a shoulder to cry on. And who better than a very single and very hot Illyrian.' Cass argued and everyone laughed.
'Based on the ring on her finger and her pregnant stomach I'd say she's not interested.' Rhys responded to his brother's absurdity.
'What about the little girl.' Mor said and despite her best not to show it her family saw the concern and anger, You said she looks about 6 or 7 and that the human woman looks no more than 22 or 23.' She finished and everyone knew what she was asking.
Rhys looked sad as he said 'She might not be the girls mother but judging by their sent they are definitely closely related.'
After a few more moments of silence a small figure came through the garden door with a wide smile on his face. Despite what was just implied Feyre smiled as the boy that the bone carver once showed her came running into her arms.
'I got you a flower mommy!' The little boy said  as he handed Feyre the pink rose.
'What about me.' Rhys demanded doing his best beaten puppy face.
'You get a hug daddy.' The boy said jumping onto his fathers lap and squeezing Rhys's neck.
'Can't...breath...' Rhys said faking suffocation as squeezed his son back.

'Mommy?' Came a little girls voice from a room upstairs.

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