Pairing: Aedion Ashryver x reader
Warning: none
Note: Aedion and the Bane just finished a bloody battle on a beach, Aedion finds a young Fae female watching. But the thing is, he's the only one who can see her. Also, kinda inspired by my vacation.
Requested by: no one
Aedion helped one of his brethren up to his feet, two more quickly took him from Aedion and left. Aedion sighs, gazing out to the vast ocean, his gaze finally landed on a female sitting on a large rock, as if she could tell, she looked directly at Aedion and smiled at him.
Did she see the whole battle? If so, why didn't she help? Is it because she had no weapons? Is it because she had no training? Aedion snapped out of his daze when someone clasped a hand on his shoulder. "What are you looking at?" One of his soldiers asked him. "What? You don't see her?" Aedion replied, gesturing to the female still sitting on the rock. "Um, no," the soldier replied. "Sir, are you all right?" Aedion looked back at the female. "Fine. Just fine."
The Bane stayed at a tavern near the beach, allowing Aedion to walk back to see if the female was still there and she was. He climbed to the top of the rock and sat next to her. "What are you looking at?" He asked her, she said nothing. "Are you looking for something?" Aedion tried again, the female said nothing once again. "Okay, I'll just sit here until you're ready to talk."
Once the sun started to set, the female finally pointed directly where the sun was slowly starting to disappear but said nothing why she was pointing. "What is it? Is there something in that direction?" Aedion frantically asked, the female just pointed at the direction again then someone shouted Aedion's name.
Aedion looked back to see three of his men calling him over. The female gave him a sad face. "I'll come back. I promise," he told her. "I swear to you, I will come back."
The next place the Bane settled down for the next few days, there was another beach. With curiosity, Aedion headed for the beach, and he found her waiting for him. It's like she's attached to him by force. He sat down by her, and when the sun set, she pointed at the direction once again.
"What's so important to you over there?" Aedion quietly asked. "Why show me? Why am I the only one who can see you? Why now and not before?" So many questions yet no answers.
The female watched Aedion leave again and the next time Aedion saw her by a river, she sat where she could see the sun set again. Aedion didn't sit by her since he was helping the Bane set up camp for the night, he looked up when the sun started to set and she pointed at the direction again.
When Aedion arrived in a town, he found a library and decided to do some research for a Fae female pointing at the sunset. He found nothing about it in the books until an elderly Fae female found him trying to look for the exact information.
"Describe the female," the elderly male told Aedion. "H/c h/l hair, e/c eyes, s/c skin, and she wore a white dress," Aedion told the male. "Ah, the long-lost story of Y/n Galathynius," the male said, easing into the armchair he sat in. Judging from Aedion's face, he's never heard of the story but it certainly caught his attention when the male said "Galathynius". "Your mother has never told you this story?" The male asked, all judgy. "No, but I'd like to hear it."
"A very, very long time ago. Brannon had a granddaughter, determined to find a secret Brannon had hidden years ago. She and her mate embarked on this journey with a small fleet to discover the secret her grandfather had hidden only to fail. People say only the people who have a relation to Y/n Galathynius whether it is through blood or a relation to any of her family blood," the male told Aedion. "There are rumors that Y/n Galathynius had discovered the secret but was unable to reveal it because of a nasty storm she and her fleet were caught in."
Aedion found a beach, a few hours out from the town. He stopped his horse then mounted off, he found Y/n waiting for him. "I know the truth of why you're always following me," Aedion told her. "It's because of my relation to Aelin, isn't it?" Y/n faintly smiled at him. "I wish you can tell me what you found," Aedion told her. "I wish you can tell me everything about your journey."
Y/n cupped her hand against his cheek and she finally spoke, "Go to Adarlan. There, you will find the truth. It is not safe for me to tell you now."
Och, I really liked this idea. I really did. I wrote this at 10:36 PM, yeah, I'm not tired yet. Probably because I'm listening to NateWantsToBattle and excited that he's coming to Washington DC for a concert. Okay, fine. I'm obsessed with him, okay? It's not hard not to. I mean, half of my friends are crazily obsessed with BTS and KPop!
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